The Thames Club is an independent, and privately owned, Health Club and Wellbeing Centre. In July, CEO Monthly Magazine Recognised Managing Director, Peter Williams as the 2018 CEO of the Year 2018 for the United Kingdom, as part of our ongoing CE...
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Simon Driscoll Consultancy is a Certified Salesforce Partner established to ensure its customers maximise their Salesforce return on investment. Simon Driscoll was recently selected as Leading Sales Consultancy 2018 in CEO Monthly’s CEO of the Yea...
RAK Ceramics is one of the world’s largest ceramics brands. In August, the firm’s CEO, Abdallah Massaad, was named as the 2018 CEO of the Year for the United Arab Emirates by CEO Monthly Magazine. On the back of this, we spoke to Abdallah who gave...
Established in 2006, Brand Lounge has swiftly settled itself as one of the leading branding consultancy agencies in the Middle East. This success falls on the shoulders of Hasan Fadlallah, who has spear-headed the firm since its inception. In June...
Graceland Fruit has been a leading presence in the dried fruit industry, serving the United States and overseas territories since 1973. In April, CEO Monthly Magazine named Graceland Fruit the Leaders in Food Distribution for the Midwest, in the e...
Nestled in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania’s eastern Allegheny Mountains, American Eagle Paper Mills serves as the lifeblood of the town of Tyrone and its surrounding community. Following their CEO’s success in CEO Monthly’s Global CEO Top 100, ...
Established in 2008, Cavendish Maxwell is a highly-regarded independent firm of surveyors and property consultants, working across the Middle East and Africa. In June, Cavendish Maxwell’s Chief Executive Officer, Nigel Armstrong, was named as the ...
CNS are an entirely UK based company of cyber security specialists, who have been operating within the Public and Private sectors for nearly 20 years, offering advisory, testing and solutions consultancy, meeting multiple standards of accreditatio...
In recent years a new role has emerged in a growing number of businesses: that of the Chief e(X)perience Officer (CXO). Otherwise known as the Customer Experience Director or the Customer Experience Manager (CXM), the CXO has a pivotal position wi...
There’s a discernable difference between being a good leader, and a great one. Great leaders adopt a unique approach to their role and manage to get everyone on board right from the get-go. Which leadership figures spring to mind when we think of ...
Established in 1995 by Mark Lord, Aztec Oils is a distributor of lubricating oils for the automotive and industrial market within South Yorkshire and the East Midlands. In June, CEO Monthly Magazine named Mark as one of our CEOs of the Year for 20...
New research commissioned by communications agency Speed has outlined the perception gap that exists for Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) when looking to engage their CEO. Whilst 95% of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) claim to work effectively with...