Machine Learning

Machine Learning: a Must-Read Introductory Guide for Managers

By Tammy Wood – Director of Global Technical SEO

Having our machines learn for us may still seem like a bit of a novel idea, but in reality, the (smart) robotic revolution has been gaining steam for years. Machine learning (ML) has been transforming companies from the inside out, and its astonishing potential isn’t showing any indication of losing steam. 

How exactly are our learning machines and software able to help us so tremendously and why, as a manager, is it becoming more and more crucial to jump on board? If you’re a bit worried, this doesn’t mean ‘crucial’ in a dystopian future, sci fi movie way. But it does mean ‘crucial’ in a staying-at-the-forefront-of-intelligent-business kind of way. 

This is because machine learning can help businesses interpret and get the most out of their data to drive smarter forward trajectories – from improving your mobile app to increasing business efficiency. It’s probably more appropriate to think of our learning machines as a type of statistics that can keep up with processing huge amounts of small-scale data much better than us human folk can. 

If you and your business want to get the most out of your data, it’s imperative to understand what machine learning is, what it can do, and ways you can maximise its benefits. This introductory guide provides all the information you need to familiarise yourself with machine learning so that it can do the most for your business.


What Is Machine Learning?

Rather than an actual robot, machine learning is better thought of as a specialized tool that can help businesses interpret data and solve problems. At its core, the concept of machine learning is about finding patterns in our data and making predictions about what is more likely to happen in the future. It turns that RPA challenge into real-time solutions and business growth.

But how does it do this? Well, machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence or AI which focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn and make predictions based on this. Although the term ‘prediction’ is much of the time associated with the future, machine learning can also make predictions about things in the present.

Another way to understand how machine learning works is by thinking about how it differs from traditional software solutions. It all comes down to deductive and inductive reasoning:

  • Deduction – the traditional way to think about software solutions, deduction works on the basis of someone first identifying a problem, reasoning a solution, and then coding this solution into software. Deduction can react.
  • Induction – rather than deduction, induction works on the principle of using a machine learning algorithm that automatically discovers rules or patterns by looking at a large sample of data and then applying these patterns to still more data. Induction can predict.


With machine learning, computer systems take all available customer data and utilise it. It operates on what’s been programmed while also adapting and adjusting to new conditions or changes. Algorithms adapt to data to develop behaviours that were not programmed in advance.


How Is It Used in the Real World?

The gravity of what machine learning can accomplish really only becomes clear when you apply it to the world in which we live. So what about real-world examples of this kind of mechanical behaviour? Frankly, these examples crop up wherever you look, from automatic call distribution software to your Insta feed. Some of the most recognizable applications of ML include:

  • Image recognition software like automatic tagging on social media
  • Speech recognition software like voice dialling or appliance control (like Amazon’s Alexa)
  • Predictive analytics like predicting whether a transaction is fraudulent or not
  • Recommendation systems like those on Netflix, YouTube, and Spotify
  • Search engines like Google
  • Social-media feeds like Facebook and Twitter


This special software is gathering as much data as possible, from what genres you like watching to which statuses you are reacting to and using machine learning to make a highly specific, highly educated guess about what you might want next. Using ML to do things like automated testing on software makes way for continuous development once it’s been launched.


Machine Learning Vs Artificial Intelligence

It’s important to note that machine learning and artificial intelligence aren’t interchangeable concepts. In fact, it makes more sense to think of machine learning as a type of AI. While AI refers to the broader idea that machines can execute tasks in a smart way, machine learning is based on the idea that machines should be able to learn and adapt through experience.

Artificial Intelligence can actually be applied to machine learning, deep learning and other software techniques that solve real-world problems. In fact, artificial intelligence contains many subfields, including:

  • Machine learning automates analytical model building to find hidden insights in data without being explicitly programmed where to look or what to conclude.
  • A neural network is a kind of machine learning that mimics the workings of the human brain. It’s a computing system made up of interconnected units (like neurons) that processes information by responding to external inputs, relaying information between each unit.
  • Deep learning uses huge neural networks with many layers of processing units to learn complex patterns in large amounts of data. 
  • Computer vision relies on pattern recognition and deep learning to recognize what’s in a picture or video.


Machine Learning Methods

As you may have gathered, there are all kinds of ways to use machine learning, but generally, these algorithms are categorized as either supervised or unsupervised. Let’s take a closer look at these methods.


Supervised Machine Learning 

With supervised machine learning, algorithms apply things that have been learned to new data using labelled examples to predict future events. Starting from the analysis of a known training dataset, the learning algorithm produces an inferred function to make predictions about the future. 


Unsupervised Machine Learning 

Algorithms indicate when information used to train systems is neither classified nor labelled. It studies how systems can infer a function to describe a hidden structure from unlabeled data. Rather than figuring out the ‘right’ answer, this kind of machine learning explores data and draws inferences from datasets to describe data structures otherwise hidden from view.


Semi-supervised Machine Learning 

Semi-supervised machine learning falls somewhere in between, using both labelled and unlabelled data for training. The systems that use this method are able to considerably improve learning accuracy. Usually, semi-supervised learning is used when the acquired labelled data needs skilled and relevant resources in order to learn.


Reinforcement Machine Learning 

This style of machine learning interacts with its environment by producing actions and discovers errors or rewards. It allows machines and software to automatically determine the ideal behaviour within a specific context in order to maximize its performance. 


Automation: Maximizing Machine Learning’s Potential

The world of machine learning is huge and has massive potential. So what are some ways that your business can start using ML today? It might be easier than you think, and much of this innovation comes from harnessing automation. 

Automation is a real-world application of machine learning and it can help increase efficiency across a business or organisation by eliminating a significant amount of repetitive workplace tasks, reducing hours your employees spend on redundant tasks and helping improve productivity. Here are a few ways that automation is helping businesses.


Automating Customer Services

From automated chatbots to RPA implementation, there are many ways automation is transforming customer service. Having a dedicated automation service to answer, say, frequent customer questions, can shave response times, lower costs you might otherwise spend on hiring more staff, and free up the staff you already have.

Customer service automation also makes for more responsive and reliable standards of service, providing quality over quantity. When the potential for human error is eliminated from some of your customer service functions, customers get the answers they need and businesses don’t end up eventually paying for these humanly mistakes in the long run.


Automating HR Services

From streamlining the hiring and onboarding process to reducing errors and ensuring compliance, machine learning is helping HR functionality in a big way. HR process automation is freeing up human time and collecting, reconciling, and updating data across many different systems while giving HR workers time to advance strategic development.


Automating Sales and Marketing Services

Automation here too gives sales and marketing teams the opportunity to reach more customers and build client relationships by automating time-consuming, manual tasks. Employing sales marketing automation enables companies to automate repetitive tasks like email marketing, social media posting, and ad campaigns. Not only efficient, but it provides a more personalised experience for customers.


Machine Learning: the Bottom Line

Although machine learning has the potential to transform the entire way we think about conducting business, it’s important to remember that machine learning is a tool rather than a solution. It can help you understand your customers better and make smarter decisions with data, sure, but only if there’s a dedicated team behind the scenes.


Most Influential CEO, 2021 – the USA

Alpha-G is fusing generation Alpha and artificial intelligence to form exemplary AI and augmented reality products. Lead by an ambitious and tenacious guiding hand in CEO Sergio Emanuel Cusmai, this company is quickly and efficiently blazing its own trail to the top.

A company specialising in ‘turning virtual into real’, Alpha-G is a company working in augmented and virtual reality solutions with realistic looks for a variety of industries. With clients across a wide cross-section of sectors, its work can be found in telemedicine, education, culture, tourism, and more, and its AI solutions go way beyond chatbots. Furthermore, its telecommunications and teleworking have revolutionised the ‘innovation culture’ of its client’s companies in a world that is becoming increasingly digital. Headed up by leading mind Sergio Emanuel Cusmai, Alpha-G has been the result of years of learning how to lead effectively, and the time and effort he has invested in these skills shows in Alpha-G’s operation from the bottom to the top.

When Sergio first started his career in leadership, he found delegation difficult. For many in leadership positions this is something they can empathise with; when one cares about something deeply, they find it hard to let it go. However, it was a skill that required his attention, and so he honed it carefully, to make Alpha-G a company that works by people being able to delegate work as required, getting the right eyes on the right tasks. Sergio tried many different formulas when crafting the correct one for Alpha-G to use, working with experts and a huge team of developers, setting goals and rewards for good work, and taking feedback in order to adapt to criticism – all of this has resulted in the excellent company that now exists. Sergio champions the idea that to succeed, a person must be given the opportunity to fail and grow from that failure.

Since its humble beginnings in 2019, Alpha-G has come a long way; and still has many more goals that it yet wishes to accomplish under the leadership of Sergio. However, its achievements up to this point should also be celebrated. Working with augmented reality, virtual reality, natural language processing, and ambient data, it developed its Augmented Presence product, its third and most distinctive landmark breakthrough. This is a streaming service that is facilitated by AR – it allows a projection of an individual to be streamed as though they were standing in the room with a client, such as a salesperson, perhaps with a product the client is interested in. This product was successfully tested when a rock band used it to ‘visit’ two lucky fans who won a competition.

It wishes to be an effective business tool to share what it knows, and to help this technology become far more widely accessible, believing that it has numerous and broad applications that have yet to be realised. This begins with its clients. Alpha-G’s clientele are global leaders and often come to it prompted by word of mouth referrals. Due to this, it is currently upgrading its marketing, all staff working tirelessly to push Alpha-G to greater success. With an open culture and holding the principle of curiosity at its heart, the internal environment is exemplary; this allows them to do the best work, even in the crucible of challenge that was Covid-19.

Its staff facilitated Alpha-G’s elegant pivot to telemedicine, taking it to a new level by applying its augmented reality services to the solutions it provided with this pivot, and dedicated to being the company to help companies recover their bottom line by use of its technologies. Sergio is honoured to be surrounded by people who are so motivated and continually prove their work with each project. Moving forward into the rest of the decade, Alpha-G cannot disclose its upcoming work at this time, but Sergio will be working hard to keep his finger on the pulse of his market’s needs to adapt accordingly.

For more information, please contact Sergio Emanuel or visit


Millbrook Healthcare: Supporting the NHS to Support Patients

Run by influential CEO Phillip Campling, Millbrook Healthcare Group reflects on its past operations and the acquisition that changed everything. We caught up with the CEO himself to find out what has made the company pull ahead of the competition so dramatically.

Made up of four companies that provide products and services to support the health and social care infrastructure in the UK, Millbrook Healthcare Group was founded in 1995. Since this beginning, its services have experienced heavy demand, propelling the company into further growth when it became the leading provider of community equipment services, home improvement agency services, wheelchair and mobility aids, and care technology. Its services are used by the NHS and other social care groups, and it has developed a high standard of excellence over the course of working with these bodies. This allows it to ensure it can always respond to the needs of its service users. Millbrook Healthcare is committed to giving such users the support they need to continue living in the comfort of their own home, championing working care into their home life and ensuring it fits the individual instead of moving them away from home care. Its specialisms also include outsourced clinical wheelchair services. One of its acquisitions, Consolor, was bought in 2018 to allow Millbrook Healthcare to provide yet more specialist services; this time seating users who require complex posture support.

Its most recent acquisition, however, was Ross Care. This merger has allowed Millbrook Healthcare’s services to be brought to a wider user base by allowing further expansion into the North of England with wheelchair repair services. All told, the business has an excellent turnover rate that exceeds over £155 million, with a huge team of 1200 colleagues across 45 centres. This impressive expansion has allowed it to improve the quality of home care for many more users, as the decisions of the CEO have aided in further supporting the services that seek to provide this care. Starting out as a family run company in the 1940s, the current CEO Phillip Campling joined Millbrook Healthcare in 2008 as managing director. He aided in the building of the company under the previous owner, Colin Croll, and took over as CEO after Millbrook Healthcare was acquired by Cairngorm Capital in 2019 when the family decided to sell all its shares.

The sale was directly followed by a boom in investment growth for its services and systems; but one of the most notable priorities was Millbrook Healthcare turning its focus towards developing its teams. Further building upon one of its founding pillars, the concept of a good team making a good company, it sought to further encourage the following code: care and respect for colleagues and service users, accountability and pride, a readiness to learn, a dedication to enhancing the lives of others, and a commitment to being socially responsible, ethical, and transparent. In putting significantly more effort into this, it fundamentally strengthened its foundations, allowing it to fortify its position in the industry as its team upskilled and developed. This also facilitated the permeation of its core vision throughout the entire company. Namely, enhancing the health and wellbeing of the communities it serves with empathic, advanced and effective care solutions. Yes, its services are purchased by health and social care bodies, but the most important person in this transaction is the end user receiving the product or service.

When he joined the company, Phillip Campling began setting it on the path to diversifying its services and supply chains. Now, as CEO, he retains his emphasis on ensuring that these are vertically integrated, allowing Millbrook Healthcare to provide competitive services at better value. This internal betterment and development have been continuing throughout the past year even during the pandemic, when it was incredibly busy supporting its service users. During this time, it also helped the NHS in discharging patients thus decreasing the pressure on hospitals. Looking forward to a lucrative future in 2021 and 2022, Phillip Campling forecasts seeing his company grow into further success. Millbrook Healthcare will be looking to grow within its contract markets, expecting a surge in tenders once the dust of the pandemic has settled, and maintaining optimism regarding further new opportunities in e-commerce. To this end, it has been developing a new business to client solution and expanding its care monitoring centre, which was brought online in March of this year. With the support of an incredible team behind him and the ability to work under pressure, the CEO has every faith that he and his colleagues will continue to thrive in their dynamic industry.

For more information, please contact Philip Campling or visit

Work life

National Worklife Week: New Research Reveals Exactly What Employees Want From Their Career

This week (11th – 15th October) marks National Work-life Week – a national event celebrated to raise awareness of workplace wellbeing and work-life balance. 

  • Recent research by Bupa UK has revealed key areas of development employers must focus on to support employee wellbeing in 2021 and beyond.
  • Google searches for negative workplace environments are on the rise – 357% increase in searches for the mental health condition ‘boreout’.
  • Employees are actively searching for career development advice and tips, with a surge in searches for ‘career development plan’ and ‘job progression’.
  • Naomi Humber – Clinical Psychologist and Head of Mental Wellbeing at Bupa UK reveals how to give your career a boost

Employees are turning to Google for advice on coping with negative working environments

New research from Bupa UK found a drop in employee wellbeing and job satisfaction, with 34% of older workers (55-64) finding the workplace less inclusive when working remotely. Similarly, 17% of employees reported longer working hours resulted in a negative impact on their mental health.

Naomi Humber, Clinical Psychologist and Head of Mental Wellbeing at Bupa UK explains, “over the past year we have all faced uncertainty and change in our working lives, so it is no surprise many employees have experienced workplace health conditions such as, boreout, anxiety and presenteeism.

As we look beyond 2021, businesses must make employee wellbeing initiatives a focus. Providing access to health services, promoting work-life balance and career progression opportunities, are all steps employers can take to boost employee wellbeing. As a result, businesses will benefit from a talented, resilient, and motivated workforce.

Negative work environments have a huge impact on employee wellbeing, job satisfaction and engagement. Before addressing factors that contribute to poor working environments, it is first important to understand the signs and symptoms of each condition”.


An analysis into our searching habits on Google found toxic workplace trends are on the rise:

357% increase in Google searches for ‘boreout’:

Boreout is a negative workplace condition you experience when you feel as though your work is repetitive or doesn’t challenge your abilities enough and can often leave you feeling anxious, stressed, or fatigued.

With multiple lockdowns and for some decreased working hours it’s no surprise many employees have experienced boreout over the last year.

180% increase in Google searches for ‘imposter syndrome at work’:

Imposter syndrome is a form of self-doubt. Often those who experience imposter syndrome are high achievers and find it difficult to accept their achievements and praise.

It is normal to experience feelings of self-doubt from time to time, especially when starting a new job or taking on a new responsibility. However, with the increase of remote working, national lockdowns and so much change to our working lives, the pressure to perform I all aspects of life have been amplified. As a result, many UK workers will have experienced imposter syndrome.

89% increase in Google searches for ‘anxiety at work’:

Anxiety is a response to stress, stress and can leave you feeling, unsettled or worried about the future. Work anxiety can be caused by multiple factors such as job insecurity or a high workload.

Over the past year we have all faced uncertainty and change in our working lives, resulting in an increase in those experiencing anxiety in the workplace.

83% increase in Google searches for ‘presenteeism’:

Presenteeism is a workplace phenomenon, where employees continue to work although they may be experiencing poor health. There are lots of things that can cause presenteeism. For example, an employee may not take sick leave as they can’t afford to take the time off work due to illness.

With a global pandemic causing a recession and job insecurity, it’s not surprising that absences for sickness were lower in 2020. However, encouraging them to take the time off to recover when they are ill, results in a healthy, engaged and productive team.


UK employees are actively searching for career development advice and tips

Bupa research also found employees are looking to progress their careers and develop their skill set:

  • 133% increase in Google searches for ‘positive work environment’
  • 60% increase in Google searches for ‘career development plan’
  • 69% increase in Google searches for ‘personal development goals’
  • 55% increase in Google searches for ‘job progression’

Career development supports employee wellbeing, resulting in an engaged and motivated team. Employers should look to coach and develop their team’s skillset, building on each employee’s individual strengths so they can reach their potential.

Naomi Humber, Clinical Psychologist and Head of Mental Wellbeing at Bupa UK, shares how managers can support their team with career development.


1. Check in and provide regular feedback

Talk to your team about their role, find out any areas they enjoy as well as areas they’d like to progress – this will help you to support them in achieving their goals.

Similarly, set time aside for annual and quarterly reviews to help your team visualise their future with your business, as this will ensure your employees stay engaged and feel valued.


2. Share new opportunities

Lead by example and share further learning opportunities with your team. For example, putting a member of your team forward to attend a learning session or industry networking event.

Further learning doesn’t have to be directly linked to your current role and may open you up to new opportunities for career progression and personal growth.


3. Promote workplace wellbeing

When supporting employees with career development it is important to focus on various workplace wellbeing concerns such as boreout and anxiety which may impact on job satisfaction and the success of everyone to reach their potential.

Promote wellbeing initiatives such as work-life balance and access to healthcare to create a positive work environment and reduce the impact of work-related illnesses such as stress and presenteeism.


4. Continue to pursue your own career goals

To be successful in supporting your team with developing their career, continue to set yourself new goals to achieve. Recognising your strengths and achievements and working towards new goals can help to boost your own self confidence. You can do this by, setting time aside to develop your own skillset, as this will help you to grow both professionally and personally.

Global Network

A Helping Hand

With a brand-new CEO at its helm, TaskRabbit, the global service platform, is preparing for the next stage in its evolution, a move which has been accelerated by the global pandemic. We find out more about the role TaskRabbit has played throughout the Covid-19 crisis, and how CEO Ania Smith has begun to make her mark on the international digital enterprise.

TaskRabbit is a dynamic service platform designed to make life easier by connecting users with skilled and reliable ‘Taskers’ from within their local community, who can help them with a myriad of odd-jobs and errands, freeing up the users’ time to be more productive. From minor home repairs and wall mounting to moving furniture and sweeping flats to waiting in queues and rushing passports to the airport to avoid travel crises; TaskRabbit is the ultimate destination for solutions of all shape and size, covering more than fifty categories of tasks.

For Taskers, the TaskRabbit platform opens up a world of opportunity, whether it be for earning extra income or building their own business. The platform’s ease of use and multitude of capabilities means that Taskers can manage the back end of businesses with minimal fuss, allowing them to focus on delivering high quality services in a timely and conscientious manner. The importance of independent contractors in the global economy has never been so clear as it is now during the pandemic, when individuals have relied on those ‘household heroes’ for carrying out essential work such as bringing food and medicine to vulnerable people who can’t leave the house.

As the central ethos of TaskRabbit centres around neighbours helping neighbours and supporting local communities, the platform has developed to support the demand that has seen an accelerated increase owing to the pandemic. As many Taskers began to offer their services for free, TaskRabbit launched its volunteer category in the early stages of the pandemic to enable those who were struggling financially to access the support of their local community. As a result, TaskRabbit has become a more highly valued resource than ever before.

This applies to Taskers too, who are able to create meaningful income on their own terms thanks to the growth of the shared economy and two-sided marketplaces like TaskRabbit. The platform provides the perfect launchpad for entrepreneurs looking to drive innovation in the way they work, benefiting from the flexible working hour model that is unique to TaskRabbit and their ability to take home 100% of their rates and tips, thereby enabling them to increase and strengthen their role as independent contributors to the current and post-pandemic economy.

Taskers and users alike are also able to benefit from TaskRabbit’s strategic partnership with IKEA, enabling access to support for tasks around the home and to opportunities for working on household tasks. The relationship that TaskRabbit has built with IKEA has been fundamental to maintaining a well-funded and healthy business that can endure adversity and crisis and as such, will continue to be prioritised in the ongoing evolution of the platform.

This is just one aspect of the plans for TaskRabbit’s future that CEO Ania Smith has focused her efforts on since being appointed in August 2020. She is also facilitating the continuous development of TaskRabbit from the auction-type platform that it was conceived as in 2014 to what it is today, while simultaneously growing the global reach of the platform. With the launch in Portugal in November 2020 and in Italy in March 2021, Ania has seen TaskRabbit successfully enter its seventh and eighth markets globally, in addition to the US, UK, Canada, France, Spain and Germany.

Ania is at the head of a team of 250 that is dispersed across San Francisco, New York, London and Austin, and is defined by its values that focus on diversity, equality, and inclusion, which has led to the development of a leadership team that is 77% female. Ania’s twenty years of leadership experience have seen her grow to recognise the value of surrounding oneself with a team of experts who can be trusted for their support. As a result, she is a leader with empathy and compassion, who prioritises listening to the different perspectives and experiences of her diverse team in order to generate motivation and inspiration throughout.

Prior to joining TaskRabbit, Ania worked with UberEats and Airbnb, primarily focusing on the supply side of each business and looking after couriers and hosts. She has also managed strategy and growth for other major organisations such as Walmart eCommerce and Expedia, all of which have contributed to a twenty-year career focused on scaling and building multi-sided marketplaces, with a particular interest in enhancing the overall experience for all sides of the marketplace. Thus, as she settles into her new role at the helm of TaskRabbit, Ania is looking to make her own mark on the company by looking in particular at Tasker management and how their experience of the TaskRabbit platform can be optimised. As she does so, with the support of her team, Ania will facilitate the ongoing evolution of TaskRabbit as it plays its part as a vital pillar of communities across the globe.

For more information, please contact Ania Smith or visit


British CEO Secures Swedish Success

When Paul Evans started working for EasyTelecom in November 2016, he couldn’t have known that he would become the company’s CEO the following August. Since his appointment, he has seen the firm through many unique challenges. Now, with the firm on the rise, this British icon of business has been recognised for his success as he is named Most Influential CEO, 2021 – Sweden. We take a closer look to find out more.

The world of telecommunications has been transformed over the last few years, with new technologies playing a key role in its expansion and development. A natural part of this success is down to strong leadership in challenging times and no leader has ensured the success of EasyTelecom like Paul Evans.

When Paul first arrived at EasyTelecom, it was as a project manager, with responsibilities for development and deployment with a focus on timescale/budget. He also planned expansion and entry into new markets both technical and geographic. This growth that he was responsible for in this role saw his instalment as CEO where he has taken these plans and executed them incredibly efficiently.

This achievement was thanks, in no small part, to a background of IT and how best to incorporate that knowledge into the way in which the telecommunications industry is serviced. The last two decades have seen Paul, working for several different European telecom service providers. By working across such a range of different backgrounds, he has been able to combine these experiences to achieve a remarkable success.

The strength of EasyTelecom comes from its ability to work within the telecommunications industry. Paul’s rise to the role of CEO reflects the way in which the company is always looking to the future. No other approach would have allowed the team to foresee developments and trends in quite the same way. Indeed, this approach has ensured that before such developments become commonplace, there is already significant support for such systems built into the very fabric of the services that EasyTelecom offers.

Much of the team’s work revolves around being an enabler and provider for MVNOs, operators and resellers. Historically, much of this work, and most of the firm’s success has revolved around the Swedish market, but under Paul’s purview, the firm has been able to expand its offerings into new and exciting territories with the future success of the company very much focused in this area.

Part of the key to the firm’s success is their approach which embraces the potential of their small, but nimble operation. EasyTelecom was an early entrant into the independent provision of telephony services and found that there was a lot that could not be done by other parties or was cumbersome. The result, therefore, was a decision to build in-house, instead. The team is now proud to say that they have developed and provided numerous systems for the provisioning, routing, and billing services for MVNO’s, resellers and operators in Sweden, Denmark and Australia, as well as strategic partners in amongst others USA, Cyprus, Spain and the UK.

The growth of the firm, therefore, is not dependant on any other operator. Instead, when the team at EasyTelecom see the need to extend their services, they can take the appropriate measures at their own speed.  In enabling as much control as possible over their operation, the team at EasyTelecom have been able to serve their customers to an incredibly high standard. It’s a service that is certain not to be ignored.

The success of this independently minded approach enabled EasyTelecom during 2020 to be providing and supporting the largest independent operators of telephony services across Sweden handling over 18 million minutes of calls a month and in excess of 3000 concurrent calls during peak times.  This impressive achievement is a credit not only to the team, but to the leadership who continue to guide them to greater heights. The decision to always look forward can be seen clearly in how Paul operates, and in the direction that the company has taken. It is consistently bold and ambitious in equal measure.

To ensure that clients can thrive in their unique environments, the team at EasyTelecom have developed a variety of bespoke business models for their services. With a platform that is built specifically on modularisation, it’s easy to enable the services that are required as well as easily implementing the new bespoke modules designed at EasyTelecom to meet customer requirements and market developments. Such an approach ensures success for all parties, as care and attention are applied throughout.

For MVNO partners, there is the obvious selection of services that goes from SIM Card personalisation through rating and billing to financial performance and accounting, but there is also the advanced switching and routing platform that sits quietly in the background. This is key to the enabling of advanced telephony solutions for companies, which includes PBX, call recording, IVR, preferred routing, LCR, fail-back routing, MEX services, conference calls and many more.

The system is carefully kept over a range of strategically selected locations built to function as a singular unit.  Specifically, and deliberately avoiding the clamour for cloud computing is a mainstay of EasyTelecom, maintaining complete control over their systems means they can ensure impressively high service delivery levels which is managed through their own NOC. Because the service that EasyTelecom offers is so broad, they are in demand from start-ups and established firms alike.

Another advantage of the team’s modular approach is their incredible capacity for growth. Instead of having to upgrade the whole system, new modules for specific purposes can be added as and when they are necessary. When businesses move to EasyTelecom, they gain an enormous amount of flexibility in the way they operate. The growth and expansion of a company comes simply as all the functionality is contained within a single system with a single interface. This relative simplicity is indicative of the reason behind the firm’s astonishing success.

When EasyTelecom took on Paul Evans, they could not have known he would be the man to define their future. That said, he has been an incredible force for the company, allowing the team to thrive in uncertain times, pushing them to achieve the truly remarkable. We celebrate his astonishing success, and the success he has brought, and continues to bring to this forward-thinking firm.

For further information, please contact Paul Evans via email at [email protected]

Automation Technology

Championing Accessible Automation Technologies

Working hard to make advanced automation technologies available to all, Mekkanos is a young company that has quickly made an impact on its market. Fuelled by the drive of CEO Sree Ganesh, its work has brought it notoriety as it helps budding businesses get the software they need to succeed.

A business dedicated to helping other companies achieve their best, Mekkanos works hard to give its clients the leg up they need to take their work to the next level. In this way, Mekkanos is modern company with a contemporary vision and a fresh attitude to its work, transforming businesses using intelligent automation technology, creating industry specific software that will provide leadership solutions and streamline processes. It knows that often lack of good internal processes can be a barrier to further growth. In taking this burden off a client by introducing them to new ‘digital workers’ that take care of specific elements of work for them, its clients can focus on achieving the goals that truly matter.

Now more than ever, in a world still suffering from the impacts of a global pandemic, businesses have been forced to reassess internal workflows and operations. Many have had to pivot to fully online remote working, and many more have experienced significant difficulties with the need for increased onboarding of more staff in this new environment. This is where Mekkanos has been able to step up to the plate. A relatively young company, CEO Sree Ganesh started it at the beginning of 2020, and he has worked hard to grow its client list and support as many businesses as possible through this trying time. The business has benefitted massively from the mind behind its creation, as Sree brought with him his previous experience in developing, implementing and adopting new technologies, as well as the knowledge he gained from earning his degree in Engineering.

He has ensured Mekkanos’ core principle has remained the idea of making streamlining technologies more accessible. Many businesses found themselves constrained by the cost of Mekkanos’ competitors services, unable to divert the funds when revenue streams were already suffering, and Mekkanos saw this. In response, its services have been specifically developed to be good value for money and to help the companies that need it the most. Its eventual goal is to make these new and invaluable organisational automation solutions available to all businesses. This will hugely cut down on human error in places where accuracy matters the most, improving productivity and decreasing costs across the board.

Working with several prestigious partners and with a highly skilled team of people behind it, the CEO ensures all of Mekkanos’ solutions are constantly in upgrade and development, making them the best they can be. It is this consistent competitive mindset that sets Mekkanos apart from the rest, showing that value for money does not mean one has to scrimp on quality. This business has grown exponentially since its inception, with a client list that has quickly expanded, and facilitated securing new bases in the USA, UK, and India. Its services have now also expanded to include visual process automation, conversational process automation, and robotic process automation.

Its biggest clients are in the staffing, healthcare, and cosmetics industries, but this list is also growing. Mekkanos’ team is predominantly young talent with big visions, and all hold an ambition which fuels the company in moving forward, a huge part of what has put it on the map. It also shows no signs of stopping as it moves on from here, with big goals coming up on its road to success that it is in prime position to achieve. Working with its major partners, it will be striving to break into the South-East Asian, North American, and European markets next, updating its existing expertise in everything from RPA and AI to ML and Blockchain. It is also working hard on projects that are soon to be unveiled, such as one combining RPA and Data Modelling to create a seamless Data Relations Engine. As it takes its market segment by storm, Mekkanos is expecting a further 100% growth over the next 12 months, excited to see where this will lead it next.

For further information, please contact Sree Ganesh or visit

Bywire News

The World of Tomorrow

Bywire News is a vision of the future for the news industry. It allows readers to see the best of independent news on a single platform. Under the leadership of Michael O’Sullivan, the firm has achieved the remarkable. For his efforts, Mr. O’Sullivan has been recognised as Most Influential CEO, 2021 – Richmond-Upon-Thames, the United Kingdom for his work in this disruptive field. We take a closer look to find out more.

What does it mean to be accountable for your actions? For the team at Bywire News, it means to create space where mistakes and errors can be called out. It means denouncing fake news as opposed to doubling down. It means taking a platform which is often maligned and creating somewhere full of hope for the future.

Bywire News is that future. Today, democracy is at the risk of total collapse as we slip steadily towards a post truth, post fact society. Bywire offers a way around that, with accountability and attribution built into the very fabric of how this new web 3.0 decentralised app, network, and web platform works. The team’s technology is stored on the blockchain, which means it cannot be censored or blocked by hostile corporations and tyrannical governments. The truth will remain available to the public, regardless of the censor.

With big tech, decisions can be made a million miles away, but the work of Bywire is explicitly transparent and democratic. The Bywire network is government by an executive council, which is made up of its publishers and creators. Sitting on the council is by democratic means and is renewed regularly. Readers are invited to participate in as much or as little of the democratic process as they wish.

At the heart of this start-up is Mr. O’Sullivan, a man who has always run his own businesses and gone his own way. An entrepreneurial spirit has always been in his blood and has led him along numerous paths. While a man with a passion for web development and how this medium can be used, he is also incredibly politically active, working for the Labour Party, Vote Leave and being a founder of Labour Future. These two interests, combined, formed the heart of Bywire as an idea – one which could change the world.

Mr. O’Sullivan started Bywire with the idea that the public wants to consume news through media with greater trust. They don’t want news put through a political filter, but presented in a way that is as accurate and non-partisan as possible. Knowing that many are suspicious of models which provide free content in return for data collection, Bywire allows publishers to earn revenue from the Bywire democratic ad-network and the revolutionary micro-payments and reward token systems, build around the unique Bywire crypto token: Wirebit.

As a relatively young CEO, in a new and exciting position of the market, it’s clear that Mr. O’Sullivan’s challenges are going to be unique. Currently, however, it’s the growth of the business that is the biggest difficulty. Expanding at the team’s current rate brings difficulties in the form of scaling issues and urgency, but they are also challenges that are good for any business to have. Currently, the team are exploring options for new investors who share the firm’s strong sense of ethics. Finding the right person is key, and it’s worth taking the time to ensure they’re a good fit to secure the future of the firm.

When we think of news, we think of whether it can be trusted. Mr. O’Sullivan has developed a platform where everyone can trust what is being offered. Using blockchains and cryptocurrencies, he has secured freedom of speech and incredible levels of accountability for all. We celebrate his success and look forward to what the future brings.

For further information, please contact Michael O’Sullivan or visit

Fusion dashboard screen

Next Generation Care

Despite being one of the most important industries in the UK today, the care sector remains one of the slowest to adopt new technology into its administrative operations. Founder of Fusion Care Solutions, Martin Jones, tells us how his company and its innovative cloud-based software is providing a much-needed update to the industry.


When Managing Director Martin Jones established Fusion Care Solutions with the support of four care sector professionals in 2010, it was with a vision to bring the administrative systems of the care sector up to date. Historically, the sector had been slow to adopt new technologies into its operations, favouring paper-based systems that are inefficient and increasingly outdated.


Built on years of experience in the long-term care industries and expertise in the development of care specific software, Fusion Care Solutions is an innovative, user-friendly software designed to enhance administration processes in care homes. The cloud-based software offers end-to-end solutions in a single-entry portal through which teams at residential care homes can manage Staffing, Time and Attendance, Resident and Care Planning, and Task Systems. Since its creation over a decade ago, the Fusion platform has continued to evolve to serve its users as effectively as possible.


Strong client relationships are consequently of paramount importance to the team at Fusion, in order that the consistent development of its software aligns to the needs and demands of its network of care homes. “Our USP is our ability to develop our product quickly to benefit our clients,” states Martin. As such, Fusion has built a reputation for proactive, reliable and friendly customer support that is dedicated to delivering cutting-edge products. “Our clients know we are there to help and assist in training and support in a timely manner when required,” continues Martin. “Given that currently our sales are doubling year on year, we are confident that we are achieving our vision to bring to the sector a quality product enabling our clients to run highly effective, efficient and profitable care-centric businesses with enduring value.”


Martin puts a great deal of that success down to his team. “I can guide and manage but the team has the talent to turn ideas into reality. Many of my staff started working with me over fifteen years ago as young men and women eager to do a great job and they continue to have that work ethic today.


“It’s important to have a good working environment,” he continues. “It’s not all about getting your head down, but also enjoying the company of your colleagues, which I firmly believe improves productivity and quality.” As the leader of his business, Martin believes his primary responsibility is to provide a workplace in which people are happy to come to work. He also finds that he is strongest as a leader when he stays true to himself. “Trying to be the manager you aren’t doesn’t fool anyone. I’ve come across this many times in my career and seen the negative impacts it can have on both staff and managers.”


The last few years have truly shown the strength of the Fusion team, which has overcome great adversity, not least in the form of Covid-19 and its significant impacts on the care industry. However, Fusion’s quick adjustments to deal with data relating to Covid-19 meant that the firm has seen growth in demand, with those care homes that were still reliant on paper-based systems realising they were not equipped to deal with the modern challenges of the care sector.


Fusion has faced other challenges as an SME as well, battling with the influx of larger software companies buying out its competitors and providing them with more funds for marketing. Although Fusion has been approached to sell, Martin made the decision to maintain its position as an SME. “My challenge has been to target the smaller care operators who appreciate our customer-focused offering. This has led to us having a very broad customer base with loyal clients resulting in few customer losses and excellent recurring revenue streams, which in turn increases the value of our business.” As Fusion continues to develop, its focus remains on increasing that value by improving its products with the help of the feedback and regulatory needs of its clients.


Having successfully run businesses for more than thirty years, Martin is beginning to turn his attention to finding someone to take over from him at the helm of Fusion in the near future. The perfect candidate is one who will bring fresh enthusiasm and new ideas to the table, and securing the individual who will confidently lead Fusion into the next generation of care will be Martin’s greatest, but most exciting challenge yet.


For business enquiries, contact Martin Jones from Fusion Care Solutions Ltd at


Nurturing Growth

Acara Bradbury, CEO of AvA-V, is a born leader, who has been in managerial positions since she left school at 16. Today, she is leading AvA-V, client focused business of Cheshire dedicated to unlocking the potential of a business and its people to facilitate productive and sustainable growth. Acara tells us more as she celebrates her recent recognition as the Most Influential CEO 2021 for Cheshire.

For Acara Bradbury, life’s greatest lessons began at the age of just sixteen, when she left school with a handful of GCSEs to take up a full-time career for a Transport and Accommodation company, realising that to truly get the most out of life, she needed to start putting the work in. Her unerring ambition and drive meant that Acara was given complete responsibility in only four weeks, charged with managing employees and clients with professionalism and care. At the age of sixteen, therefore, Acara began a lifelong journey of leadership.

Several years later, Acara met her husband David who, with her support, began his own training business. Twelve months after the company’s inception, Acara joined him to invest herself fully in supporting the growing business that was expanding internationally. As years passed and David and Acara’s family grew with the addition of Ava, so too did their business, which has since been named AvA-V, in part after Acara and David’s beloved daughter. In addition to the training side of the business, AvA-V introduced two additional divisions: strategy and recruitment. As David focused on the training division, he handed the reins as CEO over to Acara, who continues to lead AvA-V today.

AvA-V is a Cheshire-based consultancy that believes in the power and potential of people, and therefore seeks to support organisations in creating a culture in which individuals thrive so that teams can flourish in order to generate sustainable and successful business growth. Across its three divisions- Training, Strategy and Recruitment – AvA-V delivers bespoke solutions curated by a global team of experts dedicated to ensuring returns on investments for clients.

Within the Training division, AvA-V offers a range of courses and programmes that can be delivered virtually or in person to enhance the skillset of individuals and teams. The firm’s V Range Solutions offer a choice of programmes that clients are able to choose from and which form the foundations for tailored training sessions within a range of fields, including sales, customer service, and leadership.

In Recruitment, AvA-V is committed to getting to know a business profoundly on every level, so that it can find the right employees to support it in driving forward towards its mission in line with its values. Once it has secured the right individuals, AvA-V is able to offer its extensive training resources to enable a smooth integration for new hires and their employers that will become a launchpad for successful progression.

Finally, AvA-V’s Strategy division focuses on providing experienced leadership – or the ‘V-Team’ – to organisations across the globe to work with CEOs and Senior Management teams to develop and enhance their performance. The V-Team adheres to the AvA-V Formation, a philosophy that exists at the heart of the company and is influenced by the V formation in which geese fly.

The team consists of experts who ‘fly’ behind the client, bringing their unique expertise to the table to support the client in a strategic process that coincides with the work of others in the team to generate comprehensive, bespoke solutions. Having worked with companies like Stanley Black & Decker, Seven Brothers Brewery, Micro Focus, Totally Wicked and Henry Schein, across a myriad of industries, AvA-V knows that one size does not fit all when it comes to business solutions, and its AvA-V Formation has been meticulously designed accordingly.

As a company that operates all around the world, AvA-V has inevitably been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, predominantly owing to the fact its team is no longer able to travel around the world to meet clients. The result, however, is a business that is much more efficient, utilising digital platforms to communicate with clients in a way that is easier and less time-consuming, and has paved the way for other process to be digitised too, such as recruitment fairs and assessment centres. Activity has therefore remained consistent for AvA-V and enabled it to continue moving towards its objectives for growth and development. For Acara, this has predominantly been facilitated by her team.

It has taken many years of development for Acara to be in a position in which she wholly trusts her team to have autonomy and the freedom to make mistakes, recognising that by doing so, they as a united organisation grow to be a stronger entity. This is a skill that has been acquired through years of leadership and one that she continues to develop alongside other capabilities, including juggling motherhood with management.

However, with the support of David and her team and her own unwavering drive and ambition, Acara is triumphing in her many responsibilities, developing as a leader and growing her business simultaneously. In doing so, she aims to nurture and inspire the next generation of young leaders throughout her community, empowering women of all ages as they take on the world of business.

For further information, please contact Acara Bradbury or visit

Female Leaders

How Can We Create More Leadership Opportunities for Women?

Female representation on company boards is improving, but there is still a way to go before equal representation is achieved.

According to Catalyst, the global non-profit dedicated to creating workplaces that support women, only 26.1% of US companies had a female directorship. Meanwhile, most companies had at least some female representation on their boards, but over half of the companies only had 1–2% of their board represented by women.

The organization argues that for businesses to see the benefits of a diverse board, at least three members should be women. So how can you increase female representation at the highest level in your business?

Here, we’ll discuss some measures you can take to improve your business’ diversity and offer leadership opportunities to the women in your business.


Promote internally

When it comes to senior hires, many businesses will look outwardly and choose a candidate with experience at the required level. But you could be missing a trick there. Internal hires offer many benefits, and one of the biggest is that they know your company inside out. While they’ll benefit from some support as they transition into a more senior position, they won’t need training on your company policies, goals, or systems.

This will be especially helpful when it comes to increasing your female leadership representation because the pool of external candidates will likely be male-dominated. Considering candidates with the right expertise instead of prioritizing those with board experience will help – your female customer services manager will likely have more of the right knowledge to become your global customer services director instead of another director-level hire with limited experience in this area.

Women get promoted within their companies at a lower rate than men. Supporting the women in your business into more senior roles will show your staff members that you’re committed to gender equality in the workplace.


Take part in leadership training programs

Because the existing pool of directorate and board-level candidates is still made up of mostly men, women are finding it hard to break through the glass ceiling and achieve a leadership role without experience. As well as tapping into your existing employee base when looking at high-level hires, you can offer leadership training programs that will equip your employees with the extra skills and knowledge they need to be successful at the top of your company.

Offering these programs is not only a great way to increase diversity at the top of your business, but it can also act as a great hiring tactic. If your potential new employees know that there are progression opportunities at your business alongside training to help them get there, your business will be a much more attractive place to work.


Tap into existing networks

Catalyst is one of many organizations that aims to help women in the workplace. There are a number of membership networks that you could tap into not only to seek out top female talent but also to help your female employees progress in their careers.

The American Business Women’s Association offers educational and networking opportunities that allow women to grow personally and professionally. Its goal is to prepare women for leadership positions, and it partners with general leadership groups to offer specific opportunities for women. Partnering with an organization like this can complement your leadership training to offer a rounded experience for your female employees with leadership ambitions.

The women-led company Seramount has been carrying out research since 1979 with the aim of advancing diversity in the workplace. It has a strong focus on gender diversity and each year publishes a list of the best companies for women in the US to work at. It partners with businesses to help them improve their diversity and equality through developing tailored programs.


Female representation at the executive and board levels is improving in the US, but we still haven’t reached a state of gender equality in the workplace. By implementing these tips, you can improve your board diversity while offering leadership opportunities to your existing female employees.


One Step Ahead of Innovation

The hospitality industry has experienced a strange and transformative period since early 2020, with the repercussions set to alter operations within for good. As Jason Jefferys celebrates recognition as the Most Influential CEO 2021 of London, UK, he tells us about how he and his team at POS8 have brought his vision of reimagined mobile order and payment systems in hospitality and entertainment to life through FETCH.

Created by POS8, a UK based developer of ready-made interactive leisure and entertainment software, FETCH is the new mobile order and payment system that has been reimagined to give users a simple, efficient and contactless way to take orders and view vital customer insights in real time. Serving SMEs and franchises throughout the hospitality industry, FETCH is unmatched in its industry for its extensive capabilities that mean instant ordering powered by AppClips and Instant Apps is possible without needing to download an app or scan a QR code. Restaurants, bars, hotels, cafes, and even sport stadiums and events are now benefiting from the convenience of FETCH for both staff and customers.

The customisable app is easy to set up and use, and is suitable for use on smartphones, tablets, or a venue’s existing POS to receive orders. Users need only upload their menu, prices, timed offers and order prep times, and visitors have easy access to all the information and services they need on their own phone. However, while mobile order and payment systems are by no means a concept unique to POS8, FETCH is unique in its proprietary location technology that enables users to pinpoint guest’s location to an accuracy of 10cm. The advantages to this are numerous, not least because it eliminates the need for table numbers, thereby making the process of ordering even easier.

With constant innovation fuelling the development of FETCH, POS8 is set to fulfil its ambition of creating the leading on-premise mobile order and payment solution in the industry. It is Jason Jefferys, Co-Founder and CEO of POS8, who is responsible for this vision and the motivation of the POS8 team to pursue that ambition. Having worked with web and software application development since 1997, Jason is well-seasoned in his field and therefore well-placed to promote the budding start-up as it establishes itself in both the web development and hospitality industries. However, Jason recognises that it is his team who makes the realisation of his vision possible.

“Our staff play the most important part in the success of the business,” he tells us. “Our internal culture is to do whatever it takes to get the job done and there’s always a solution to any problem. We have tremendous support for each other and always try to communicate well.”

He continues, “I like to empower my team to reach their objectives and try and support them as much as I can. Over the years I have realised that you have to let people fail and not to be afraid to do so. Failure gives us valuable lessons and without failure you are not taking risks.”

The Covid-19 pandemic has had an equal mix of positive and negative impacts on FETCH, which has seen POS8 working at full capacity to continue on its upwards trajectory. While social distancing measures and hygiene protocols have accelerated the adoption of mobile order and payment solutions, the financial and social implications of the pandemic have meant that selling to hospitality venues that have been closed or do not have the means to invest in new tech has been difficult. As a result, POS8 introduced a business model in which its systems were provided in full for no cost, but with only a small transaction fee for all orders that go through FETCH.

As a start-up operating in an already trying period with ambitions for growth that are limited by business resources, it is smart and effective decisions such as these made by Jason and his team which are instrumental to the success of concepts like FETCH. Creative and efficient solutions mean that spending millions on development and advertising in the early stages of a launch is not necessary, saving energy and funds that can be invested into sustainable growth.

As such, 2021 is set to be an exciting year for POS8 as it looks to its product roadmap and rolls out its patent pending location technology. In the meantime, FETCH will be installed in several sports stadiums and hotels, entering new verticals alongside the core restaurants, bars and cafes that the firm has worked with up until this point. On a personal level, Jason feels optimistic about the future: “I’m excited to be leading a talented team and plan to scale the business exponentially over the next few years. I think it’s going to be a very exciting journey.”

For further information, please contact Jason Jefferys or visit