Issue 8 2017

This months issue is packed out with the latest news and updates from across the globe. We sat down with Omar Hammoud to discuss APG-Neuros in more detail.

Issue 8 2017

Welcome to the August issue of CEO Monthly Magazine

This months issue is packed out with the latest news and updates from across the globe, spanning every major industry and sector.

With a vision to become the world leader in the development and commercialisation of high efficiency turbo-machinery, Omar Hammoud, founder of APG-Neuros is blowing away the competition having recently been awarded the title Best Turbo Blower Manufacturer CEO – North America. We sat down with Omar Hammoud to discuss APG-Neuros in more detail.

Established in 1954, Maroba is an old maternity cottage situated in the heart of Mayfield, offering 10 rooms for elderly widows. Selected in the 2017 Global CEO Top 100 Award, Viv Allanson discusses with us the facility and also her recent success.

Continuing the theme of success, on the 14th August, Crown Bioscience announced its results for the second quarter ending June 30, 2017. The results showed a strong revenue and profit growth for the development services company.

I truly hope you enjoy reading this thrilling edition.

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