Issue 10 2019

It takes no small amount of innovation, graft and creativity to become a business leader in your industry of choice. This month we have chosen to spotlight three - OXIS Energy, MBC Group and Harkness Screens – who act as inspirational presences in...

Issue 10 2019

Welcome to the tenth issue of CEO Monthly for 2019. As always, every month we endeavour to provide our readers with the latest news and updates from all corners of the business world.

It takes no small amount of innovation, graft and creativity to become a business leader in your industry of choice. This month we have chosen to spotlight three – OXIS Energy, MBC Group and Harkness Screens – who act as inspirational presences in their chosen industries. From next generation energy solutions, to a media leviathan, to the world’s leading manufacturer of cinema screens, true excellence can be seen across the breadth of the global business landscape.

On the cover of this month’s issue is OXIS Energy who are leading the charge when it comes to next-generation Lithium-Sulfur battery technology. CEO Monthly spoke to OXIS Energy’s CEO, Huw Hampson-Jones, to find out more about their plans for the future and how they aim to forever change the expansive and ever-developing energy arena.

Similarly, as the largest -and leading- media company in the Middle East and North African region, MBC Group has had to become almost chameleonic (and endlessly creative) when it comes to fulfilling the needs of its 150 million-strong viewership. Here CEO Sam Barnett discusses how he has secured the group’s meteoric rise over the last two decades.

Finally, we turn to Harkness Screens and CEO Mark Ashcroft. As the world’s leading screen technology company, they have forged an indelible and impressive reputation in the larger entrainment and technology sectors, with few able to match their innovation-first ethos. Mark talks us through some of the firm’s most notable achievements.

All of the team here at CEO Monthly hope you enjoy this month’s issue. As always, we look forward to hearing from you soon.

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