Issue 11 2023
Welcome to the November 2023 issue of CEO Monthly.
As always, CEO Monthly is dedicated to providing the latest news and features across the business world to our readership. By sharing knowledge, insights, expertise, and success stories from around the globe, we aim to inspire individuals and promote positivity in a world that is in a constant state of evolution.
From tourism marketing to branding, virtual care to medical aesthetics, precious metals to home improvement, cybersecurity to market research and intelligence, this issue is jam-packed with award-winning CEOs hailing from an array of industries, and they are ready to share their extraordinary stories with you. 2023 is panning out to be prosperous year for these CEOs, as they continue to lead their businesses with grace and take challenges on with resilience, the passion for what they do always shining through.
One such CEO is our cover feature, Timothy M. Smith, from Continuum Wealth Advisors (Continuum), whom we are celebrating as our Most Influential Investment Management CEO 2023 – New York. With more than three decades of experience behind him, Tim’s knowledge and expertise is vast – so there isn’t much that he hasn’t seen in the industry! He uses this to lead on Continuum’s strategic vision, whilst also fulfilling the role of lead advisor, always focusing on what matters most to each and every client.
I hope you find this issue to be insightful and inspiring, and wish you a wonderful month ahead. In the meantime, I look forward to welcoming you back again soon for our final issue of the year.

Each issue brings you the most current trends and success stories.
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