As always, CEO Monthly is dedicated to providing the latest news and features across the business world to our readership. By sharing knowledge, insights, expertise, and success stories from around the globe, we aim to inspire individuals and promote positivity in a world that is in a constant state of evolution.
Eight months into 2023 and the role of CEO remains as busy and as challenging as ever, with there being an ever-increasing need to stay competitive.
We take the time to celebrate those visionary leaders for whom that is not an option, who are agile and flexible, and who are devoted to doing whatever it takes to ensure their companies and industries keep flourishing.
An example of such a CEO is our front cover feature, Shonela Grabowski from Salesation Consulting GmbH. We get to know Shonela and how she and her team of experts help clients build a strong sales force in order to scale and succeed. As an outstanding CEO, Shonela has driven Salesation to incredible heights with her belief in never standing still or staying in one’s comfort zone.
I hope you find each of the stories in this issue to be inspiring and wish you a prosperous month ahead.