CEO Monthly August 2017

8 CEO MONTHLY / AUGUST 2017 , Maroba was established in 1954 in an oldmaternity cottage inMayfield offering 10 rooms for elderly widows and spinsters. We spoke to Viv Allanson to discuss the facility and also talk to her about winning the 2017 Global CEO Top 100 Award. A Story of Continuing Success In 1960, a parcel of land was granted in Waratah, to Maroba. The venue has grown from its initial 10 beds to 155 aged care beds and 23 retirement Villas, all of which provide accommodation and care for seniors from all walks of life. Maroba continues to be operated by the Islington Baptist Church, proudly maintaining its independence as a truly local service and local employer. Viv discusses her previous experience and explains how she came to the position of CEO at Maroba. “In 2000, I was promoted from the Executive Director of Nursing position to the position of CEO of Maroba. Whilst beginning a successful career in the Public Health sector in 1975, I have not looked back since making the move to Aged Care in 1992. “Bringing my nursing experience to the role has enabled me to maintain my focus on the clinical and care issues, whilst progressing Maroba’s business performance. The focus now is to diversify the range of accommodation and services provided by Maroba to ensure it continues to be a relevant and dynamic organisation. I was elected to the Aged and Community Services Association of NSW & ACT board of directors in 2007 and have served as President since 2012. I am also engaged in international Aged Care initiatives and have served on the Global Ageing Network Board since 2013. 45 years of Health and Aged Care experience informs my everyday decision making no matter how insignificant or how grand those decisions may be.” Discussing her leadership style, Viv talks to us about how she ensures everyone in the organization understands her vision and together they work to achieve the same goals. “Connectedness is a driver for me as I see the world as one big connected family with each person playing a part in the success and life outcomes of others. My personal approach is to always work as a team so that we all look good at whatever it is we do. I lend myself to individuals, organizations and to causes as I cannot ignore the call of humanity and am fully persuaded that I can make a difference one person at a time and one day at a time. “Courage in the face of opposition and emergency situations has served me well and ignited the strength of the people around me who may otherwise, be paralyzed with fear or lack of self confidence in those challenging situations.” Viv discusses being open with everyone she meets, being passionate and how the success of the team is vital to her. “Fundamentally, I wear my heart on my sleeve so no one has to second guess me. My team have come to rely on that transparency and honesty, speaking the truth in love does win others over. “Having the attitude and demeanor of a servant leader has led to continuous success and I do not just mean personal or organizational success. It is the success of our team and those in our care that shines through. Leading by example, Viv believes that if she leads then people will follow and this is the most effective way to teach staff the values and processes. “Walking the walk and telling stories has been a positive and strategic way to share the vision and embed the values and culture within Maroba. No one has ever asked to sign up to the strategic plan or business plan, however almost everyone I engage with at Maroba want to sign up to the Dream.” Regarding the future, Viv discusses her own career aspirations, noting how she is still enjoying working at Maroba. She wants to pass down her wisdom and knowledge and encourage the staff into leadership themselves, something which she will consider a success. “Ulitmately, I am often asked by my peers what my future plans are and what will be the next part of my journey. Suffice to say I am still having fun within the context of Maroba, and the external organizations where I hold Director roles, yet I am acutely aware that my contribution to my current organization does have a use by date and with that in mind, after 23yrs I have allowed myself to dream of that moment when I 1708CE01 do grow up and it is time to move on. “At 59, I still have an overflow that is impossible to switch off and I still have a passion for people, especially those desiring the honor of a leadership role. I take great joy in building leaders and releasing them. Therefore, I plan one day to make that a primary focus along with sharing the wisdom I have gathered over my lifetime in relation to Health and Aged Care, the built environment, sustainability and issues that affect the organization as a whole.” Company: Maroba Contact: Viv Allanson Contact Email: [email protected] Address: 58 Edith Street, Waratah NSW 2298, Australia Phone: 61 2 4935 0300 Website: