CEO Monthly December 2017

CEO MONTHLY / DECEMBER 2017 11 Conscientia: A True Reflection of Talent Company: Conscientia Corporation Contact: Bethany Plaza Contact Email: [email protected] Address: 1490 S. Price Road, Suite 118, Chandler, Arizona, 85286, USA Phone: 001 480 626 0063 Website: g all a big family, we keep each other accountable and don’t accept excuses. At its core, the corporate culture at Conscientia is rooted in its corporate values, with the first being that we believe our clients deserve a partner who takes initiative and responsibility, and we deliver on both. Success takes more than knowledge, and this is a widespread belief throughout staff. If years in the industry and hundreds of projects completed taught us anything, it’s that managing both technology and people takes more than book smarts – it takes instinct and practice. We rely on more than resumes to source the right talent, and on more than data to help clients overcome business challenges. Our past successes empower us to take pride in our common sense and intuition. “Additionally, we believe in resolving concerns before they become problems. We work hard to communicate regularly and offer responsive and efficient 24/7 support, and lastly, we stand against sloppy industry practices and take ethics seriously. We know that our commitment to our clients reflects not only on our company but on our clients’ businesses as well.” Boasting a wealth of experience, Bethany speaks to us about what advice she would give to someone looking to make a success which is similar to her own. She signs off by actively encouraging people to get out into the corporate world, as getting to know people is the key to success. “Ultimately, to succeed, people must be prepared to fail, a lot and be humble enough to learn from their mistakes and others. Learn to say no, a lot of people will be looking for clients to say yes to everything. As a business owner, a person will be constantly approached by people because everyone automatically thinks they have money and that they owe them a job. I had to learn to hire for quality and need as opposed to hiring to do someone a favour. “Finally, the demands of a business owner are many and can be overwhelming and varied. Each day, start your day with quiet time for yourself and spend it reading positive and motivational material. Plan your day with your list of ‘to-do’ items – but make sure to highlight the top three items that are critical and get those done first. Remember to focus on what is closest to the money. Do not be afraid to delegate tasks. “One of the biggest keys to my success has been networking and putting myself out there to give back to the community. Laugh, a lot. Go make friends everywhere you go, business and success become a by- product.”