2021 Chairperson Awards
6 CEO MONTHLY / CHAIRPERSON AWARDS 2021 , a specific course of action, a client can therefore trust that in his expert opinion, that is the best path he foresees towards succeeding in their goals. Moreover, he will only ever act on matters in which he has the utmost appropriate expertise. Disinterested in letting pride guide any part of his operation, he instead works by putting the cases in the hands of the best experts available, and if that is Graham and his team, he will work with diligence and tenacity to see it through to the best of his ability every time. This has created a culture of reliability and oversight amongst himself and his staff, as each person within Chase & Partners knows where the specialties of themselves and their fellow team members lie, able to put certain tasks in the best hands. Its clients directly benefit from this way of working as they can always rest assured that Chase & Partners, should they take a job on, are confident that they are the best solution on the market to help the customer reach their goals. Every instruction, every direction, and every request that comes from the clients Chase & Partners take on will be taken as a task of the utmost importance until it is resolved. This, another exemplary element of the operational model within this company, grants a client peace of mind that no matter their comment, query, concern, or request, Graham and his firm will always make it their top priority, and began resolving the instructions given right away to achieve the best results possible in the promptest manner. Furthermore, Graham and his staff liaise directly with clients wherever possible. In keeping the communication open and direct with his customers, Graham can ensure that not only is he getting to know them, but that the client feels totally supported and encouraged throughout their case and always knows where to turn should they need to. This has resulted in exemplary long- term partnerships between Graham and his clients past and present, many of whom go on to recommend Chase & Partners to peers and colleagues after partaking in the comprehensive excellence they are offered. In tandem with all of these elements, Graham finds it incredibly important that this communication is also kept constant within his own ranks. Ensuring that his staff can maintain open, professional, and efficient dialogue across departments and case-loads means that the clients receives a seamless experience from a company whose staff know exactly where everything is that they might need at any one time. It also directly benefits the staff, allowing them to operate in a working environment that makes like as easy as possible for them to carry out the best work they can achieve, supported by well- thought-out due process and an attentive leader. Graham, the leader in question, also liaises with his practice manager in order to ensure that Chase & Partners is running as smoothly as it can. Alongside this emphasis on communication is another principle that it goes hand in hand with: transparency. Across the board within Chase & Partners, Graham and his team focus on making sure that information on the processes in place and the plans in motion regarding a case are available to all who may need it – including the client – increasing the trust that its market segment can put in its work as it will never hide elements of a case behind red tape. The client will always be made aware of the strategy to be adopted, the timelines, and the most likely or potential outcome. Graham also encourages his staff to keep themselves as flexible as possible, as due to working in such a dynamic and diverse industry, circumstances can change quickly and without warning, necessitating adaptation on a case-by-case basis that the staff handle with excellence and sophistication. As long as the client is continually being served to the best of Chase & Partners ability, Graham gives his staff the freedom needed to be able to find clever problem-solving methods and to apply their own education, intelligence, and diligence to a task in order to see it through. Graham also knows that the Government has a limited understanding of the property market. Despite land property and construction contributing 15% of the UK’s GDP, those in power show very little comprehension of what this means, and this combined with the issues of the pandemic have made for significant issues for the property market in terms of both investor media and factor of production. At present, therefore, Graham is using his capacity as an accredited member of the RICS to inform the Government of current market conditions and what they mean for the future of Britain’s property market, a heavily important role to take on. In this way, it is easy to see how the previous few years of operation have been critically busy for Graham and Chase & Partners. In attempting to demonstrate that the landlord and property ownership industry is just as much a business as commercial property occupation enterprises, Graham hopes to continue his current good work in shaping the country’s views of commercial property and the professionals therein. Moreover, Graham’s leadership style will continue to be one of leading by example as a result, ensuring that Chase & Partners operates by way of appropriate delegation and the transfer of responsibility to those who are the most appropriate for the role. Ready to support and jump into the fray where needed, Graham’s carefully curated team know they can always turn to him for advice and help. Therefore, he finds it incredibly important that he is always available to throw his team this lifeline, and makes it clear to new hires that they may ask for this additional support at any point, prioritising their mental health and wellbeing. This has been especially pivotal during the tumult of the pandemic, with a general lack of understanding and inappropriate taxation of property as well as other issues rearing their heads. Fundamentally, Chase & Partners has been circling the wagons in order to cope with this, striving to secure the success and happiness of its clients and staff in order to continue maintaining the existing profile of both Graham and the company at large. Company: Chase & Partners LLP Contact: Graham Chase Web Address: http://www.chaseandpartners.co.uk/ team of employees, alongside the support of consulting professionals. In this manner, Graham has been able to continue his own excellence within the field and is able to trust that Chase & Partners will be ticking over alongside his own development, with each member of his team being a highly trusted individual in both their customer service skills and their knowledge of their job role. Moreover, during the past 20 years or so, Graham has on several occasions been called upon to act as an expert witness. This has allowed him to further development the vast range of professional competencies below his own belt, accruing many cases worth of experience when handling evidence in the High Court, Upper Tier Tribunal (Lands) and planning public inquiries, all in his capacity as an expert. He now sits as both an arbitrator and independent expert to award and determine his decisions on major commercial and residential property disputes, as well as continuing to undertake a wide range of work in consultancy, agency, investment, and development activities. Graham’s own approach as a professional, therefore, has been pivotal in setting up how Chase& Partners LLP as a company operate. His professionalism, diligence, and hard work have inspired how the business works from top to bottom, and it is in his stead that his staff follow, serving the clients that walk through its doors with the same level of excellence in order to ensure that they can walk out satisfied. In essence, he funnels significant effort into truly understanding the client, their needs, and their goals; by doing this, he can ensure that every activity he undertakes will be in their best interest, and he only works on those cases where he feels he can add value. Putting the client first every time – Chase & Partners is uninterested in upselling services simply for the sake of it – Graham has cultivated an atmosphere in which the customer’s individual factors and variables are considered. He and his staff will always put their interests and assets at the fore of their operation in this manner, and when Graham recommends
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