About the Chairperson Awards introduction Introduction Introduction Following a tremendously successful inaugural year CEO Monthly is delighted to once again open submissions for the 2nd annual Chairperson Awards! Devoted exclusively to rewarding the very best Chairpeople from across the globe, the Chairperson Awards 2022 aims to secure well-deserved recognition for participants and their corporation, applying our tried-and-tested process to select only the most deserving! In recent years the roles and responsibilities of a Chairperson have evolved. An effective Chairperson is expected to be fully equipped with skills ranging from clear communication and a solid knowledge of their business, to providing all Board members with a voice. However, a successful Chairperson is able to inspire strong relationships founded on trust and confidence, and to drive forward the company’s climate and diversity commitments with proactive and thoughtful direction. Now more than ever assertive investors and stakeholders are willing to vote for change, and such increased scrutiny on the Board has brought about enhanced effectiveness on equity, diversity, and inclusivity, and in particular has raised the stakes on climate disclosure and action. The bar is higher than ever, and we are here to spotlight the cream of the crop! Complimentary Package (free): Entry into the Chairperson Awards 2022 Directory Access to & use of the official press release