Package Examples Female CEO of the Year Awards 2023
About Us Introduction CEO Monthly is happy to announce the return of the Female CEO of the Year Awards. Following a successful launch in 2022, this highly anticipated awards programme spotlights the best in Female CEO leadership. 2023 is a landmark year where for the first time more than 10% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are women. Progress is happening within the leadership structure for gender equality. Some industries have this equality to a greater extent, but these figures prove that C-Suite leadership is transforming. Now is the perfect time to celebrate these individuals. Recognition in an international awards programme is a fantastic method to showcase the many successes of the Female CEO. Worldwide, there is an imbalance in the number of Female CEOs. Often overlooked for leadership roles, women face many challenges before they are promoted to the CEO position. Gender stereotypes are but a few hurdles the Female CEO must overcome. Attitudes towards women and female leadership also prevent women from taking a C-Suite role. These opinions have been changing over recent years, but experts agree that there is still work needed in this area. A Female CEO over her career has experienced and overcome many different challenges than her male counterpart. Rewarding these hardworking women, who are often trailblazers in their industry, is a proud accomplishment for CEO Monthly. Despite the inequality in CEO leadership, industry experts agree that a femaleran organisation has many benefits. Diversity is a notable example of these advantages. Other improvements include fairer leadership decisions and better female recruitment. Research also shows there is a higher proportion of women in leadership roles when they are managed by a Female CEO. So why shouldn’t the Female CEO be congratulated for her hard work? She is often revolutionising her company and deserves to be applauded for her achievements. The Female CEO of the Year Awards 2023 is the perfect platform to highlight and celebrate these individuals. Bronze Package 795 GBP Full page article Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo
Gold Package Your company logo on the Front Cover 2 page article Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 1,595 GBP Silver Package 995 GBP 2 page article Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate
Limited Availability Only one Available Editor’s Choice Package Main front cover image & headline 4 page article placed at the front end of the magazine 2 Bespoke trophies 1 Wall plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 8-page digital brochure 100 high quality copies of your 8-page brochure Double Page Spread in future issue of CEO Monthly 5,295 GBP Platinum Package 3,295 GBP Supporting front cover image & headline 2 page article Bespoke trophy Wall plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 4-page digital brochure
Luxury Essentials Bespoke trophy: 345 GBP Slate trophy: 345 GBP Wall plaque: 345 GBP Personalised digital logo: 245 GBP Personalised digital certificate: 245 GBP Full page editorial: 395 GBP CEO MONTHLY / ISSUE 5 2023 34 Subscribe to CEO MONTHLY Subscribe here MTUyMDQwMA==