C-Suite Awards 2024

C-Suite Awards 2024 Software Development COO of the Year 2024 (Europe): Bejan Choschnau Featuring: For Bejan Choschnau, teamwork makes the dream work. Believing in the importance of collaboration and sharing ideas in order to create a better user experience for clients, Bejan is proud of what he and his team have accomplished with Infona AG. It is a team that comes together on the mission to streamline clients’ business processes through the development of advanced CRM/ERP solutions – and they come with an AI twist. Recognised within our C-Suite Awards 2024 for his remarkable contributions to Infona AG and the world of AI software development, we speak to Bejan himself to gain further insight.

Welcome to the C-suite Awards 2024 The C-Suite Awards 2024, organized by CEO Monthly, is returning for its third instalment, dedicated to celebrating the exceptional achievements of C-suite executives across various industries! This annual awards program is designed to honour the innovative leaders who have demonstrated outstanding performance, strategic vision, and unparalleled commitment to their businesses, with an aim to highlight the critical role of C-suite professionals in shaping the future of the business world. This awards programme targets a diverse range of top executives who have shown exceptional leadership qualities and have made significant contributions to their organizations, ensuring a comprehensive representation of the best in executive leadership. In 2024, C-suite leaders are navigating a landscape marked by significant transformations. A prominent change is the generational shift in leadership, with Generation X replacing baby boomers, bringing a fresh perspective focused on tackling critical issues like diversity, equality, inclusion, sustainability, and climate change. This new leadership is characterized by a deeper commitment to meaningful change and self-accountability. There’s also a marked increase in C-suite roles like Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, reflecting the importance of managing cultural and societal challenges. The evolution in the C-Suite role suggests a more inclusive, stakeholderoriented approach, moving away from a purely hierarchical model to one that emphasizes shared purpose and transparency. Sofi Parry, Senior Editor Website: www.ceo-review.com AI Global Media, Ltd. (AI) takes reasonable measures to ensure the quality of the information on this web site. However, AI will not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness or completeness of any information that is available through this web site. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. The information available through the website and our partner publications is for your general information and use and is not intended to address any particular finance or investment requirements. In particular, the information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by us or any of our partner publications and is not intended to be relied upon by users in making or refraining from making any investment or financial decisions. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision. Any arrangement made between you and any third party named in the site is at your sole risk and responsibility.

4. Infona AG: Software Development COO of the Year 2024 (Europe): Bejan Choschnau 8. D2L Corporation: Best Learning Innovation CLO 2024: Anna Forgione 10. TechSera Inc.: Supply Chain Tech CEO of the Year 2024 (USA): Abhijeet Singh 12. FUNKE Mediengruppe GmbH & Co KGaA: Best Media Chief Procurement Officer 2024 (Germany): Gundula Ullah 14. David Germain: Insurance CIO of the Year 2024 (UK): David Germain 15. Carta Finishing: Most Innovative Printing Services COO 2024 (Michigan): Kevin Donley 16. Lemon Pip: Best HR Consulting CEO 2024: Robert Mosley 17. Bank of New Innovation Limited: International Banking COO of the Year 2024 (Caribbean): Stephen Agbeyegbe 18. YOC AG: Advertising Technology CTO of the Year 2024 (Germany): Evgenij Tovba 19. Meysan: LegalTech CIO of the Year 2024 (GCC): Tejas Gajjar 20. Daisy Corporate Services: IT & Telecommunications CCO ofthe Year 2024 (UK): Lizz Poltawski 21. Via Tribunali: Pizza Chain COO of the Year 2024 (Finland): Kimmo Hamalainen 22. clovio: Content Marketing CEO of the Year 2024 (Portugal): Sander Delabie Contents

CEO MONTHLY / C-SUITE AWARDS 2024 4 Software Development COO of the Year 2024 (Europe): Bejan Choschnau “Our AI-powered CRM system is more than just a tool – it is a pioneer of innovation and efficiency in every industry. With over 140 tailored apps, we empower companies not only to save costs but also to redefine the horizons of what is possible. Imagine a system that not only responds to your current needs but also anticipates future challenges and provides solutions before you even recognise them. This isn’t just a vision for the future; this is the power of artificial intelligence in action.” AI is a concept that has been around formally since the 1950s, defined as a machine’s ability to simulate human intelligence and problemsolving capabilities, particularly computer systems. It was in 1958 that H.A. Simon and Allen Newell predicted that “within 10 years, a digital computer will be the world’s chess champion” and “within 10 years, a digital computer will discover and prove an important new Apr23017 For Bejan Choschnau, teamwork makes the dream work. Believing in the importance of collaboration and sharing ideas in order to create a better user experience for clients, Bejan is proud of what he and his team have accomplished with Infona AG. It is a team that comes together on the mission to streamline clients’ business processes through the development of advanced CRM/ERP solutions – and they come with an AI twist. Recognised within our C-Suite Awards 2024 for his remarkable contributions to Infona AG and the world of AI software development, we speak to Bejan himself to gain further insight. mathematical theorem”. By 1965, H.A. Simon was forecasting that “machines will be capable, within 20 years, of doing any work a man can do”. Then, in 1970, Marvin Minsky theorised in Life magazine that “in from three to eight years, we will have a machine with the general intelligence of an average human being”. Fast forward to 2024 and artificial intelligence is very much a thing that has found its way into almost every aspect of our lives, from chatbots to resolve customer queries, to ChatGPT to create written content and itineraries, to asking Alexa to provide an update on the weather, and even to self-driving cars. Each of these utilises machine learning algorithms in order to generate a human-like, or intelligent, response. Now, AI isn’t only playing a big part in our daily lives, but organisations around the globe are implementing it, too, in order to streamline their business operations. One such example is the all-in-one CRM/ERP solution, InfonaApp, created by the masterminds at Infona AG, which utilises AI to automate and manage work processes. With the comprehensive InfonaApp, users have access to a variety of revolutionary AIpowered features, including an internal app store which allows the downloading of more than 140 apps that communicate seamlessly with each other and support daily work; tailored industry-specific website homepage creation; automated accounting; and an integrated chat portal for video calling, messaging, and file sharing. Powered by the intelligent AI technology named “EllaAi”, this comprehensive CRM/ ERP platform caters for every industry and fulfils those tedious, time-consuming tasks so that team members can focus their time on more productive work. Observing and learning from users’ ways of working, EllaAi’s purpose is to enhance efficiency, working independently over a long period of time to get to know the business and its operations. By making work easier behind the scenes, this leads to a much-improved experience for the customer. Bejan Choschnau has been in his role of COO at Infona AG for two years, and having successfully implemented AI within the CRM/ERP platform, he feels this to be his greatest achievement to date. Bejan states, “My efforts have directly contributed to a notable improvement in customer

CEO MONTHLY / C-SUITE AWARDS 2024 5 satisfaction. By offering an intuitive, efficient, and powerful tool, we’ve helped businesses streamline their operations, leading to increased productivity and success, which in turn, fosters long-term loyalty and satisfaction among our clients.” In this, Bejan had a number of things he wanted to achieve with EllaAi and InfonaApp. First, he felt it important to enable the automation of those critical yet time-consuming tasks such as accounting and website creation. Thanks to EllaAi, this work can now be completed in a fraction of the time, with minimal human intervention needed, and it also reduces the potential for human error. Then comes the focus on customisation and scalability. By harnessing AI, Bejan has been able to facilitate the customisation of the platform to meet the unique needs of various industries, ensuring that the solution is not just effective, but also versatile and scalable. This adaptability has allowed Infona AG to support businesses of all sizes by adapting to them and enhancing their growth and efficacy. Alongside this, the integration of EllaAi into InfonaApp has significantly improved its data analysis capabilities, providing businesses with deep insights into their operations, customer behaviours, and market trends. As a result, clients are feeling empowered to make more informed decisions, with this optimising their strategies for better outcomes. “As the voice behind Infona AG, I’ve had the unique opportunity to bridge the gap between our innovative technology and the people it serves. By providing clear, friendly, and helpful communication, I believe I’ve made a positive impact.” While Infona AG’s clients are reaping all the benefits of EllaAi and InfonaApp, so too

CEO MONTHLY / C-SUITE AWARDS 2024 6 is the company who created this technology. Bejan’s role involves the strategic deployment of AI to enhance Infona AG’s own efficiency and competitiveness. By utilising its own tech within its business operations, it has been able to develop over 140 apps with targeted solutions across a wide range of industries, expanding its reach massively. Bejan comments, “This achievement has not only expanded our market presence but also reinforced our commitment to providing comprehensive, industryspecific solutions.” This has proven to be an integral element in optimising Infona AG’s operations and growth, not only driving its business strategy forward and improving its bottom line, but also allowing it to invest more in R&D and customer-focused initiatives. By understanding and anticipating client needs, EllaAi allows Infona AG to deliver tailored solutions and support so it can enhance customer loyalty and their trust in the company. Bejan believes that it is his leveraging of AI’s unique capabilities in Infona AG’s technology that truly distinguishes his role and contributions, and which makes him stand out from other c-suite individuals within the industry. By integrating EllaAi into Infona AG’s core operations, he has demonstrated a commitment to cutting-edge technology and innovative leadership. With access to AI-driven insights and automation capabilities, the company can make informed decisions, streamline its own processes, and offer unparalleled service quality. As such, this technology is enhancing his own team’s sense of empowerment in their daily work, too, saying, “Unlike traditional executives who may focus on direct management, my approach has been to empower my team by deploying EllaAi to handle routine and complex tasks. This allows our human talent to focus on innovation and strategic initiatives, thereby enhancing job satisfaction and productivity.” Bejan also emphasises his belief in teamwork and the importance of everybody having the opportunity to contribute their ideas. He expresses his pride in their dedication and passion, with them working relentlessly hard, and even volunteering to stay late in order to get things done. In this, he tells us how he feels assured that he is a good leader and that he is doing everything correctly. “In essence, my use of EllaAi as a cornerstone of our operational and strategic initiatives embodies a modern approach to leadership. It reflects a forward-thinking mindset that embraces technology not just as a tool but as a partner in driving business success and innovation.” But where did it all begin? Bejan’s expertise and experience is vast, and he started out in his career by spending five years as a Computer Scientist at FLÜCK IT, before joining an insurance company as CIO for almost three years. He tells us how, when working at the insurance company, he found there was a lot of paperwork and therefore a lot of steps for the customer to complete – and that’s how Infona AG came about. He recognised the need for change within the industry, with this leading to the development of the all-in-one solution we know today as InfonaApp. During our conversation, Bejan goes on to acknowledge the question that he has noticed coming up a lot with regard to AI and the job market: “Will AI steal your job?” Bejan sees the positives here, pointing out that although one job might become obsolete due to technology, that’s not to say that this doesn’t open up a spectrum of new opportunities. For example, IT is one of the biggest industries in the world and with the ever-changing nature of technology, there are always new and exciting roles coming into existence. In line with this, Bejan knows how crucial it is to remain up to date in terms of skills and knowledge in the evolving world of tech, whether completing courses

CEO MONTHLY / C-SUITE AWARDS 2024 7 or mentorship programmes with AI-focused companies. He adds, “Theory is crucial, but nothing beats hands-on experience. Work on projects that allow you to apply AI in real-world settings, whether through internships, personal projects, or as part of your job. This will deepen your understanding and enhance your problem-solving skills. “[And] while technical skills are fundamental in tech and AI, soft skills like leadership, communication, and strategic thinking are equally important. A successful leader in this field must be able to bridge the gap between complex technical concepts and business applications.” Meanwhile, Bejan and the team at Infona AG have once again achieved something innovative: the launch of the “Infona Academy”. With this new initiative, the company aims to foster young talents and acquaint a broad audience – from novices to experienced computer scientists – with the world of artificial intelligence. “Our goal is to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application,” explains Bejan. “The Infona Academy is not just a place of learning, but an innovation hub that prepares participants directly for the challenges of the real world.” The Academy offers a series of courses that cover both practical and theoretical aspects of AI. At the end of each course, there is an exam, and successful completion is rewarded with a certificate. “We want to ensure that our graduates leave not only with knowledge but also with proof of their skills for the working world. It is especially important to us that these educational opportunities are completely free of charge, to include everyone,” Bejan adds. The idea for the Infona Academy arose when the Infona AG team was increasingly approached about the prominent “Artificial Intelligence for Business” inscriptions on their vehicles. These encounters led to many interesting perspectives and sometimes fears about artificial intelligence. “It was a real ‘aha!’ moment when we realised how great the hunger for high-quality education in this rapidly growing area was,” recalls Bejan. In addition to training young talents, Bejan sees the Academy as an opportunity to further strengthen Infona AG’s position as a leading innovator in the technology industry. “By fostering knowledge and innovation, we not only strengthen our own position but also elevate the entire industry to a higher level,” emphasises Bejan. With such ambitious plans, it’s clear that Infona AG and the Infona Academy have a lot ahead of them. Ultimately, it is easy to see how Bejan Choschnau has come to be named our Software Development COO of the Year 2024 (Europe), being the strong leader and extraordinary visionary he is. As our conversation with him comes to a close, he is keen to share some advice for those who might be looking to follow a similar career path to himself. He tells us that one should: embrace continuous learning, gain hands-on experience, develop technical and soft skills, cultivate a problemsolving mindset, build a strong network, be adaptable and resilient, understand ethical implications, focus on usercentric design, champion innovation, and last but certainly not least, prepare for leadership. He states, “If your aim is to reach a c-suite position, prepare by understanding the business aspects of technology. Learn about finance, marketing, HR, and operations, as leading a tech company requires a wellrounded understanding of all these areas. “By maintaining a passion for technology and its potential to transform businesses, you’ll be well on your way to forging a successful career path similar to mine in the tech and AI industry.” Company: Infona AG Contact: Bejan Choschnau Email: [email protected] Website: infona.app

Best Learning Innovation CLO 2024: Anna Forgione

CEO MONTHLY / C-SUITE AWARDS 2024 9 Apr24275 Education should be accessible and engaging for everyone, regardless of their age, ability, or location. D2L is a global learning innovation company helping transform the way the world learns. Following her recognition in the C-Suite Awards 2024, we speak to the company’s Chief Legal Officer, Anna Forgione, to learn more about the ways in which she leads her team to success. Serving as the Chief Legal Officer, Chief Privacy Officer, and Corporate Secretary for D2L, Anna oversees legal, governance, enterprise risk management, and compliance matters for the company. Anna brings over 20 years of experience in corporate leadership, business development, and strategic planning. In discussions about her role within D2L, Anna says, “As a member of the executive leadership team that sets the course for the company, I am energized by the impact which D2L and its employees have on millions of learners. My team successfully led D2L through its initial public offering on the Toronto Stock Exchange in November 2021 and have operationalised a culture of strong corporate governance.” D2L has expanded into many markets and is currently in 40 countries which requires a long term legal and business strategic plan for regulatory and legal support. I also work with a strong and diverse Board of Directors who bring their strong business acumen to D2L. D2L has established itself as a leader in learning innovation, informed by pedagogy and driven by technology, and its learning platform is now used by more than 18 million people. D2L is a global learning technology company, reshaping the future of education and work. D2L’s platform, Brightspace, helps enhance the learning experience for millions of learners at every stage of life from the earliest days of school to universities and colleges, and employee training in the working world. D2L is helping lead the way into a new era of personalized learning by improving access to high quality education and training– regardless of age, ability, or location. Anna Forgione also leads D2L’s business unit that prepares and submits requests for proposals for learning platforms, content creation tools and creative services. Anna’s previous experience as an entrepreneur and business leader has helped her to support the RFP team, which is an avenue in which D2L obtains many of its biggest clients. The RFP team are incredible contributors to D2L’s winning culture. Anna’s experience in public company governance, global market and M & A transactions perfectly equips her with the skillset to be an executive leader at D2L. Anna states that “co-founding a technology company early on in my career sparked an ongoing interest for building an impactful company that executes on its mission. That experience was instrumental in learning how to build strong teams, build customer loyalty, raise capital, and work with investors and boards of directors.” Anna believes that the key to successful business strategy is understanding the importance of building exceptional, engaged, and talented teams. She is a strong believer in empowerment leading to excellence and ensures that she is always available to her team and co-workers for brainstorming sessions, advice, feedback, and assistance. “My team supports every department in the company, and we touch high stakes matters every day. It is crucial that we meet the challenges of a fast moving and agile company through collaboration and action.” Due to the nature of the learning technology sector, Anna’s provision of timely and high-quality legal advice is dependent on employees being up to date with the latest industry and regulatory developments. Anna says, “The support of my team is crucial to delivering excellent service across the business.” Anna has furthered her reputation within the industry by building a team recognized for their exceptional legal and business expertise. She believes that operating a mentoring culture is important as it allows for employees to freely give and receive feedback, support, and challenge one another, and work together towards common goals. “My focus on collaboration comes through in my leadership style. I work with amazing leaders, who I learn from every day.” In navigating the rapidly advancing world of educational technology, Anna recognizes that the development of AI will have a large impact on how learning, technology, and legal norms are integrated. Anna notes, “AI has the potential to make learning more accessible. At the same time, it is important to understand AI technology, including its limitations, potential biases, and ethical pitfalls. As a technology and legal leader, my team and I have a big role in assessing how this technology will be used to make learning more accessible for millions of learners in conformance with laws and ethical standards. We are energized by the innovations D2L has on the roadmap and our role in advising on the use of AI technologies to create exceptional learning moments.” Anna’s illustrious career, which also includes experience as a board chair and director on boards related to education and the arts, she is wellequipped to being a director of a global public company. We asked Anna what 2024 looks like for her career and she tells us, “Collaboration with business and legal leaders is a priority for me. I will be spending time with people who inspire me and who make me a better leader.” The next year looks to be a year of success for Anna, and we look forward to seeing the latest educational developments from D2L. Contact: Anna Forgione Company: D2L Corporation. Contact: Anna Forgione Company: D2L Corporation Web Address: www.d2l.com

CEO MONTHLY / C-SUITE AWARDS 2024 10 Supply Chain Tech CEO of the Year 2024 (USA): Abhijeet Singh Spearheading this operation is President and CEO Abhijeet Singh, a leading industry figure with more than a decade of experience in the vast and ever-changing field of supply chain technology. Abhijeet has been at the helm since he founded the business seven years ago, and throughout this period, he has masterfully grown this technology start-up into one of the best of its kind on the market, implementing new services into a suite that today consists of everything from consulting solutions through to a state-of-the-art technology platforms. With a keen focus on product research and development, Abhijeet and his team thrive on adapting and evolving, with TechSera’s departments frequently afforded insight into many of the latest trends that are defining an industry famed for its fluidity. Leveraging the expansive knowledge and skill of some of the sector’s top talent, this team think outside of the box to help their customers overcome some of their biggest supply chain challenges, quietly working under the surface to truly revolutionise the overall digital experience. Such an approach clearly works, with Abhijeet proudly telling us, “we have not lost a single customer since our foundation in 2017.” To better understand how TechSera has reached this point, it pays to go back nearly a decade in Abhijeet’s career, to his time serving as a director of implementation for software company Manhattan Apr24771 TechSera Inc. is a supply chain technology provider based in Atlanta, Georgia. Boasting customers inclusive of big retailers, shippers, and third-party logistics companies, the unique expertise of this business sees it provide holistic and innovative technology solutions through its OMNIITEGRATE and OMNIDISTRIBUTE platforms, encompassing the supply chain needs of customers. From putting together and flawlessly executing digital transformation roadmaps through to undertaking process design, warehouse automation, and robotics implementation, TechSera’s knowledge runs wide and deep. Associates. Commenting on this role, Abhijeet explains, “I was exposed to industry leading brands, and the complex supply chain environment that exists for these retailers.” Although these experiences proved invaluable for developing Abhijeet’s skills, his time working with such a big supply chain tech company made him realise that providing solutions to the irritations of their customers’ supply chains was not the main priority for these sizeable enterprises. To remedy this, Abhijeet built TechSera from the ground up, and it today impactfully plugs these gaps and serves as a niche alternative for those who do not wish to have their unique needs glossed over by industry giants. On the back of this claim, Abhijeet shares with us that TechSera’s current customer network is the primary way in which it is exploring doing business with new customers, allowing the company’s reputation to stand on its own merit and spread through word-of-mouth referrals from happy customers. Beyond this, the company can also be found showcasing its solutions at many of the most popular supply chain conferences, including the likes of NRF, ModEx, and the eCom Summit. For Abhijeet, “these conferences serve as great avenue to showcase our software products and associated services.” Expanding its customer base is all well and good, but as demonstrated by the aforementioned statistic that the business has not lost a client in seven years, it is clear that one of TechSera’s ultimate priorities is keeping its existing customers satisfied. Offering a white-glove service to its customer base is the primary reason for this flawless retention record, and by not spreading itself too thin, TechSera avoids the trap that many businesses fall in of providing a service that cannot keep up with demand and is thus rendered ineffective. Making sure that this mission is upheld is a cornerstone of Abhijeet’s responsibilities as leader, and discussing this area further, he tells us that TechSera is a company built on the idea of empowered leadership, something that runs across his senior staff and department heads. Elaborating on this, Abhijeet explains, “we like to build a team of fearless leaders who are not afraid of making and owning decisions with a sense of responsibility.” This is achieved through regular communication and the forging of a shared and uniting vision. Another area of paramount importance for TechSera is ensuring that it takes care

CEO MONTHLY / C-SUITE AWARDS 2024 11 of both the physical and mental wellbeing of its diverse employees. To guarantee that this is the case, a highly flexible working environment has been developed and leaders will always stand by their side when it comes to upholding an employee’s personal and professional needs. Not only is this the morally correct thing to do, but Abhijeet recognises that staff perform better when they love coming to work and feel valued, and they certainly are that at TechSera. Bolstered immeasurably by its workforce comprised of knowledgeable, dedicated, and appreciated experts, TechSera is continuing to grow and establish itself as a frontrunner in this field. Having recently opened an office in London, the business is taking things ‘across the pond’ and exploring expansion opportunities throughout Europe. Unsurprisingly, all of this is being done with its customers kept both in the loop and at the very forefront of its operation, something that Abhijeet has absolutely no plans to compromise on going forward. This new location is not the only way in which the business is seeking to grow, with it also concentrating on honing its craft in emerging areas of the sector to remain ahead of the competition. Presently, this concerns automation, which Abhijeet describes as, “the need of the hour in our processes, distribution centres, and transportation.” AI is something also on the rise, not only in this market, but across industry, so TechSera is keeping a close eye on the ways this helpful and emerging tool can be integrated seamlessly into its processes. With all of this in mind, 2024 is set to be a strong year for TechSera, even with the wider industry going through somewhat of a conservative approach to spending at the moment. Moreover, through the leveraging of an effective CapEX vs OpEX strategy concerning its expenses, this team are finding new ways to finely balance their revenue, all whilst remaining focused on both sustainable expansion and continuing to fortify their reputation as going above and beyond for customers and providing them with meaningful solutions. Finally, regarding his own career, Abhijeet reaffirms that his dedication over the next few years is placed squarely on growing TechSera and ensuring it reaches that allimportant next level when it comes to automation, robotics, distribution, and the other key elements that define this sector. Abhijeet is then keen to focus on mentoring others, utilising the things that he has learnt in order to help develop the fresh new talent in the startup industry. In essence, as he explains in closing, “I would like to give back to the supply chain tech fraternity and be available to help others grow.” Ultimately, TechSera Inc. is a unique and boutique organisation that cares about its customers and employees equally. Committed to ensuring that everyone has equal access to a seat at the table, awardwinning President and CEO Abhijeet Singh is empowering the next generation of industry leaders, using his expertise to thrive under pressure and create lasting relationships with business partners and customers alike. This is only the beginning, and it is incredibly exciting to speculate as to where Abhijeet could take his company next. Contact: Abhijeet Singh Company: TechSera Inc. Web Address: https://www.techsera.com/

A Best Media Chief Procurement Officer 2024 (Germany): Gundula Ullah

CEO MONTHLY / C-SUITE AWARDS 2024 13 Apr24247 FUNKE is one of Germany’s largest and most successful media companies, focused on maintaining the passion behind independent journalism. Dedicated to connecting, informing, entertaining, inspiring, and involving people through print and digital media products, FUNKE has built a diverse crew of engaged thinkers who are driven by their contribution for a free and educated society, reaching over 2 million readers per day. Overseeing the procurement and sustainability departments is Gundula Ullah, an award-winning professional whose efforts to optimize the company have been noteworthy. Here, we explore her approach and contributions. With dual responsibility for procurement and sustainability, Gundula Ullah actively contributes to FUNKE’s transformational change, delivering cost optimizations, technological innovations, and greater sustainability in media. “I focus on integrating sustainability with procurement, ensuring we adapt our supply and cost base to market trends while improving our sustainable footprint,” Gundula explains. Since joining the media group in 2019, Gundula aligns business needs with evolving demands, continuously maintaining a competitive edge. “In my role, I am dedicated to driving optimal outcomes for the company by focusing on current market trends and sustainability standards,” she states. Her commitment to FUNKE’s best interests has kept the company steadily progressing in sustainability, all while seamlessly meeting regulatory requirements. An example of her dedication is the implementation of a first, industry-ever CO2-neutral value chain, the so-called ‘Climate Pilot Project’ associated with FUNKE’s largest newspaper, the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, in short the “WAZ”. This project, initiated under the sub-brand “FUNKE for Future”, has been steered in collaboration with strategic paper and logistics suppliers. In total, the team was able to identify several measures to reduce the carbon emissions of newspaper production by 73% - from paper factory to the readers’ mailboxes. “For example, the common belief is that printed products are inherently unsustainable due to the reliance on paper, because it necessitates tree harvesting. However, did you know that implementing a few impactful strategies, such as switching to green energy for production and transport, can reduce the carbon emissions of a newspaper by over 73%?” Gundula highlights. These achievements – though sounding simple to apply, yet being challenging to realise - demonstrate her approach to her responsibilities, emphasizing risktaking, exploration, and necessary stakeholder engagement. Gundula appreciates FUNKE’s transformational journey which is exciting, but also challenging. She is motivated by the potential to ensure FUNKE upholds its values for the next generation. “My recipe for success includes the passion for innovation and excellence, fuelled by a strong commitment and drive for sustainability and making sure what we do has a meaningful purpose for the next generation,” she reflects. Beyond sustainability, Gundula focuses on leveraging technology for procurement. In 2024, she worked with her team to implement a GenAI model in the purchase-to-pay process. This innovation has enhanced the speed and efficiency of IT tools, in alignment with FUNKE’s guidelines and benefiting the company. “2024 is poised to be a transformative year with the rise of Artificial Intelligence – in general for us as a media company but also for our Finance team in particular. In Procurement, we have already leveraged a GenAI model with seven use cases of our purchase-to-pay process in just the first quarter of 2024. Full roll-out will commence pending approval from internal governance bodies”, she shares. Since taking on dual responsibilities, Gundula has shared her positive outlook with those around her. Together with her team, she explores new ideas and drives change to anticipate industry advancements. “ “Ultimately, my focus is on delivering the most value for the company, whether through cost savings, process improvements, or enhancing our environmental impact,” Gundula asserts. To conclude, Gundula shares: “My priority is on leveraging the successes I’ve achieved by continually embracing innovation, expanding my expertise, and creating a positive impact within the organization. My ultimate goal, recognizing the talent shortage we face, is that we dedicate our efforts to developing the next generation of leaders within our organization. We need to inspire and attract talented individuals to join us on this exciting journey in the media industry to make sure that quality journalism prevails for future generations. FUNKE for Future is not just a slogan – we genuinely mean it!” Gundula Ullah’s work with FUNKE has been recognized, earning her the title of Best Media Chief Procurement Officer 2024 (Germany). We look forward to seeing where her innovative mindset takes the company’s procurement and sustainability function next, and we hope that she continues to dazzle the community for the years to come. Contact: Gundula Ullah Company: FUNKE Mediengruppe GmbH & Co KGaA Web Address: https://www.funkemedien.de/de/

CEO MONTHLY / C-SUITE AWARDS 2024 14 avid Germain began his career as a software engineering apprentice over 30 years ago, with no idea of how he would impact the technology industry of today. He spent his first decade as a Software Engineer and Systems Architect, with a focus on corporate IT, mainframe technology before transitioning to PC technology. He is now operating as a Non-Executive Director, Global CIO, and thought leader, imparting his expertise to companies in need of technology advisory and corporate governance at board level. David enables businesses to reach their potential through building world-class IT and digital strategies designed to boost business performance. He is a genius at pinpointing the exact areas of improvement and provides an expert hand of guidance. His depth of experience within the industry has honed his ability to develop sector leading teams with wide-ranging skills that have proven to lead a company to success. With an illustrious career in the financial sector, David has paved the way for his peers as a true industry pioneer. Additionally, he was also one of the youngest ever Chief Information Officers to have been featured in Fortune 500 and FTSE 100. David holds high positions with many organisations across the finance, education, and charity sectors. He has built a trusted reputation as an industry leader in many fields, which goes to show the true depth of David’s skillset. David has also been recognised by the industry for his services to technology as a whole. Consequently, he has recently been inducted to the CIO Hall of Fame and made a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and British Computer Society, in addition to numerous other accolades in the past decade. He has been instrumental in providing board governance for the advancements of digital transformation, cyber security, and recently the emergence AI governance. This is the process of ensuring that the tools and systems being developed are within the standard of ethical frameworks that has been established, which is a true testament to David’s commitment to ethical practice. David is a strong advocate for promoting diversity within the workplace. He is a leading sponsor for ensuring racial and gender equality exists across his teams and has utilised his position to break down barriers and open doors to those that may Insurance CIO of the Year 2024 (UK): David Germain David Germain is a visionary leader who has been recognised as playing a pivotal role in the technology field, while championing diversity and inclusion to improve equality and social impact. Working on a number of initiatives in the Banking, Charity, and Education sectors, with over 30 years of experience in producing digital strategies that have enabled the transformation of business performance. David further strives to future proof business performance through curating a dynamic workforce of industry-leaders. Following his recent title in the C-Suite Awards 2024, we take a closer look at David’s journey to excellence. not have had other opportunities to enter the industry. Using his seasoned experience as a judge on a number of industry awards for DE&I, he has nurtured a new generation of passionate workers who are inspired by opportunities and eager to make similar changes. It is work like this which fosters great changes that are long-lasting across the industry. Furthermore, David has performed extensive work within the charity sector, working with organisations to positively impact people’s lives. In 2021, he was appointed trustee for a prominent UK charity, that undertakes fundraising activities to invest in development research and innovation, to transform the health and wellbeing of children. It is evident that David has made great changes to the industry over the duration of his career, both personally and professionally. He has utilised the vast knowledge developed over thirty decades to improve business performance. Following his trajectory of success, the future appears bright for this industry pioneer. Commenting on his award David Germain said, “It’s a great honour to be awarded CIO of the year and one which I am delighted to receive.” His commitment to providing genuine, proactive guidance is commendable, and he continues to champion a level playing field for men, women, and minorities alike. He has certainly been on the front foot of the use of technology for social impact, and we look forward to seeing what is next for David as he continues to be a positive activist for the advancement in the cultural landscape of business and society. D Contact: David Germain LinKedIn: David Germain Web Address: www.linkedin. com/in/davidcgermain

CEO MONTHLY / C-SUITE AWARDS 2024 15 Most Innovative Printing Services COO 2024 (Michigan): Kevin Donley Kevin R. Donley is the Chief Operating Officer of exemplary print finishing company Carta Finishing, based in Roseville, Michigan. Across his COO duties, Kevin oversees all elements of this operation from order entry through to production scheduling, staffing, and even equipment maintenance. This is not to detract from Kevin’s remarkable customer-oriented nature however, as his understanding of both the market and the needs of clients sets this 2024 C-Suite Award winner apart. With a vast area of expertise encompassing everything related to the field of print media, Kevin Donley lives by the motto, “if you need to deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time, I can help you.” To achieve this, Kevin leverages a wealth of knowledge garnered from reading all of the best trade publications, as well as his experiences serving in various associations, from Graphic Media Alliance through to the Detroit Club of Printing House Craftsmen and the Advertising Production Club of Detroit. It has been more than four decades now since Kevin first began his journey in the realm of printing and publishing, and his tenure so far has seen him fill positions in the areas of production, customer service, and sales and marketing, all routes that paved his way to becoming COO of Carta Finishing last October. Across these numerous roles, Kevin has come to realise two defining things about this landscape that have allowed him to continue to thrive, even as the world around him has changed considerably. The first is Kevin’s recognition that, “there is always something new to learn about the print media industries. Expanding one’s knowledge about the many different approaches to addressing customer needs and learning how today’s technology is changing both what and how things are produced is a never-ending process.” Combining this willingness to learn with the second key piece of knowledge, this being the importance of collaborating seamlessly with others, Kevin has positioned himself effectively as a pioneer and industry-leading figure. A similar approach can be seen running throughout Carta Finishing, which shares Kevin’s goal of establishing relationships with clients that are lasting and built on the trifecta of communication, quality, and timely delivery. Kevin credits the company’s leadership and production teams as being the reason for these traits being upheld so well and so consistently, ultimately leading to the stellar reputation that the business today enjoys on both a regional and national level. Because their customer base is comprised primarily of the quartet of publishers, book manufacturers, commercial printers, and print management service companies, Kevin and the team at Carta Finishing have the endless task of managing the impacts faced by these sectors, which are experiencing cyclical fluctuations in their own markets. As such, the business has recently extended its services and modernised its technology, allowing it to fortify its leading position in an everchanging market. Since the origins of Carta Finishing can be traced to two companies merging together and operating under one vision, its team represents the best of the best, and thus are aptly equipped to manage future changes in the printing services sector. An example of this is the shift by Carta Finishing toward servicing niche publishing markets as a means of adapting to reduced order quantities and an increase in the number of book titles. By expanding into mailing and distribution services, continuing to train the teams and evolving with the times, staff here are poised to take the company to new levels of success. With the 2024 presidential election looming, Kevin tells us that the rest of this year is expected to hold a considerable increase in mail volume, especially throughout summer and early autumn. To manage this, Kevin explains, “our plans are to increase staff in this area and provide additional training in data processing to ensure that we are operating efficiently when the volume increases”, further highlighting Carta Finishing’s unwavering commitment to going above and beyond for those who seek out its services. In closing, Kevin states, “I firmly believe that the best way to create the future is by studying the past. The technology changes our industry has undergone previously hold important clues and indicators about what is going to happen going forward as we move deeper into the age of digital media.” With this thought fresh in the mind, it remains to be seen what is next for the industry, and we eagerly anticipate the exciting new ways that Carta Finishing and COO Kevin R. Donley will demonstrate their excellence. Contact Details Contact: Kevin R. Donley Company: Carta Finishing Web Address: http://www.cartafinishing.com/ Apr24519

CEO MONTHLY / C-SUITE AWARDS 2024 16 Since graduating from Oxford University in 1983 with a master’s degree in mathematics, Robert has gone on to achieve great things, from carrying out HR work in many countries as a part of Hay Management Consultants (now Korn Ferry) to working with Emirates Group for over a decade in Dubai, managing 22,000 people in 60 countries in a high-level HR position within this multinational company. Ultimately though, it was after leaving Emirates Group in 2003 that Robert achieved perhaps his greatest feat, Lemon Pip Consulting. With more than 800 clients and operating throughout the UK, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, Lemon Pip Consulting offers highly specialised services that span comprehensive human resources training, including the likes of grading, compensations, benefits, and performance management, to name just a few. All work undertaken by this business is done by Robert himself, who hires no employees so that he can dedicate 100% of his time to delivering an unrivalled quality of service to his satisfied global client base. In fact, clients of Lemon Pip Consulting are so thrilled with Not only is Robert Mosley the CEO of Lemon Pip Consulting Limited, a HR consulting business that he has ran since 2005, but he is also one of the most acclaimed thought leaders in his field on the planet. Listed in the likes of the Global Guru #500 List, in addition to being celebrated with the prestigious Global HR Leadership Award by the World HR Congress in 2017, Robert’s near 40 years of experience make him a true pioneer and a worthy recipient of this award. the stellar training courses they receive that they do all of the business’ marketing themselves through wordof-mouth referrals, meaning that not only does Lemon Pip Consulting not have to do any marketing, it also does not even need to have its own website. Working well with a variety of training partners and clients globally, Robert’s reputation for going above and beyond continues to define his career, even as he enters his mid-60s and is considering retirement sometime soon. Thankfully for those in this field, Robert plans to continue training and consulting throughout at least 2025 and 2026, and at present, spends much of his time travelling and working in both the Middle East and Asia. These two regions are Robert’s dual areas of speciality, and across these markets he works with those in the global aviation industry, making the most of his experience with Emirates Group, as well as people in numerous other industries who seek to leverage these multiple decades of experience to further their own careers. At present, following on from an extended period of high inflation on the back of the pandemic, Robert is working closely with approximately 80 companies from across the globe, helping them to remain in operation and updated in a market that has been flooded with a need for the renewal of policies. All in all, Robert spends about half of the year travelling, and the rest of his time is spent based at his home in the UK, conducting important consulting projects on behalf of his clients. 2024 has already seen, and will continue to see, Lemon Pip Consulting spearhead a number of training courses in the Middle East, predominantly carried out via Informa in Dubai; Asia, with the help of GPS in Malaysia and HRD Future in Singapore; and Europe, via Keynotive in Robert’s home of the UK. The company’s diary is even filling up fast for 2025, a testament to Robert’s status as a global renumeration expert and peerless HR Consultant. Essentially, if the world of HR had celebrities, Robert would undoubtedly be one of the most famous. Robert would ask us to add that he feels his greatest feat was actually getting married to his wonderful wife Claire, who is his sun and moon and stars, and the source of all the joy in his life, and the inspiration behind all of his achievements with Lemon Pip Consulting. His view on life is that there are two big questions in life that you need to solve: (1) what do you want to do and (2) who do you want to do it with. Robert will openly say that he has been blessed to have solved both questions, albeit late in life. When asked about the future of his career and that of the business, Robert tells us that he has no plans for growth or expansion at this moment in time, due to already being at full capacity and in incredibly high demand across his sector and areas of operation. This award then simply stands as another feather in the cap of one of the most successful HR consultants and HRbased CEOs of his generation, making it a privilege to feature Robert Mosley in these 2024 C-Suite Awards. Contact: Robert Mosley Company: Lemon Pip Consulting Limited Web Address: https://www. linkedin.com/in/robertmosley-3994261/ Best HR Consulting CEO 2024: Robert Mosley