CEO Monthly July 2017

CEO MONTHLY / JULY 2017 17 Political Risk and Technology Are Front of Mind for C-Suite Executives g • Actively monitor political risks. The global C-suite is clearly attuned to the heightened risk that geopolitics and domestic policy and regulatory developments pose to their businesses. But effectively managing these political risks requires more than just awareness. Executives should invest in active political risk monitoring and government relations capabilities in key markets, with the goal of avoiding potentially surprising policy developments and helping to shape business-friendly government policies. • Use strategic foresight to stay ahead of the curve. Many of the global trends and developments identified in this year’s survey had their antecedents a year or more ago. Those executives who could correctly spot these emerging trends before their peers are now far better positioned to succeed in the current global operating environment. Incorporating strategic foresight methodologies into a company’s strategic planning process will enable executives to stake out differentiated, market- winning strategic positions. • Assess globalisation strategy. Global executives agree on the need to shift their globalisation strategies in the current environment, but not on the way in which they should shift. The appropriate strategy will depend on how geopolitical tensions and anti- globalisation trends affect each company’s unique international footprint, supply chain, and business model. Executives will need to carefully consider their options to mitigate current and future risks in this new era of globalisation. To learn more about the Global Business Policy Council, please visit To learn more about A.T. To learn more about the Global Business Policy Council, please visit To learn more about A.T. Kearney, please visit .