German Business Awards 2018

10 EU BUSINESS NEWS / 2018 German Business Awards , Patrick Held Finanzdienste & Unternehmensberatung Best Financial Services & Management Consulting Firm 2018 PatrickHeld Finanzdienste &Unternehmensberatung is a financial services consultancy practice dedicated to providing high-quality financial services and consulting services. Having recognized the firm in our prestigious German Business Awards for 2018 we profiled it to find out more about the work it does and the secrets behind its success. Oct18543 Founded in 2005, Patrick Held Finanzdienste & Unternehmensberatung aims to offer the very highest standards of service to a range of clients across the financial and business markets sector. From the very beginning, the firm’s target clients were self- employed people, freelancers and tradesmen as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. Over the years, the firm has created a vast network of collaborators, and as such can offer clients an all-inclusive service from a single source. Together with its network partners, Patrick Held Finanzdienste & Unternehmensberatung cover almost all areas of financial services. Whether bank, building society, insurance, investment, Contact Details Company: Patrick Held Finanzdienste & Unternehmensberatung Contact: Patrick Held Website: equity investments or physical gold, competent contact persons are always available to advise clients personally, ensuring satisfaction for all clients. The firm provides its valued clients with a network in which experts in the following topics successfully support every entrepreneur in the implementation and implementation with help and advice. In addition to traditional management consulting, the firm also supports distribution partners from the financial sector. The team also pay special attention to consumer protection and help people recover their lost capital, a process known as contract clearing. Being independent allows the firm the chance to offer a truly unique range of services that cannot be found elsewhere. Focusing on offering a comprehensive, quality service to its clients, through its comparison calculator Patrick Held Finanzdienste & Unternehmensberatung offers website users the opportunity of soliciting and direct financial statements, without supportive advice from the firm. Users can either use these comparisons to obtain a rough overview of the corresponding conditions or to complete the offers offered directly online, unless they request personal advice. Ultimately, Patrick Held Finanzdienste & Unternehmensberatung has achieved incredible success since inception and looking to the future the firm will continue to focus on offering the same exceptional quality service and support that it has become renowned for.