Global CEO Excellence 2017

26 CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2017 , Maroba is a retirement facility based inNew SouthWales. CEOViv Allanson discusses the vital work the firmundertakes and her role in driving it to excellence. The Compassionate CEO- 2017 Australian Retirement Services & Best Elderly Care Provider - New South Wales Maroba was established in 1954 in an old maternity cottage in Mayfield offering 10 rooms for elderly widows and spinsters. In 1960 a parcel of land was granted in Waratah where Maroba has grown from its initial 10 beds to 155 aged care beds and 23 retirement Villas providing accommodation and care for seniors from all walks of life. Maroba continues to be operated by the Islington Baptist Church, proudly maintaining its independence as a truly local service. Viv outlines her role in the firm’s success and the plans she is putting in place to drive it to even higher standards. “Personally, I was promoted from the Executive Director of Nursing position to the position of CEO of Maroba in 2000. Whilst beginning my career in the Public Health sector in 1975 I have not looked back since making the move to Aged care in 1992. My qualifications are numerous including a Master of Health Management. “The focus now is to diversify the range of accommodation and services provided by Maroba to ensure it continues to be a relevant and dynamic organisation. I was elected to the Aged and Community Services Association of NSW & ACT board of directors in 2007 and President since 2012. I am also engaged in international Aged Care issues whilst serving on the Global Ageing Network Board since 2013. 45 years of Health and Aged Care experience informs my everyday decision making not matter how insignificant or how grand those decisions may be.” Moving forward, Viv and her team have many exciting projects ahead which will allow Maroba to continue to grow and flourish. “Looking ahead, Maroba aspires to continue to be regarded as an influencer within the region, not only in the aged care sector but within the business community and community generally. Opportunities arise regularly for Maroba’s people to be the voice on a variety of issues from aged care to sustainability and lots in between. The “Braeside” apartments and Aged Care Facility is our next project. Along with planning for community services…they will run parallel with a care team and building team. “Additionally, Maroba recently launched the Hunter Aged Care Dining Revolution to share our experience and opportunities to enhance everyday life for seniors in our region and at Maroba. Company: Maroba Contact: Viv Allanson Contact Email: [email protected] Address: 58 Edith Street, Waratah NSW 2298, Australia Phone: 61 2 4935 0300 Web Address: Established in 1997, today, over 2,500 directors and business leaders choose Winmark networks to source new ideas, learn from the best of their peers, and to keep abreast of cutting-edge management best practice. Member organisations range from the largest FTSE & Fortune companies to Central Government Departments, representing trillions of dollars in revenues and millions of people in global headcount. To meet their thirst for management know-how and valuable contacts Winmark works closely with the leading industry experts, Institutes and Business Schools, including Oxford, Cranfield, London and Ashridge. John has been Chief Executive of Winmark for the last 14 years, the European Leader in network management. John has a strong management research background and now focuses his time on working with Membership Advisory Panels and Strategic Partners. He leads on the management of the Non Executive Director (NED) network and is instrumental in the creation of new and outsourced networks. Thought leadership is a key aspect of the firm’s leadership, and John is keen to highlight the fact that it add material value to your target clients, creating debt and client preference over competition and identifies market Winmark is a world class standard in the management of membership communities. We profile the firmand explore howCEO John Jeffcock has helped lead the firm to the market leading position it enjoys today. Best Business Intelligence Company CEO 2017 & Professional Network Management Firm of the Year - UK opportunities and provides evidence to engage with existing and new clients. It also demonstrates to client’s unique knowledge, understanding and interest, brings the different parts of the business together to get behind a common issues then increases shareholder value in the form of brand equity and intellectual capital and helps build specialisations. Finally, the solution enhances reputation through both trust and credibility and provides a new form of engagement with stakeholders as well as motivating existing talent and attracts future talent. Overall, John is keen to highlight the fact that clients must prepare internally, then use this preparation to drive digital, media and client change to ensure ongoing excellence. Contact Email: john.jeffcock@ Address: 7 Berghem Mews, Blythe Road, London, W14 0HN, UK Phone: 0 207 605 8000 Website: