Global CEO Excellence 2017

CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2017 33 , Rebosis Property Fund Limited has a large portfolio which primarily consists of six regionally dominant shopping centres and large, single tenanted commercial offices in nodes attractive to the South African government providing a sovereign underpin. We invited Sisa Ngebulana to talk us through his role in the fund’s success and how it works to ensure strong return on investment for its valued investors. Best Real Estate CEO 2017 - South Africa Rebosis Property Fund Ltd was established by the Billion Group in 2010 and on 17 May 2011 became the first black- managed and substantially black-held property fund to be listed on the JSE. On 24 July 2013, the Fund was approved as a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT). Alongside its vast portfolio, Rebosis also owns 66% of New Frontier Properties, which Sisa co-founded. New Frontier comprises of three large shopping centres in Burton- Upon-Trent, Middlesbrough and Blackpool in the UK. Sisa outlines his role and how he works to drive success for the fund at all times. “Personally, I have run Rebosis as CEO since its inception and have grown it six-fold in the last 6 years, from having R3.6 billion in assets to the current R23 billion in assets. Since then I achieved an average 8% income growth year on year, which is well above South African inflation, in line with forecast ranges I indicated to the market. “Through my role, I run the strategy for growth, acquisitions and company structures, optimal funding mix, shareholder spread, corporate governance, operations and retail performance. I report directly to the Board and provide market feedback, through results roadshows, one on ones and pre-year close presentations. In this task, I am assisted by a CFO and in the last six months a COO, plus a staff compliment of 225 people made up of executives, managers and general staff. My leadership style consists of inclusiveness, decisiveness and allocation of responsibility and accountability whilst caring about my staff and rewarding excellence. There are clearly defined consequences for non-performance and incentives for out performance. “Overall, our organisation identifies its year plans and strategies in line with our vision and mission each year. As a team we push the boundaries and ensure that our vision and mission is achieved. The common thread and goal is focus, hard work and discipline always.” Alongside supporting his staff, Sisa works hard to ensure that clients feel supported and enjoy their experience, as he is eager to highlight as he talks us through his role in the client facing side of Reboisis’s operations. “Through my role here at Rebosis, I work in an environment where I have to provide the best facilities and incentives for customers in our shopping centres, what we call “shoppertainment”, through not only offering a shopping experience but also social spaces and entertainment, which in turns improves dwell time and increases spending. I further work with retailers, ranging from National retail grocers such as Pick n Pay, Woolworths and Checkers to Fashion retailers such as Truworths, Edcon, Pepkor, Foschini Group and various other retailers of national and international calibre. “As part of this role, I am involved in negotiating leases, monitoring trade performances, reporting footfalls, car counts and data collated from the shopping centres Wi-Fi connections in order to assist and aid their retail performance. In the commercial/ office building space, I work with National Government Departments with a team that ensures that they have efficient, working buildings.” To ensure excellence, Sisa draws on his former roles and education, both of which he is eager to showcase. “With regards to my education, I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Fort Hare, and LLB postgraduate Degree from