Global CEO Excellence Awards 2023

Global CEO Excellence Awards 2023 Best Leadership Development Business Leader 2023 (East of England): Nigel Hughes Featuring: Blue Roc Premier: Real Estate CEO of the Year 2023 (Southeast USA): Randy X. Ferreira The further we step into the digital age, the more we start to disconnect from one another. It becomes far easier to approach certain methods of development through technological means, as opposed to face to face. Whilst this may be convenient for most, it starts to strip away our ability to connect with one another on a more holistic level. Enter Nigel Hughes, multiaward- winning CEO of Outstanding.Global, who has set his sights on reminding us how beautiful being human really is.

Welcome to the Global CEO Excellence Awards 2023 CEO Monthly is proud to announce the muchawaited return of the Global CEO Excellence Awards 2023, coming back for its seventh consecutive year. Our prestigious awards programme celebrates CEOs who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and success in their respective fields. CEOs face increasing challenges to stay competitive, with nearly 40% of those surveyed believing their companies will become economically unviable if they continue on their current path. In 2023, agility and flexibility are essential traits to meet rapidly changing market conditions and customer needs. Sofi Parry, Senior Editor Website: AI Global Media, Ltd. (AI) takes reasonable measures to ensure the quality of the information on this web site. However, AI will not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness or completeness of any information that is available through this web site. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. The information available through the website and our partner publications is for your general information and use and is not intended to address any particular finance or investment requirements. In particular, the information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by us or any of our partner publications and is not intended to be relied upon by users in making or refraining from making any investment or financial decisions. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision. Any arrangement made between you and any third party named in the site is at your sole risk and responsibility.

4. Outstanding.Global: Best Leadership Development Business Leader 2023 (East of England): Nigel Hughes 6. Blue Roc Premier: Real Estate CEO of the Year 2023 (Southeast USA): Randy X. Ferreira 8. Smile Insurances: Most Visionary Digital Insurance CEO 2023 (Europe): Pierangelo Campopiano 10. Quality People And Training Solutions: HR Consulting & Training Firm CEO of the Year 2023 (Asia Pacifific): Dr Allan Warren 12. SocialProtect: Most Innovative Social Media Anti-Abuse Application CEO 2023 (Australia): Shane Britten 14. TIGZ Technologie-, Innovations- und: Sustainable Startup Support CEO of the Year 2023 (Germany): Dr. Petruta Tatulescu 16. Weiyun AI & Robotics Group: Industrial AI CEO of the Year 2023: Dapeng Liu 18. Treesition: Sustainable Agroforestry CEO of the Year 2023 (France): Daniel Dos Santos 20. Office Mix: Office Supply and Services CEO of the Year 2023: Alexander Oesterle 22. Implementation Partners GmbH: Most Innovative IT Services CEO 2023 (Germany): Sertac Cetiner 23. The Mighty Creatives: Most Inspiring Children’s Mentoring Organisation CEO 2023 (UK): Dr Nick Owen MBE 24. Zenn Ability: Most Dedicated Homecare Services CEO 2023 (New South Wales): Laurie Slade 25. GEMS ESOLUTIONS PTE. LTD: eSports CEO of the Year 2023 (South East Asia): Andy Koh 26. Brimik: Best Business Consultancy CEO 2023 (Northeastern Australia) Craig Walker 27. Indeed Flex: Most Innovative Recruitment Solutions CEO 2023 (USA): Novo Constare 28. Credos Inc: Management & Recruitment Consultancy CEO of the Year 2023 (Japan): Jun Tanaka 29. Visible Patient: Professor Luc Soler, Visible Patient CEO, Medical Technology CEO of the year 2O23 France 30. SustainableDNA: Climate Change Mitigation CEO of the Year 2023 (South Africa): Belinda Carreira Contents

Best Leadership Development Business Leader 2023 (East of England): Nigel Hughes

CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2023 5 Jul23708 The further we step into the digital age, the more we start to disconnect from one another. It becomes far easier to approach certain methods of development through technological means, as opposed to face to face. Whilst this may be convenient for most, it starts to strip away our ability to connect with one another on a more holistic level. Enter Nigel Hughes, multiaward-winning CEO of Outstanding.Global, who has set his sights on reminding us how beautiful being human really is. Based in a small cottage in the East of England, Outstanding.Global has been at the forefront of encouraging big changes in the aspiring leaders of tomorrow. By adopting a holistic approach towards leadership development, the company managed to break down the process into its fundamental pieces, and adapt these pieces into an uplifting, empowering form of tutelage that’s wholly focused on preparing clients for the next steps in their career. As a result, it’s fostered an all-encompassing experience through open-hearted leadership programmes, through which people of all backgrounds, races, and genders can become the best versions of themselves. Outstanding.Global doesn’t believe in solutions to which individuals are expected to adapt – instead, it seeks to reinvent itself in order to suit the client. It ventures into every level of self, and utilises the modules that it’s developed to create a tangible scenario that’s fully catered to individual needs. Whether this is a female client looking to break the glass ceiling, or someone simply struggling to amplify their own voice, Outstanding.Global deploys an experience that dares individuals to be bold. This, in turn, promotes a very humanised approach towards leadership development, a counter to the rise of technology. It’s thanks to Nigel’s ingenious leadership development strategy that Outstanding.Global has been able to touch the lives of so many throughout its four-year lifespan. He’s been at the forefront of overseeing each individual method that the collective takes towards assisting its clients, all to ensure a holistic approach through ‘bringing inspiration from life, business, and The Arts’. As such, Outstanding. Global has managed to encourage clients to make the transition from past to present, in the hopes that they can go on to create their own future using the skills that Outstanding.Global has equipped them with. Nigel places a resounding faith in every individual he meets, tirelessly working to encourage them to be ‘the master of their creativity, and to become outstanding’. However, Nigel’s dedication to his clients is just the beginning. In addition to his relentless pursuit of holistic teaching on a global scale, he has gone above and beyond to represent exactly what a leader should look like. One that, before the conversation of environmental and rainforest protection became a hot topic, was already taking action to build the foundations of change. One that, through daring to trust his dream despite the challenges faced, has overcome language barriers, cultural clashes, and the divide between nature and capitalism, has fostered brilliance again and again on a monumental scale. Nigel’s story is one that’s filled to the brim with resilience, which has allowed him to transfer his skills and experience to those around him. Nigel is a strong believer in the notion that leadership is everywhere, no matter who you are. Anyone can lead at any given moment, but sometimes a little assistance may be necessary in order to truly refine what it means to become a leader. Nigel created Outstanding.Global for those who need a little guidance in their leadership development journey to excel in a loving and uplifting environment. All of us have an inner leader, and Outstanding.Global is at the ready to help each person uncover their true potential in the most holistic way possible. Of course, it wasn’t an easy process to get Outstanding.Global to the point that it finds itself in today. It was born from Nigel’s adventures with his husband Ric, travelling to Papua New Guinea in search of primary rainforest. Here, their belief in global kinship helped forge lifelong bonds with the people of the East Sepik. Together, they fought to protect the virgin rainforest and their friendship ultimately led to the founding of Green Light Trust. This Environmental Education Charity was the first big step that Nigel took towards recognising that he had the ability to make a difference for the better, and it’s this epiphany that laid the groundwork for Outstanding. Global’s inception. It was due to this period of Nigel’s life that he was able to determine each element of leadership with which Outstanding.Global operates today. His experiences and learnings have acted as a cornerstone for his practices, throughout which he not only conquered sustainable operations when founding a new HQ for Green Light Trust, but managed to win The Foundry the RIBA East 2006 Innovation and Sustainability Reward as a direct result of his carbon-neutral approach towards building. Nigel has always been dedicated towards achieving the best for people and the planet as a harmonious unit, and this is clearly showcased throughout his wealth of experience in making our world a better place. Following over 30 years of working within both corporate and NGO sectors, Nigel quickly came to understand his own definition of a leader. His principles have since been explored, tested, challenged, and reinforced along his personal journey, and the result is what we see today in Outstanding.Global. Thanks to his guidance, the collective has managed to strike the perfect balance between effectiveness, humanisation, and versatility. Though times and markets may be changing, Nigel is committed to ensuring that Outstanding.Global remains true to what it believes in, all whilst delivering on its promise of exceptional leadership development. Nigel Hughes truly is a remarkable individual. His unwavering love for being the best version of himself, all whilst assisting others in discovering their potential, is simply astounding to witness in practice. He utilises all of his best qualities to help forge the leaders of tomorrow. He listens, understands, and goes above and beyond for both people and the planet alike. Refusing to back down from a challenge, he’s found himself in a staggeringly influential position, where his kindhearted values are able to truly shine through the people that he supports. We’re very proud to present Nigel with this award title, and we’re beyond excited to see how his unbreakable moral compass continues to invite brilliance into the world. Contact: Nigel Hughes Company: Outstanding.Global Web Address:

CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2023 6 Jun23618 Real Estate CEO of the Year 2023 (Southeast USA): Randy X. Ferreira Founded by its CEO, Randy X. Ferreira , Blue Roc Premier is a fully integrated commercial real estate firm specialising in multifamily properties, completing all facets of business including operations, renovations, accounting, acquisitions, financial modelling, investor relations, and much more. Randy has worked in the real estate and property management industry for more than 30 years, having gained vast experience and gone on to lead his own company with vigor. Following his recent well-deserved success within the Global CEO Excellence Awards 2023, we spoke to Randy to learn more about his extraordinary career and how he has elevated his firm to such exceptional heights. “Our mission first is to always strive to do the right thing for our residents, investors, and our employees, and to source the best multifamily properties containing the highest value-add potential in good market areas.” Blue Roc Premier is proud to be one of the top multifamily real estate management firms in Southeast USA, sourcing and managing multifamily properties throughout Florida, Texas, the Carolinas, Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama. It is a firm that has always created a value-add component in its management process, with a focus on enhancing value for investors, which includes Randy himself alongside other principals at the firm. Blue Roc Premier completes a strategic renovation program and takes each property it operates to another level economically through its management expertise. As a result of the company’s continued efforts and expertise, its current real estate assets under management total in value at upwards of $2 billion. Randy comments, “As an investor in these properties myself, the projected outcomes are carefully tested through market studies and analytics, along with our handson approaches directly in the markets we serve. Our projections are ultra conservative, reinforcing our strategic desire to always under-promise and overachieve on every project we take into our firm.” Passionate and committed to excellence in the property management sector, Blue Roc Premier’s executive team consists of professionals in accounting, marketing and training, leasing, and operational efficiencies. They are a team devoted to delivering one-on-one personal service and building and maintaining strong relationships with their partners, other employees and with a focus on their residents, understanding that resident happiness in the place that they call home is vital and the key to the bottom line in this business. The team’s approach towards what they do is simple. Consisting of a time-tested process and brand. Blue Roc Premier’s methodology is strategic and the same for each and every project it undertakes, “right down to the nuts and bolts” of the upgrades it installs in each of its apartment homes. Also key to the firm’s success is its “back to basics” techniques which lie at the foundation of its business model and strategy. “The old-school techniques of our property management real estate business have weathered the test of time. No matter how technological the processes get, the personal touch approach always produces the best and most consistent success. Our internal techniques are proprietary in nature, but… our training and caring for our people is what’s paramount to our success.” Indeed, devoted to his team, Randy’s leadership and vision casting style has always been consistent, to lead by example, with a loving and caring attitude, while always doing the right thing. Combining this philosophy with having very high expectations of performance from each person within the organization goes hand in hand with his leadership style. As well as having a strong team, Blue Roc Premier finds the industry to have its perks too; the company has been blessed with plenty of opportunities resulting in explosive growth over the last five years. This was primarily due to excellent market conditions. However, it hasn’t all been easy; Randy tells us that keeping up with such fast growth has been challenging. The most difficult part of fast growth is the hard work required to maintain a high quality of service and topnotch performance. The challenges don’t end there, either. Currently, with the increase in interest rates and insurance, and the overall costs of living skyrocketing, the industry is getting more challenging. Randy and the team at Blue Roc Premier don’t let it phase them, though. Randy gives more detail: “This is the beginning of the softness in our markets, and premier property management companies will rise to the top and stand above the rest. Our backto-basics techniques have proven successful when the markets and industry had a downturn in the 2007 era. Now that we are approaching another hiccup in markets, our company and people will rise to the occasion once again.” “Our company is founded and grounded in our faith. We believe with God’s help, if we honor Him in all our business practices and how we treat our residents and the people around us, He will continue to honor our business and all we do.”

CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2023 7 Mar23134 Now, having explored exactly what Blue Roc Premier does and how it has solidified its position within the industry, we’re keen to discover Randy’s own journey to get to where he is in his career today. It all began with an entry-level position at a leasing agent over 30 years ago. Randy tells us more: “Learning the business from the bottom up, allowed me to literally hold every possible management position available in this business. Eventually, I worked closely with executives and investors and the CEOs of three major companies before I ventured in and started my own real estate firm [Blue Roc Premier]. “These past experiences gave me the insight necessary along with the experience and contacts I needed to start my own company. Along the way, I was blessed with an incredible mentor in the business who literally took me under his wing, and with his tutelage, brought me along to a new level of knowledge and expertise.” Having great gratitude for the company he has been blessed with, Blue Roc Premier, Randy’s sights are now set on the future ahead, where the focus is to consistently maintain the size and scope of the business – As well as perform above the market share while leading the industry and market as one of the top Real Estate property management companies the southeast USA. The plan is to round out 2023 with a few additional acquisitions, but what the firm is really preparing for is the myriad of opportunities it feels will be available in 2024 as the multifamily market continues to show signs of softness. Randy’s son and sonin-law are also with him in the business, and his plans for the long-term are generational in nature. He says, “I am hopeful that they will continue the incredible business model we have built into the future. If they maintain the consistency of our business model and always strive to do the right thing, the company will continue to thrive as one of the top real estate firms in the markets we are in.” Ultimately, it’s easy to see how Randy X. Ferreira has come to achieve such success within the Global CEO Excellence Awards 2023. Not only is his experience within the industry extensive, but he uses that experience to fondly mentor his team, clearly a man who cares about his people and also about his residents. He is a strong leader who knows exactly how to weather the storms, expertly sailing his company through the most difficult of times, truly defying the odds, and setting a shining example for the industry. Company: Blue Roc Premier Contact: Randy X. Ferreira Website:

CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2023 8 Most Visionary Digital Insurance CEO 2023 (Europe): Pierangelo Campopiano Smile Insurances (Smile) is the largest direct insurer in Switzerland, offers its private customers in Switzerland and Austria a wide range of digital insurance solutions and will enter the Spanish market by the end of this year. We find out more from the firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Pierangelo Campopiano, as he is notably named in the Global CEO Excellence Awards 2023. riginally established in 1994, Smile Insurances is shaping the digital insurance future and is certainly not afraid to try out new things, that much is clear as we speak to Pierangelo Campopiano, CEO of the company. “That means no detours, no dusty processes, no incomprehensible insurance blah-blah,” he explains. “That’s why we’ve already been called the Netflix of insurance or the Spotify of insurance, plus we have won national and international awards. For our business model, for our technology, and our customer solutions!” Operating in a unique freemium business model and pursuing a Service2Sales strategy, Smile Insurances is always there for customers who know what they want and who appreciate an innovative insurer. Already currently the largest online insurer in Switzerland, Pierangelo tells us that his aim is now to achieve the same market position in Austria. “We took our first steps in the Austrian market last year,” he elaborates. “This year, we will also take the first step in Spain, and other markets will follow.” Pierangelo is a marketdriven leader with more than 20 years’ worth of experience in the financial services sector. He also has a passion for people and innovation, as well as a successful track record of shaping and leading high-performance teams, growing businesses, and fostering excellent working relationships with clients, prospects, and colleagues alike. Highly experienced in developing and executing (digital) strategies and transforming businesses, Pierangelo strives to achieve targets within challenging operational and sales environment through empowering his teams, emotional intelligence, effective communications, and getting things done. Before taking on the role as CEO of Smile Insurance in April 2018, he worked for Zurich Insurance in Switzerland and the US. Always at the customer and market interface, building new business areas and developing new sources of growth and revenue, Pierangelo was able to apply his experience to the transformation of Smile into a digital business model, thanks to his experience in the USA. He has also worked on the direct customer front and sold insurance locally by himself, which has seen him develop a great empathy for customers, something which is of great benefit to the company in the development of its solutions. “Customer centricity is not just a phrase, but the starting point and driver of our actions,” Pierangelo enthuses. “Along the concept of “last best experience”, we always compare ourselves with other consumer brands. This enables us to achieve everyday relevance.” When it comes to the firm’s internal culture, Pierangelo speaks of how he likes to empower employees very quickly, encouraging them to move forward in small steps and not to think in terms of perfect solutions. “In this move, the experience is the most important thing,” he Jun23443 O

CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2023 9 continues. “At Smile Insurances, we are convinced that customers do not buy (and recommend) a product, but an experience.” When it comes to leadership style, Pierangelo likes to be close to his colleagues and it is of the utmost importance to him that they, in turn, feel close and connected to him too. He likes his team to feel comfortable in the Smile Community as this way they are able to draw energy and fulfilment from their work. “I want an environment that thinks big, does what we say, and has fun at work. We communicate very transparently, which I think is very important for a performance culture. You have to know where you stand; it’s the same with athletes. Finally, walk the talk! Nothing beats that!” As previously mentioned, Smile Insurances functions in what is known as a Service2Sales strategy, all based on a freemium business model. This is something that Pierangelo is now focused on scaling into other countries and he has a clear understanding of what he can scale across Europe. He believes this is one of the firm’s key differentiators within the industry. “This model is an interplay between centralised management and decentralised strengths,” he tells us. “Otherwise, we have to continue to drive the services forward and always in a scalable approach, which brings us great advantages in terms of personnel distribution. We are also pushing our lifestyle brand. Although we are an insurance company at heart, we want to be perceived as a digital lifestyle brand.” Pierangelo keeps it no secret that when he came onboard, he had to reinvent Smile Insurances, which meant that he and the team had to look at a lot of things from a new perspective, but without compromising the strong foundation. He also had to get a good mix of staff. On the one hand, he was able to build on many years of good employees, and he also acquired new employees from competitors, as well as from outside the industry, in order to get a great mix together. “In addition, we had to have small successes quickly so that the employees understood that the transformation was possible,” he continues. “At the beginning, I set a few cornerstones, which enabled the employees to orient themselves to them. But they filled the space afterwards. I am very proud of what they have achieved. Very well done, team!” It is increasingly important for future success that Smile Insurances has a unique market positioning. In the flood of information, clients need to know exactly what they can and cannot get from the firm and this is ultimately the breeding ground for profitable growth. “Technological progress is advancing rapidly,” Pierangelo tells us of emerging trends within the industry. “Topics such as artificial intelligence or the metaverse open up new possibilities that must be explored..” Recently, in recognition of his stellar work and spearheading a new future for Smile Insurances, Pierangelo was named Most Visionary Digital Insurance CEO 2023 (Europe) in the Global CEO Excellence Awards 2023. Now, as he looks forward, he is determined to continue to grow the brand cross Europe, all from the strong foundation based in Switzerland. “I want to inspire, enthuse, and develop people,” Pierangelo says passionately. “I want them to look back one day and be proud to have been part of the story at Smile. I also want to say kudos to the whole team in Switzerland, Austria, and Spain. I can be proud of you!” Contact Details Contact: Pierangelo Campopiano Company: Smile Insurances Web Address:

HR Consulting & Training Firm CEO of the Year 2023 (Asia Pacific): Dr Allan Warren Contact: Dr Allan Warren Company: Quality People And Training Solutions Web Address:

CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2023 11 Jul23051 Australian company, Quality People and Training Solutions (QPTS) offers specialised recruitment support and nationally recognised training to its workforce and clients. The company’s CEO, Dr Allan Warren has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the HR sector. Over the years, Allan has honed his own effective leadership style. We chat with him to find out more. With bases in Newcastle, Perth, Port Hedland, and Kalgoorlie, Quality People and Training Solutions assists its clients with a full range of recruitment and training expertise. The company relaunched under the QPTS brand in July 2022 and provides four distinct services: For fixed recruitment, QPTS assists clients with marketing and networking to attract suitable candidates for permanent positions. For those seeking to bring quality international workers into Australia, the company offers customised labour solutions. And for clients who don’t have the budget or appetite to recruit internal HR resources, QPTS offers a full HR outsourcing solution. In addition to its HR expertise, QPTS is a leading private registered training organisation (RTO), offering a range of industry-specific and management training. Before joining QPTS, Dr Allan worked as a National HR Manager for Australia’s largest aqua-farming business. He was also the Chief People Officer for REMA TOP TIP Asia Pacific and has held various HR director roles in local, state, and federal governments. He tells us, “These positions played a crucial role in shaping my journey to this current position. The experience and skills I acquired served as building blocks that readied me to take on the responsibilities and challenges of being CEO. These diverse experiences have been instrumental in the development of my leadership style, decision-making abilities, and strategic vision.” Dr Allan’s experience across a range of industries provided him with insight into developing each organisation’s strengths and addressing their weaknesses. Through the continuous development of his leadership and management skills, Dr Allan has become adept at understanding how to motivate teams, delegate tasks, and handle challenging situations. He says, “By managing different teams and departments, I gained exposure to many organisational functions. That helped me to see the bigger picture and make informed decisions that aligned with each company’s objectives. Today, I’m able to draw on my past experiences in various leadership roles to navigate the complexities of the business landscape. Skills honed in previous positions such as team building, communication, and problem-solving remain critical in fostering a positive and productive work environment.” Dr Allan is particularly passionate about the process of onboarding new clients. He explains, “For me, the best approach to undertaking a new client or project is to begin with a thorough and collaborative discovery phase. Engaging with the client to understand their specific needs, goals, and expectations. It’s essential to ask probing questions, to actively listen, and to conduct in-depth research to gain a comprehensive understanding of the client’s requirements. Establishing clear communication channels and building rapport with the client from the start is crucial to building a trusting and transparent relationship. At QPTS, we want to ensure the outcome meets the needs of everyone involved.” Open, continuous communication, regular check-ins and feedback loops are also an essential part of the QPTS operation, allowing for course correction whenever required. Involving key stakeholders and incorporating their input throughout the process ensures that their perspectives and requirements form part of the final solution. QPTS’ client-centric approach and industry specialisations have led to the company establishing a strong reputation in the recruitment and training sectors. Dr Allan says, “We customise our training and HR solutions to align with the specific requirements of our clients. This ensures we deliver maximum impact and value. We’ve developed strong networks and partnerships with organisations, industry experts, and HR professionals. These relationships lead to referrals, and collaboration opportunities, and allow us to access new markets too.” With a culture of continuous improvement, QPTS puts a strong emphasis on staying abreast of industry trends, incorporating client feedback, and investing in the professional development of its team. Dr Allan tells us, “Our focus is on building long-term relationships with clients. When we deliver consistent value and exceptional service, our clients are more likely to provide referrals. This is a significant contributor to our organic business growth.” But navigating the HR and training landscape is not without its challenges. Global talent shortages mean that there’s more competition than ever before for those individuals with the right set of qualifications and experience. This often results in hiring cycles being much longer for clients with qualified candidates even being poached by competitors at the last minute. Skills gaps are a concern and are becoming wider in sectors where technology is advancing at lightning speed. Dr Allan adds, “Overcoming these challenges requires innovative recruitment methods and targeted training programmes. We leverage technology for remote work and virtual training as far as possible. By ensuring we foster diversity and inclusion, and align HR strategies with business goals we’re helping to create a talented and adaptable workforce.” It takes a talented leader to make sure the team is able to juggle this demanding set of priorities. We ask Dr Allan about his leadership style. He answers, “I blend elements of transformational and servant leadership. This style empowers and inspires employees to perform at their best. Effective communication is paramount. Everyone in my organisation needs to understand our vision and be able to work towards it. I’m a great believer in regular meetings, team huddles, and open-door policies. They promote two-way communication and allow employees to provide feedback and seek clarification.” Leading by example, Dr Allan demonstrates his own commitment to QPTS’ vision through his actions and decisions. Recognising and rewarding team members is also an important part of the culture at QPTS. On receiving his award, Dr Allan says, “I’m honoured to be recognised by the Global CEO Excellence Awards. Although my name is on the award it’s really about the QPTS team, our families, and the supporters who have been on this incredible journey with me. Thanks to everyone who’s offered support along the way and here’s to many more success stories.” Looking to the future, QPTS is set to establish itself as the go-to, solutionsbased, results-driven partner in the HR and training sector. The company’s goal for 2023/24 is to double in size. For further information, or to make an enquiry, please visit the company website. Contact: Dr Allan Warren Company: Quality People and Training Solutions Web Address:

CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2023 12 Jun23618 Most Innovative Social Media Anti-Abuse Application CEO 2023 (Australia): Shane Britten Australia-based company, SocialProtect has a vision to create a better online experience for everyone. The software company has created an app that ensures online conversations are respectful and abuse-free. Headed up by Australian intelligence officer, and counter-terrorism and homeland security expert, Shane Britten, the company’s goal is above all to keep people safe. We chat with Shane to find out more about SocialProtect and the company’s ambitions for the future. Online abuse via social media has become a pervasive cause for concern in today’s digital age. The anonymity afforded by the internet appears to embolden individuals to engage in harmful behaviours, such as cyberbullying, harassment, and hate speech. Beyond the obvious immediate emotional toll on those targeted, online abuse can lead to damaged reputations and long-term mental health issues. With efforts to identify and hold perpetrators accountable often lacking, the need for a more comprehensive solution has never been greater. One company that’s working tirelessly to ensure that its clients are kept safe and out of harm’s way is SocialProtect. Founded in 2021, the company brings together a group of dedicated individuals whose mission is to develop technology and training to facilitate safer online spaces for all. Shane tells us, “SocialProtect offers technical solutions to individuals, businesses, sports teams, and government agencies to automatically, and in realtime, protect their social media posts from racist, sexual, offensive, spam, or scam comments. We do this to enable those people to reach their clients, fans, followers, and the public via social media without fear of abuse or attack. We provide our clients with the tools they need to moderate different platforms without relying on the inconsistent or non-existent moderation tools provided as standard.” Prior to founding SocialProtect, Shane spent almost 12 years working for the Australian government and a further five years working with multinational software firms and security consultancies. In January 2021, Shane founded his first company, AlphaSix Consulting. He explains, “Whilst providing consulting and education services to Australian sports teams, it became clear that our athletes were receiving large amounts of abuse online. Understanding that something needed to change, and drawing on my industry experience, I created SocialProtect.”

CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2023 13 Mar23134 The company takes an empathic approach to all its interactions with clients. Shane says, “We don’t just give a sales pitch and try to make our product fit the needs of our clients. We listen to their problems; we try to understand what they’ve experienced so that we can help. Almost everyone has either experienced or witnessed online abuse of some kind, but we all deal with these situations in different ways. Our engagements with our clients are consultative and partnerdriven. We want to offer the best and most complete solution to address our clients’ problems. This often means fusing a technical solution with education and access to resources to build awareness.” The current focus of SocialProtect is sports teams in Australia and overseas. The company is working hard to ensure its solutions can handle the volume and range of comments that the athletes attract. Enjoying success in this area, the ambitions of the team at SocialProtect extend far beyond the app’s current capabilities. Shane says, “Our real goal is to make SocialProtect available to everyone around the world. It’s only when we all say that ‘enough is enough’ and adopt a unified stance that we can change the behaviour of those who attack, abuse, and humiliate others online. Over the next year, we will be working on a strategy to ensure people from around the world, from all walks of life, and all levels of internet use can access SocialProtect. We’ll also be building in education resources to enable people to keep their knowledge upto-date, be more informed, and better protected.” As the technology industry continues to break boundaries, new threats and problems continue to emerge. Shane explains, “Development forges ahead despite ethical, moral, and safety considerations. Technology will always run ahead of legislation, governance, and, in some instances, morality. It’s up to us as a society to embrace the tools, individuals, businesses, and agencies who are trying to keep us safe online. Generative AI has taken the eSafety landscape by storm, with deepfakes being used to create fake pornography and embarrassing clips. Our data, including vast amounts of personal data about our everyday lives, is being controlled by enormous multinational corporations who care little for anything beyond making a dollar from it.” SocialProtect aims to put the consumer back in control by offering one simple, upfront solution to the many problems facing social media and internet users. But having to rely on those same platforms to provide the company with the APIs it needs to operate without seeking further profit is another matter. Shane says, “The platforms often change access requirements and seek to charge tech start-ups like SocialProtect for this. We want to show people, clients, and nonclients alike that our goal is to protect them online, not to become rich at their expense. We want to be seen as a trusted and dependable brand.” Shane and the team would love to see SocialProtect available to everyone. Part of this initiative is that children and young adults are able to access the tool. As some of the biggest consumers of online material, it’s important that they have the understanding and resources to overcome the challenges they’re sure to face in this increasingly interconnected world. As a father of two himself, Shane is careful to balance his passion for driving SocialProtect’s ambition with his family life. He tells us, “I want my children to know me and to know that they are the most important part of my life. Without my incredible and supportive team, I wouldn’t be able to find that worklife balance. I rely on my team to be smarter, more capable, more effective, and more innovative than I am, and they haven’t disappointed me. They are extraordinary, and watching them grow has been one of the most rewarding and positive experiences of my career.” Looking to the future, Shane plans to continue on his personal development journey by applying for a PhD candidacy. To find out more about SocialProtect, visit the company website. Contact: Shane Britten Company: SocialProtect Web Address

Sustainable Startup Support CEO of the Year 2023 (Germany): Dr. Petruta Tatulescu

CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2023 15 Aug23227 Any startup begins with an innovative idea. Startup founders aim to fill a need within the marketplace and develop a groundbreaking product or service that will be irresistible to customers. For businesses that want to make an impact but don’t know where to start, TIGZ The Technology, Innovation and Startup Centre/ TIGZ Technologie-, Innovations- und Gruendungszentrum GmbH is a hub that supports startups from various industries to grow and reach their full potential. The business, situated near Frankfurt in Germany, is home to start-ups in the city of GinsheimGustavsburg, the Groß-Gerau district and the Rhine-Main metropolitan region. Dr. Petruta Tatulescu shares her mission and ongoing business strategies that continue to shape the landscape of sustainable start-ups. Established in 1998 and boasting a successful 25 year history as a Start Up Hub, TIGZ is led by CEO Dr. Petruta Tatulescu who has been named Sustainable Startup Support CEO of the Year 2023. TIGZ is a start-up hub that promotes the emergence and development of new companies and services, with a focus on sustainability, green technology, and climate neutrality. Currently around 60 start-ups work from the TIGZ building, which is dedicated to sustainable management and climate neutrality. The proportion of companies founded by women in the TIGZ is almost twice as high as the national average at over 38%. CEO Dr. Petruta Tatulescu personally provides consultancy services in the form of start-up consultancy, financial advice, technology consultancy, marketing consultancy, and information services. Her strategic and operational guidance to start-ups and scale-ups offers young companies’ opportunities to network and establish themselves within an ever-growing market. Dr. Petruta Tatulescu successfully planned, designed, and launched the first Accelerator and Incubator for sustainable start-ups: a free 12week intensive program featuring workshops on MVP, business plan, sales and marketing, incorporation law, and much more. The program offers constant support with feedback and a final joint pitch day with Business Angels, investors, and company representatives. Speaking on her vision for future development, Dr. Petruta Tatulescu states, ‘My mission is to continue developing the Hub, and the programs around it, in order to further strengthen the investment, innovation, sustainability, and start-up support in the area and beyond. Interconnecting the startups, investors, corporates, and various other players in the start-up ecosystem is one of my focus areas.’ Born and raised in Romania, Dr. Petruta Tatulescu studied at the Ruprecht Karls University in Heidelberg, where she received her M.A. and her doctorate. She also holds a degree in Strategic Management at the Open Universities of Australia and in Private Equity at Oxford Saïd Business School, UK. Prior to taking over the CEO position in 2021, Dr. Petruta Tatulescu worked as a management consultant and project manager, advising corporates and start-ups on investment, infrastructure change, and sustainability. This experience has enabled her to intensify connections with Investors, Business Angels, Venture Capitalists, and other professionals to help companies launch successfully. With 120 office spaces of varying sizes, meeting rooms and a woodpanelled conference room in a listed building that is over 120 years old, the TIGZ Hub caters to each company’s individual needs and ensures that they receive the support needed for them to thrive. The building has a fibre optic internet connection, and all meeting rooms are fit with state-of-the-art conference technology. Aligning with their pledge of sustainability, there are bicycles to rent for TIGZ tenants and 6 e-charging points in front of the building. Dr. Petruta Tatulescu’s ongoing business strategy focuses on investment, growth, innovation, and sustainability. She places emphasis on sustainable investment as a necessity for all businesses within the start-up and investment world. When asked about changes in the industry, Dr. Petruta Tatulescu shares, ‘The start-up and investment world are bracing for major changes that not only have a global nature, but also local effects on various markets such as the changing interest rates. The only continuity we see is the constant change. The startups and investors that thrive the most are adapting to the constant changes, listening to the pulse of the market and acting accordingly.’ When taking over the role after 2 previous CEOs, who were at the company helm for over 20 years, Dr. Petruta Tatulescu found herself stepping into a place with an established structure. She took time to evaluate TIGZ’s set processes and infrastructure and began to revolutionise, spearheading changes to shape the start-up ecosystem. She set up new initiatives, like the Accelerator Program, to search for innovative and sustainable ideas that would stand the test of time and impact the industry for the better. Dr. Petruta Tatulescu challenged the old ways in a brave display of leadership that paid off with tremendous feedback, allowing the business to reap the rewards of her efforts. Her belief in the importance of investing in your organisation and trusting your team has enabled TIGZ to work towards a shared vision that will drive the company to continued success. By placing trust in her team, the start-ups she advises, and the investors involved in their processes, she nurtures the very landscape that TIGZ itself strives to grow. Looking to the future of TIGZ, Dr. Petruta Tatulescu is motivated that new initiatives and ideas continue to flow. She plans to implement further networks for start-ups and investors so that they might consolidate to the benefit of the regional business eco-system. The business’s supportive culture allows young companies to learn, collaborate and flourish to develop successful and sustainable start-ups. Dr. Petruta Tatulescu’s background, experience and success make her an asset to every endeavour she undertakes and has deservingly earned her the title of Germany’s Sustainable Startup Support CEO of the Year 2023. Contact: Dr. Petruta Tatulescu Company: TIGZ Technologie-, Innovations- und Gruendungszentrum GmbH Web Address:

CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2023 16 Jun23446 Industrial AI CEO of the Year 2023: Dapeng Liu Meet Dr. Dapeng Liu, our Industrial AI CEO of the Year 2023. His pioneering spirit and unwavering dedication to the fusion of artificial intelligence and healthcare have propelled him to the forefront of the industrial AI and robotics sector. In this in-depth exploration, discover the remarkable journey of a visionary leader and the innovative strides of Weiyun AI & Robotics Group (Weiyun) as it revolutionises the medical industry, shaping the future of technology and healthcare. In the fast-paced world of technology and innovation, where the boundaries between science fiction and reality blur with each passing day, leaders emerge who embrace change and shape it. Dr. Dapeng Liu, our Industrial AI CEO of the Year 2023, is undeniably a visionary whose extraordinary journey has propelled him to the forefront of the industrial AI and robotics sector. Weiyun AI & Robotics Group is the result of Dr. Dapeng Liu’s unwavering commitment to industrial AI and its transformative potential. This international industrial AI group specialises in artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine vision, primarily focusing on constructing unmanned factories, cloud services, and ecological networks. The mission of Weiyun is to revolutionise AI applications within the medical industry. At its core, Weiyun has achieved intelligent, unmanned, micron-level delivery of thousands of SKUs, achieving highprecision, high-efficiency, and large-scale flexible production. Dr. Dapeng Liu’s vision for the company was clear from the outset – to bridge the formidable gap between industrial AI and the highly specialised medical field, recognising its immense potential. With over 25 years of technical experience in industrial AI, Dr. Dapeng Liu introduced the innovative “AI Terminal - Cloud Brain - Smart Factory” solution. This groundbreaking approach demonstrated the feasibility and benefits of industrial AI in the medical industry, maximising efficiency, effectiveness, and precision through deep technology integration with AI, robotics, application scenarios, and service networks. Since its inception over a decade ago, Weiyun has forged deep partnerships with more than 20,000 dental clinics, assisting over 100,000 individuals in achieving their confident smiles through a professional telemedical platform for orthodontics. Beyond its global reach, Weiyun boasts branches and R&D centres in over 10 cities, including New York, Vancouver, Singapore, and Shanghai. Its self-developed products span four dental segments: implant, restoration, beauty, and orthodontics, catering to a billion consumers worldwide on their journey to a perfect smile. Dr. Dapeng Liu’s journey to where he is today is rooted in his academic pursuits. During his PhD in Robotics Engineering at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, his fascination with industrial AI and robotics took root. His experiences at Microsoft and Sina further solidified his belief in the transformative power of technology. Inspired by his mentor, Professor Wang Tianmiao, and combining his technological expertise with his management acumen, Dr. Dapeng Liu embarked on his mission to establish Weiyun AI & Robotics Group. Dr. Dapeng Liu’s approach to innovation is underpinned by foresight and careful execution. He emphasises the importance of forwardlooking vision and bold experimentation in a rapidly evolving tech landscape. Recognising the unique challenges posed by the medical field, Dr. Dapeng Liu advocates for cautious, meticulous technological integration. Identifying industry pain points, he believes, is the first step towards success. Weiyun has broken barriers to redefine industrial trends, leveraging its industrial AI strength. It has developed a comprehensive technological ecosystem, including robotic execution, seven-axis micron-level flexible surgical robots, intelligent intra-oral scanners, 3D printing devices, and AI point cloud imaging technology. Dr. Dapeng Liu views the current state of the AI industry with a discerning eye. While AI has made remarkable strides, industrial AI’s potential remains largely untapped. Companies globally have yet to integrate AI into real-world applications seamlessly. He believes the future will prioritise user experience, unlocking the infinite potential for industrial AI. As a founder and CEO, Dr. Dapeng Liu blends persistence and vision. He embraces diverse perspectives within his team, recognising that insightful input often sparks new ideas and innovations. With a global group of industry elites, Weiyun fosters an environment of mutual accomplishment where the company and its members continually grow. In Dr. Dapeng Liu’s view, challenges and opportunities are two sides of the same coin, particularly in the medical industry. The global experience of the COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of medical innovation. AI, as an international focus, is poised to transform healthcare. Weiyun, with its blend of original ideas and technological prowess, stands ready to shape the future of industrial AI. Dr. Dapeng Liu’s future aspirations for Weiyun revolve around developing products that enhance medical experiences. He