Global CEO Excellence Awards 2023

CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2023 21 CEO MONTHLY / Global CEO Excellence Awards 2023 5 remote and flexible working. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this change, with companies recognising that work can be productive outside traditional office spaces. As a result, there’s a growing demand for solutions that support remote working, such as digital collaboration tools, ergonomic home office supplies, and IT equipment. At Office Mix, we’re adapting to this trend by expanding our portfolio to meet these new needs. Another significant development is the increased focus on sustainability. European businesses are showing a greater interest in eco-friendly office supplies and are seeking partners that align with their environmental commitments. In response, we are focusing on offering more sustainable product alternatives and incorporating sustainability into our business operations. One example is a green brand, offering CO2 neutral toner and paper in a circular way, including recycling and a 5-year guarantee. The state of our industry is one of rapid change and evolution. There are significant opportunities for companies that can adapt, innovate, and align with these new trends. At Office Mix, we’re excited about these developments and are actively working to leverage them to better serve our customers and lead the transformation in our industry. We see every challenge as an opportunity to learn, grow, and strengthen our position as a customer-centric, innovative, and sustainable office solutions provider. What challenges have you faced since your time at Office Mix, and how have you overcome them? One of the prominent challenges has been elevating the digital competence of our experienced team members. In our rapidly digitalising world, it is imperative that all our employees are comfortable with digital tools and technologies. To address this, we have adopted modern online learning platforms like Udemy. By creating personalised learning paths, we have empowered our team members to upskill at their own pace, fostering a culture of continuous learning and digital literacy. Another challenge is the rising costs of transport and packaging. To address this, we are considering ecofriendly and cost-effective packaging solutions and are constantly re-evaluating our logistics and supply chain to ensure efficiency. Sustainability and costeffectiveness are not mutually exclusive, and we’re finding ways to achieve both. In my role as CEO, these challenges and opportunities have required me to be adaptable, forward-thinking, and decisive. They have reinforced the importance of fostering a culture of innovation and learning within our company. They have shaped our strategic initiatives and continue to guide our path forward. What does the future look like for you? In 2023, we have several exciting plans and projects in motion. We’re thrilled about our recent partnership with Wagner Bürobedarf, a renowned name in the office supplies industry in Friedberg, Bavaria. Our work with Wagner Bürobedarf will be beginning in earnest, and we’re looking forward to integrating our strengths, learning from their team, and delivering even more value to our customers. We are continuously expanding our eco-friendly product range, given the strong market response and growth potential. As businesses increasingly seek to digitise their offices and make them ‘green’, we aim to be at the forefront of these trends. We will also continue our focus on upskilling and developing our team, leveraging platforms like Udemy for continuous learning. Our people are our greatest asset, and investing in their development is paramount to our success. Finally, sustainability and social responsibility will remain at the heart of our operations. We aim to minimise our environmental footprint and are exploring more eco-friendly packaging and delivery options. The rest of 2023 promises to be an exciting period of growth, learning, and transformation for Office Mix. While we anticipate challenges along the way, we are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and are committed to making the most of them for the benefit of our customers, our team, and our stakeholders. Do you have anything else you would like to add? As we come to the end of this interview, I would like to reflect on one of my favourite quotes from Benjamin Zander, the renowned conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra: “The conductor of an orchestra doesn’t make a sound. He depends, for his power, on his ability to make other people powerful.” This quote encapsulates my role as CEO. It’s my responsibility to empower our team, orchestrate our collective strengths towards our shared vision, and create a symphony of success. I would like to express my deep gratitude to CEO monthly for recognising my efforts at the Global CEO Excellence Awards. This accolade is not just a testament to my leadership, but also a reflection of the relentless hard work, passion, and innovation that every member of the Office Mix team brings to our company. Finally, I’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our customers, partners, and stakeholders for their continued trust and support. I am excited about the future of Office Mix and remain committed to driving our growth, transformation, and success. Thank you. Contact: Oesterle, Alexander Company: Office Mix GmbH Web Address: