Global CEO Excellence Awards 2023

CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2023 22 The Philosophical Backbone: Teamwork and Innovation “Innovation isn’t an option; it’s a survival strategy. But innovation isn’t a oneperson job; it requires a team that shares the same ethos and dedication,” says Sertac. These principles are important at Im-Par, a startup fintech organization employing people with over 20 years of expertise in the financial industry, specializing in payments, integration, and automation services. Echoing his advice to industry aspirants, Sertac adds, “To those aspiring to make a mark in this industry, my advice would be: Stay open to new opportunities, ideas, and perspectives. Be ready to adapt, collaborate, and keep learning. That’s how you’ll leave a lasting impact.” More Than Consultation: A Hands-On Approach Sertac elaborates, “Unlike conventional consulting firms that just offer recommendations, we get our hands dirty. We actively participate in designing and developing customized solutions for our clients.” This holistic approach makes Im-Par distinct, marrying consulting with actual implementation; essentially offering tailormade solutions for financial institutions, primarily banks. The Leadership Lens: Sertac’s Two-Decade Journey Sertac’s leadership philosophy is honed from over 20 years of experience in the financial sector. He’s not just a business leader; he’s a domain expert, particularly in payments. “My journey was never just about leadership roles; it was about understanding the nuances of the financial industry, especially the payments sector.” Sertac leads the company with openness, empowerment, and adaptability. He values input from his team, encourages them to challenge the status quo, and fosters transparency within the organisation. He believes in adapting to change and working collaboratively to achieve the company’s goals. The AI Revolution in Payment Processing Taking inspiration from emerging trends in AI and ML, Sertac is focused on steering Im-Par toward cutting-edge solutions. “AI Most Innovative IT Services CEO 2023 (Germany): Sertac Cetiner In the dynamic landscape of IT services, Sertac Cetiner stands out as a visionary leader and innovator. At the helm of Im-Par, a company celebrated for its pioneering work in Germany, Sertac’s commitment to innovation and clientfocused solutions is defining the future of financial services. We caught up with Sertac to understand his unique approach and his ambitious plans for leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in payment automation. and machine learning are changing the game, especially in payment processing. We’re developing algorithms that not only detect and prevent errors but also offer realtime validation and correction of payment information,” he reveals. Drawing from the insights provided in recent studies, Im-Par is investing heavily in AI-powered systems for payments automation. They’re not just minimizing manual tasks; they’re maximizing efficiency. “Imagine reducing human error to nearly zero and speeding up payment processing by double or even triple the current speed; that’s what we’re aiming for,” Sertac adds. A Future Built on AI and Collaboration The company’s forward-thinking strategy emphasizes delivering maximum value with minimal cost, aligning perfectly with their AI adoption plan. “We’re already integrating machine learning into our systems to automate processes in the Backoffice teams in banks. We see this as an inevitable evolution, considering 67% of industry professionals see AI as the future of banking,” Sertac shares. Upcoming Milestones Im-Par’s immediate focus for 2023 includes conceptual work and module design that leverage AI and ML for payment processing. “By early 2024, we aim to roll out a prototype, and this is just the beginning. Our AI and ML initiatives are a significant part of our roadmap,” says Sertac, giving us a glimpse into the company’s future. “For me, it’s all about delivering value—both to Im-Par and our clients. It’s a mutual relationship of growth and advancement,” concludes Sertac. Final Thoughts With a strong focus on innovation, client satisfaction, and a cutting-edge approach to technology, Sertac Cetiner is not just leading Im-Par; he’s defining what the future of financial services could look like. Given his pioneering approach to incorporating AI and machine learning into payment processing, it’s clear that Im-Par is well-positioned to be an industry leader in the evolving world of financial technology. Jun23597 T Company: Implementation Partners GmbH Name: Sertac Cetiner Email: [email protected] Web Address: