Global CEO Excellence Awards 2023

CEO MONTHLY / GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2023 7 Mar23134 Now, having explored exactly what Blue Roc Premier does and how it has solidified its position within the industry, we’re keen to discover Randy’s own journey to get to where he is in his career today. It all began with an entry-level position at a leasing agent over 30 years ago. Randy tells us more: “Learning the business from the bottom up, allowed me to literally hold every possible management position available in this business. Eventually, I worked closely with executives and investors and the CEOs of three major companies before I ventured in and started my own real estate firm [Blue Roc Premier]. “These past experiences gave me the insight necessary along with the experience and contacts I needed to start my own company. Along the way, I was blessed with an incredible mentor in the business who literally took me under his wing, and with his tutelage, brought me along to a new level of knowledge and expertise.” Having great gratitude for the company he has been blessed with, Blue Roc Premier, Randy’s sights are now set on the future ahead, where the focus is to consistently maintain the size and scope of the business – As well as perform above the market share while leading the industry and market as one of the top Real Estate property management companies the southeast USA. The plan is to round out 2023 with a few additional acquisitions, but what the firm is really preparing for is the myriad of opportunities it feels will be available in 2024 as the multifamily market continues to show signs of softness. Randy’s son and sonin-law are also with him in the business, and his plans for the long-term are generational in nature. He says, “I am hopeful that they will continue the incredible business model we have built into the future. If they maintain the consistency of our business model and always strive to do the right thing, the company will continue to thrive as one of the top real estate firms in the markets we are in.” Ultimately, it’s easy to see how Randy X. Ferreira has come to achieve such success within the Global CEO Excellence Awards 2023. Not only is his experience within the industry extensive, but he uses that experience to fondly mentor his team, clearly a man who cares about his people and also about his residents. He is a strong leader who knows exactly how to weather the storms, expertly sailing his company through the most difficult of times, truly defying the odds, and setting a shining example for the industry. Company: Blue Roc Premier Contact: Randy X. Ferreira Website: