Global CEO Excellence Awards 2024

CEO MONTHLY Ι GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2024 11 Jul23542 Having long since taken the UAE’s elevator and escalator maintenance industry to all new heights, Mitsubishi Elevators is a leading company whose close connection with a strong network of developers, general contractors, facilities managers, and end users underpins its excellence. Whether it’s selling or providing essential maintenance services, the company maintains a resolute focus on safety and reliability through and through, ensuring that customers receive the best products the market has to offer. At the helm is award-winning CEO Jorge Manuel Ramos, whose determination to top the industry’s current standards has defined his role as a leader. Below, we explore how his unique approach to the role has earned Mitsubishi Elevators a position among the greats. Unwaveringly committed to approaching elevator and escalator installation and maintenance from the angle of a capable craftsman, Mitsubishi Elevators is the UAE’s definitive choice for any in dire need of high quality solutions. Both reliable and safe beyond measure, its products have been specifically designed with every party in mind. As a result, it’s become the market’s most pioneering entity to date, represented through its minimal call back rate and glowing testimonials. From start to finish, Mitsubishi Elevators is determined to ensure that clients receive more than just a service – it focuses on cultivating an experience for every person. In doing so, it’s not only become the biggest elevator company in the UAE, but one of the most highly regarded for its sincerity and outstanding customer service. In fact, it’s due to this very nature that Mitsubishi has secured a repeat clientele of 80%, with many favouring its ability to offer support from the initial stages of a project, right through to its conclusion. Specifically, Mitsubishi Elevators assists with essential traffic studies, drawing, and budget prices via its team of dedicated architects, consultants, and designers in a thorough and engaging manner. In essence, it strives to provide the best solution within a customer’s budget, encouraging it to often times connect with clients far in advance in order to ensure they receive exactly what they’re looking for. Securing the best outcome is where Mitsubishi Elevators thrives, and it’s how the company has soared to the market’s number one position. However, to truly understand how Mitsubishi Elevators came to accumulate such an exemplary set of skills, we must turn our attention to the man behind the magic – award-winning CEO Jorge Manuel Ramos. Boasting an extensive tenure in the industry, Jorge initially began his 30 year long venture through the elevator market in Portugal. During this time, he would find himself growing each and every day – first starting out as a field trainee, before rapidly ascending the ranks. Unafraid to onboard additional responsibilities, and eager to pursue his vision for the industry’s future, Jorge would eventually become a candidate for the role of the biggest Mitsubishi branch outside of Japan’s CEO, and it’s here that we find him today. Three years ago, Jorge onboarded the role of CEO, and he has spent his tenure in the position empowering the company with his detailed experience in the realm of elevator work. Fondly defining himself as a ‘pure elevator man’, Jorge has come across a myriad of practises throughout almost every continent, but he has never once lost sight of the human nature of his role. Being a CEO means recognising the mentors that got you to where you are today, and honour the support they provided through a people-centric approach to your responsibilities. Jorge demonstrates this sentiment each and every day, with both his team and his clients alike praising his affinity for prioritising the provision of exceptionality. Stemming from this very leadership style, Jorge has developed his own understanding of how to champion success in tandem with treating those around you with the respect and kindness they deserve. In essence, Jorge breaks his approach down into three specific categories – taking care of the people that keep you in business, taking care of the people that help the ones keeping you in business, and keeping a close eye on the cashflow of the organisation. Based on these principles, Jorge has distinguished himself as a responsive leader who truly understands that others are integral to the growth of a company. Astoundingly, however, Jorge takes this sentiment one step further, emphasising how ‘in Mitsubishi, our people are our biggest asset, and listening to them and their concerns, providing guidance, and making them feel safe when mistakes are made are the principles that allow my team to improve with new ideas, without fearing failure.” Partnered with his ongoing commitment to devising sound strategies and plans that are set to guide the organisation through the next five years, Jorge embodies the very definition of what a leader should be. Honouring his team’s brilliance is a core element of his leadership style, and he’s prepared to go above and beyond to ensure every person’s contributions are known and appreciated. Jorge Manuel Ramos truly is an outstanding CEO who, empowered by the sentiment that both the journey and the destination are outshined only by the companions you bring with you along the way, amplifies the importance of each individual’s input. The material reward and recognition isn’t what matters, and one should instead prioritise bringing a smile to the faces of every individual you meet throughout your ambitious ventures. Jorge believes that these small changes to the typical entrepreneurial mindset are what truly make the difference between a good CEO and a great one, and we can certainly see the results of this methodology through his incredible levels of success. Despite being recognised by CEO Monthly, Jorge has never once lost sight of what matters most to him, and we believe this trait is by far his most admirable. As such, we are pleased to present Jorge Manual Ramos with the title of Elevator Installation & Maintenance CEO of the Year 2024 (UAE). The impact he has had on Mitsubishi Elevators is nothing short of exemplary, and we can’t wait to see how his selfless approach to leadership further manifests throughout the future of his career. Contact: Jorge Manuel Ramos Company: AG MELCO LLC Web Address: en/about/local-middle-east-africa/ locations/emea_middleeastafrica008/ index.html