Global CEO Excellence Awards 2024

CEO MONTHLY Ι GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2024 13 Jul23542 There are six key values at play which serve as cornerstones of Fintech HI.RE and see that its aim of creating lasting partnerships is met. These core values of passion, ownership, respect, integrity, excellence, and work-life balance are, according to Cliff, the foundation upon which this business was built. Present across every interaction it has with clients, partners, and team members alike, these values are not simply plastered on the wall in an office or on the website, they are lived every day and actively incorporated into the business at every level. “We make it a point to reflect on critical moments where we had the choice to either fall short or stand tall in upholding these values”, says Cliff. “This deliberate practise ensures that everyone in our organisation understands our vision and is committed to working towards it.” Even with this approach, things have not always been easy for Cliff and the team at Fintech HI.RE, and from external challenges such as the time it takes employers to move candidates through the stages resulting in the loss of top talent, to difficulties separating talent from existing providers and skyrocketing recruitment fees impacting its margins, adapting to these factors has proven key. These elements sparked innovation and improved efficiency for a company just starting out and set in motion its commitment to personalised talent solutions and building strong relationships with clients. Innovation is something that is also on the cards for the future, with Fintech HI.RE’s immediate ambitions being centred primarily around IT outsourcing. Cliff elaborates: “Research indicates that approximately one-third of the world’s IT services are outsourced, with the global IT outsourcing market projected to reach $481.37 billion by 2025. Over 70% of companies cite cost-cutting through offshore outsourcing as their primary reason, and more than 50% plan to increase their offshore IT outsourcing efforts.” Things are not as easy as they may seem however, and many organisations in this field experience the likes of high drop-off numbers, delays with onboarding, and a lack of transparency surrounding cost. Determined to find a solution that addresses these issues, Fintech HI.RE is in the midst of launching a programme to leverage and establish permanent workforces in both India and South Africa. Complete with transparent and flexible pricing, this initiative assures high standards with a low turnover. More broadly, Cliff shares with us that his specific focus for the future is to continue building a sustainable business that provides this market with authentic value and genuine solutions to its executive and offshore recruitment challenges. “This remains my top priority as I continue to drive the growth and success of our firm”, he says in closing. When it comes to fintech executive searches and IT outsourcing for the fintech industry, the revolutionary personalised talent solutions provided by Fintech HI.RE see exemplary results afforded to clients at every turn. Recognised as the Best FinTech Executive Search CEO 2024, the role that Cliff van Tonder plays in this organisation continues to prove paramount to its success, and we wish this pioneer and his firm all the best as we move towards the end of 2024 and into the bright future that awaits them both, in 2025 and well beyond. Contact Details Contact: Cliff van Tonder Company: Fintech HI.RE Web Address: