Global CEO Excellence Awards 2024

CEO MONTHLY I GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2024 16 Cultural Media CEO of the Year 2024: Edwige Dazogbo dwige Dazogbo was born in Benin, West Africa, and much of her youth was spent travelling and living across several different countries due to her father being a United Nations diplomat. As such, she was, during these formative years, exposed to an abundance of different cultures, igniting a passion for embracing diversity and inclusivity early on. It was also at a young age that Edwige discovered her flair for storytelling, with this fuelled by French literature studies at high school and her creativity being nurtured by her father and teachers. By the age of 17, Edwige’s dream was to become a filmmaker, so, after a move to Jul24099 Edwige Dazogbo is Founder and President of Edgy TV, a multicultural TV channel created especially for North American, Asian, African, West Indies, European, and Middle Eastern audiences to celebrate the diversity of life through glamour, music, fashion, and entertainment. The channel is available on Apple TV, Fire TV, Roku TV, Android TV, and more, with its programmes covering general news, music videos, and fashion, alongside Nollywood, Hollywood, and Bollywood movies, celebrity interviews, reality shows, and even manga anime. Being the brilliant visionary behind Edgy TV with over 20 years’ experience in the media field, we leapt at the opportunity to discover Edwige Dazogbo’s story. E Montreal, she immersed herself in cinematographic studies at university, and found she loved American Film History the most. After a year, the university’s orientation coordinator had recognised Edwige’s talent and recommended she switch to communications and public relations – This meant she found herself at a crossroads. Her desire was to study at a UK private school, but she wasn’t ready to move abroad on her own just yet, thus she made the decision to continue studying at the University of Montreal, before realising how more problem-solving, analytical skills such as finance could benefit her career. Wanting to gain practical experience, Edwige and her friends created a short film entitled “Colors”. From there, she discovered her forte for media management, which soon opened doors to exciting media and television opportunities. At the age of 20, Edwige began her first job in cinema and communications at a film festival, a four-year stint which gave her a deeper understanding of African film representation in the media. She then decided to take her learning further with leadership and management courses, with her now looking to complete a Doctorate in Business Administration in the USA. Edwige celebrates her Beninese heritage, while also identifying as Afro Canadian, and she stands tall as a black entrepreneur who is taking the corporate world by storm. She is paving the way for other immigrants, ensuring equal opportunities for future generations, and is proud to see more people of colour in leadership roles. “As a black business leader, I’m glad every time I see more and more people of colour seeing a high level of success,” she tells us. “But it lacks in the media; this is why I believe we need Edgy TV, as a mirror of our diverse society to show a better inclusive world for the future generations.” “We aim to unite humanity’s cultures to make a difference in our society and contribute to peace.” Indeed, it is the lack of diverse representation in the media that inspired Edwige to establish the unique and original concept of Edgy TV. It all began with the 60-page digital Edgy Magazine back in 2014, which celebrates the lifestyles of professional women aged 20 to 55, covering fashion and different cultures. Edgy didn’t take long to grow into a mini empire comprising 10 magazines, five TV channels, and two radio stations. Notably, during the pandemic, Edgy TV surpassed 10 million views on a UK platform, which reflects its extensive growth and influence. Today, Edgy TV is joined by sister channels, MAMA BENZ TV, which aims to empower African women, and EDGY URBAN,