Global CEO Excellence Awards 2024

CEO MONTHLY Ι GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2024 28 Offering support in commercial operations, quality and regulatory compliance, finance, accounting and IT, human resources, and other functional areas, KTK is a seasoned network of consultants with over 175 years of combined experience within the world of generic pharmaceuticals. With a mission to “provide exceptional Subject Matter Expert (SME) consulting services to the generic pharma community,” KTK is consistently elevating the integral sector. Offering its services at competitive and fair prices to ensure its clients can deliver accessible and affordable medicine to patients, KTK is making sure the future of generic medicine is guaranteed. President and CEO Paul Krauthauser tells us, “The business in essence, is helping pharma clients with issues they cannot solve on their own. At KTK we look to achieve these goals through our grassroot business model. We look to leverage the network of consultants in order to gain momentum.” This, in turn, supports both pharmaceutical manufacturers and their customers from the creation of the generic drug right through to its use. The generic pharmaceutical sector is a core contributor to the health of the masses. However, those involved in manufacturing generic drugs and their customers may face challenges when conducting business, due to the requirements set by branded drugs. KTK Pharma Solutions (KTK) works to combat the issues faced within the industry, making more room for success and reducing stress for its clients. Here we learn more about KTK and its President and CEO Paul Krauthauser as he is named in our Global CEO Excellence Awards 2024. Always listening to its clients’ specific and unique needs, KTK then has the background needed “to assign the appropriate SME based on the need and where they are specialised.” Paul continues, “From there a consultant will tailor a specific solution to meet client needs at an affordable rate.” By delivering stellar services to its clients, at a rate which they can afford, KTK is inevitably aiding the generic pharma industry – pursuing excellence and supporting innovative companies throughout their journeys. In addition, KTK’s consultants also have experience in many realms of business even outside of the pharmaceutical industry – strengthening each industry it touches. Paul’s experience in various leadership roles within the generic pharmaceutical industry has propelled him forward in his success. He comments, “I have learned through trial and error many different angles of attacking issues which have helped improve my leadership capabilities and eventually helped me become a CEO. Some traits I adopted from previous employment included a team-based approach, empowering employees, mentoring others as well as being open to new ideas.” Paul’s leadership style contributes to his overall success within his career, with his colleagues using terms such as “motivating, collaborative, empowering, mentor, and selfless” to describe his approach. By utilizing his experience from previous roles, leading by example, and by levelling with his colleagues, he is nurturing the relationships he has built over time. Promoting affordability and accessibility in both pharmaceutical consulting and the generic pharmaceutical industry, KTK remains “focused on improving upon talent acquisition as well as dedicating more time as a collective on effectively closing more deals and attracting more clients.” The future looks fantastic for KTK as Paul leads his team of consultants to success – not only for the benefit of the business, but also for the greater good of generic drug manufacturers, their customers, and the patients who rely on them. Paul’s contribution to his industry is truly noteworthy, which is the reason we awarded him with Generic Pharma CEO of the Year 2024 (USA) in our Global CEO Excellence Awards 2024. We’re sure his lengthy experience will carry him far. After receiving his award Paul enthused, “I am deeply honored and thankful to receive the Generic Pharma CEO of the year award from such a prestigious publication as CEO Monthly. I am far more thankful to have this platform to serve as a stage to showcase the persistent pursuit of excellence, accomplishments and unwavering devotion our team has displayed to improve the pharmaceutical industry. I sincerely value our team’s deep-rooted devotion to providing accessible and affordable solutions to our client base.” Contact: Paul Krauthauser Company: KTK Pharma Solutions, LLC Web Address: Generic Pharma CEO of the Year 2024 (USA): Paul Krauthauser