Global CEO Excellence Awards 2024

CEO MONTHLY Ι GLOBAL CEO EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2024 7 t the heart of Bofil d.o.o. is a mission to transform sheet metal with a signature distinction, setting the gold standard in the medium-light carpentry production industry in the process. Quality and innovation are cornerstones of this operation, and so too are employee safety and broader environmental sustainability. Leveraging the values of integrity, strong ethics, and keen mutual respect, the team here go the extra mile for their customers, suppliers, and fellow employees, traversing this challenging market with grace and a suite of pioneering solutions. Despite having only been founded three years ago, Bofil has already positioned itself as a trustworthy business that not only appeals to customers and suppliers, but also to those in search of a great place to work. On the back of this, the company has a robust vision in place for 2028, by which time it aims to be both a European leader in sheet metal processing and a business recognised for its ability to expertly engage with stakeholders. Beyond this, Bofil also strives to be celebrated as proactive contributor to sustainability in this sphere. Steps are being taken to achieve this vision by its people across the board, but none are more passionate about seeing the company realise its full potential than CEO Antonio De Vasconcelos. Having began his career more than three decades ago as a mechanical engineer, Antonio has always been fascinated by solving complex problems with precision and innovation. In co-founding Bofil, it was Antonio’s end goal to apply similar excellence and rigour to the field of metal fabrication, offering high quality with cost-effective manufacturing. Having dedicated years to his craft, meticulously studied this industry, and nurtured his innate ability to spot opportunity in the face of adversity, Antonio’s day-to-day CEO duties see him draw on this expertise to lead the company with a clear and strategic vision. A key element of this is building lasting relationships with clients and partners, strong connections which are formed on the basis of collaboration, trust, and transparency – just some of Bofil’s defining characteristics. From undertaking a thorough analysis of a client’s requirements and expectations in a project’s initial phases, to ensuring that careful planning and open dialogue is standard throughout, Bofil is able to guarantee a final result that is incredibly Most Dedicated Precision & Efficiency Sustainability CEO 2024 (Eastern Europe): Antonio De Vasconcelos Bofil d.o.o. Antonio De Vasconcelos is the CEO of Bofil d.o.o., a company that is part of the Italian industrial group Boschetti Armando and renowned for its expertise concerning metal sheet processing. Founded in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2022, this company serves like-minded and industry-leading businesses, many of which are based in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland). These discerning organisations choose Bofil because they seek a reliable, specialist partner that can give them the quality, capacity, flexibility, and support that they need, all whilst being kind to the planet and reasonably priced. impressive and exceeds expectations at every level. This is why, at its core, Bofil d.o.o. is a company distinguished thanks to its ability to turn customer needs into highquality metal solutions for European industry, solutions that use efficient production processes and eco-friendly materials no less. Operating in an industry that plays host to near-constant transformation makes upholding these incredibly high standards challenging, but Antonio and the team are more than up to the task. As the sector goes through its most recent transition phase, spurred on by the likes of broader technological evolution, a shortage of skilled labour, and geopolitical tensions, Antonio’s leadership style serves as the constant in an otherwise dynamic industry setting. Like the wider company itself, Antonio himself prides collaboration and transparency. “I firmly believe that effective leadership is not just about making decisions but also about creating an environment where every team member feels involved and valued”, says Antonio. To ensure that this is the case, steps are taken to guarantee that everyone understands the company’s vision and is able to work proactively towards fulfilling it. Training and skills development are then both invested in heavily, so that this team may remain at the forefront of innovation and suitably equipped to serve the needs of clients and the wider community. Having already expanded successfully into a challenging market, Bofil’s future aspirations are ambitious and yet grounded. From exploring opportunities in new markets to doubling down on its sustainability initiatives, this Bosnia sheet metal processing company is continuing to adapt and evolve. Antonio himself remains equally driven to developing both the company and his own managerial skills, and this prestigious award reflects his ongoing dedication to stellar Bosnia metal fabrication for the DACH region and beyond. A Contact: Antonio De Vasconcelos Company: Bofil d.o.o. Web Address: