CEO Monthly Issue 1 2018
CEO MONTHLY / ISSUE 1 2018 7 Test Automation That Works g the possibility to take a break by playing a round of ping-pong, table football, pool or darts. “Ensuring that everybody gets on well with each other, we all eat lunch together, and this is provided by our company every day in our large conference room. Additionally, we regularly go out for a company dinner. Alongside having a relaxed environment, we also ensure that everyone can concentrate well at work. For this reason, we never have more than two people sharing an office.” Furthermore, Reginald believes that an open office is counterproductive, and he is aware that his employees work better in a quiet office, and they find this much more enjoyable. Listening to his staff and putting certain methods in place are key aspects in the success of Reginald as CEO, and he states that he wants his staff to approach him confidently, meaning that he can quickly deal with any issues or challenges which may arise. “Finally, I try to be always available for any problems and complaints to ensure that if there is an issue, we can find a solution soon instead of allowing an issue to become a big problem.” Reginald is excited to have been selected as 2017 CEO of the Year in Germany, and of course feels honoured. This is a recognition of his achievements as CEO, and he shares with us what advice he would give to someone looking to make a success similar to his own. “Regarding my success, we started the company because we saw a challenge for which there was no solution. This is something we continued and now we listen to our users and try to find solutions which really help. By following that approach, success will just happen. Success is nothing one can plan for.” Moving forward, Reginald predicts exciting times ahead for froglogic. He tells us that the market will change and continue to be volatile, but the team will adapt accordingly, particularly when it comes to Artificial Intelligence, leading to a brighter future for froglogic thanks to the extensive research procedures it already has in place. “Looking ahead, our market is certainly changing very quickly and it is very important to recognise and adapt to changes. Currently, there is a lot of hype about A.I. in our market and how it can be applied to test automation. This will lead to big changes of how test automation will be done in the future and which role test tools will play. “Ultimately, it is important to understand the real impact and challenges. Nevertheless, one also needs to differentiate hype from real value. We, as a company have started our research on this topic a while ago and will have our first A.I. powered testing products available in 2018. It will be very exciting to see how the market will react to this and how the competitive landscape will change.” Company: froglogic Contact: Reginald Stadlbauer Address: froglogic GmbH, Gasstr 18 Haus 1, Hamburg, 22761, Germany Phone: 0049 4078897137 Website: Website: Website:
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