Issue 10 2024

CEO MONTHLY / ISSUE 10 2024 11 and regular information meetings to share company goals, achievements, and new strategies. In this approach, all employees feel a part of each project and are motivated to produce their best work. “Innovation is the engine that drives us towards new goals and allows us to remain competitive in an ever-changing market,” says Ulisse. “We strongly believe in teamwork and collaboration. We promote a stimulating work environment, where ideas are shared, and challenges are faced together.” In such a fast-paced world, Ulisse encounters numerous challenges and often must make decisions in a short time frame. He reflects that it is important to have a strong and reliable team that can support their CEO in difficult times and situations. He has successfully cultivated such a team in Asendia Italy, driven by the belief that transforming challenges into opportunities is the best result one can achieve. With challenges come many new opportunities, and Ulisse notes that he has been presented with numerous during his time with Asendia Italy. The company allows Ulisse the freedom to explore any kind of logistics business, which has given him the opportunity to close new deals with important multinational companies. “In these last ten years,” he says, “I have led the company to achieve important results in terms of business development, customer retention, process optimisation, and the improvement of the internal climate and corporate image through an important change management process.” The logistics and supply chain management sector, like many others, is subject to continuous evolution and new challenges. One of the main challenges currently facing Asendia Italy is the rapidly increasing demand for international shipping services, particularly within the ecommerce sector. To meet this need, the company has developed e-PAQ 360 by Asendia Italy, an integrated solution that covers the entire logistics process, from the storage of goods, preparation and processing of orders to the final delivery. Because of this solution, and the introduction of automation in its warehouses, the company can handle increasing volumes of shipments whilst maintaining fast delivery times and competitive costs. Another challenge is environmental sustainability. Ulisse tells us that the company is aware of its impact on the environment and is actively working to reduce its CO2 emissions. As of 2022, Asendia Group is 100% carbon neutral and offsetting all emissions caused by its international transport worldwide, including that of its partners. Additionally, the company offsets emissions from parcel returns, its buildings, machinery, and business travels, investing in projects that promote renewable energy to do so. Asendia Italy successfully demonstrates its commitment to promoting environmental sustainability through taking concrete actions within the workplace. Such actions include adopting low energy consumption equipment, implementing strict policies to reduce the use of plastic, and encouraging customers to use sustainable packaging. These adjustments are effective steps on the journey to carbon neutrality and are a testament to the company’s dedication to the planet. As for the future, Ulisse tells us that Asendia has recently set a new five-year strategy, based on the five pillars of global network development, customer base expansion, innovation and product evolution, technological advancement, and strengthening the range of solutions offered. The company is seeking continual improvement on its journey to success, and with an industry mogul such as Ulisse spearheading the operation, it will not achieve anything less. In regard to his own career, Ulisse tells us of his plans to build upon his own success. “I will be listening to the market’s evolution, learning from others and developing the business as much as possible,” he says. “In addition to thinking outside of the box. This is the only way I know to improve my professional journey.” Already regarded as an esteemed individual within the industry, we have no doubt that Ulisse will certainly hone his craft even further. Ulisse displays an unwavering commitment to the prosperity of both his team and the company, a commitment that has deservedly earned him the title of the Most Influential CEO 2024 in eCommerce and Mail Delivery Solutions. We at CEO Monthly would like to congratulate Ulisse on his achievement, and eagerly anticipate future developments from this pioneering leader. Contact: Ulisse Albertazzi Company: Asendia Italy S.r.I Web Address: https://www.