Issue 10 2024

CEO MONTHLY / ISSUE 10 2024 14 USEYA Corporation is at the very forefront of extended reality (XR) technology. The term may be unfamiliar to some, who may instead know of virtual, mixed, or augmented reality. Simply put, “extended reality” encompasses all of these concepts, including AI technology and a focus on IoT solutions. It represents an entire spectrum of cutting-edge solutions which promise a more convenient world, never before seen access to information, and greater connectivity. Across the wearable, smartphone application, website production markets and more, USEYA Corporation is making an indelible mark with its functional, attractive user interface designs and extended reality application. With over a decade of industry experience and renowned CEO Osamu Oji at its helm, the company is a beacon of technical expertise and an undisputed leader in its space. “In 2014, we began operating USEYA ADVANCED INDUSTRY, a one-of-a-kind facility that enables remote digital fabrication through XR technology. This facility not only meets the needs for inclusivity and accessibility but also address key social issues.” While its innovations are the best in complex extended reality solutions, USEYA’s process is simple. Clients are invited to meet with the company and discuss their unique needs. Then, the team puts forth its design proposal and develops a bespoke system, encouraging clients to provide feedback for tweaks and re-designs. Its software solutions are suitable for a vast range of products across wearable, drone technology, web development, and beyond. With included after-service maintenance, clients enjoy an end-to-end solution with the utmost support to match USEYA’s XR expertise. Under Osamu, the company is run with a sharp focus on meaningful work which Extending Reality one Innovation at a Time Extended Reality is a riveting wave of the future. With practically limitless applications, it represents a truly innovative step in modern technology, and it is thanks to such industry forces as USEYA Corporation that the world is seeing strides towards groundbreaking day to day XR products. Here, we speak with CEO Osamu Oji and find out what makes him to uniquely suited to lead his company into the future and what earnt him Most Influential CEO 2024 – Japan (Smart Glasses). will directly contribute to society. Having begun his career in 2002 as a system engineer for a software development company, he went freelance in 2005, and this honed is understanding of the software development market’s heavy demands. In turn, Osamu’s mental fortitude improved, and he became used to seeing projects through to their completion. “In September of 2008, I founded USEYA CO. Ltd. with no money and no connections but plenty of determination. From 2012 onwards, I became fascinated with cloud services and smart glasses applications, which eventually led me to explore XR technologies. What began as a playful curiosity turned into a business venture.” His focus is on maintaining a close-knit, mutually supportive team and on ensuring each of its members feels valued. “They are talented engineers, designers, and creators,” he says, “but above all, they are my partners and in many ways are like family to me.” Osamu aims to lead by example in all he does and challenge one another and engage in friendly teasing. “To this day, we still compete with one another, and I feel genuinely frustrated when I lose – it’s all in good fun.” Thanks in large part to Osamu’s leadership, the team shares a strong creative vision and a passion for innovation. Despite its size, the internal culture of friendly competition and open communication has driven USEYA Corporation to achieve innovations beyond its scope, continually evolving to better the market with ever more groundbreaking software. Over the next year, the company intends to consolidate its branding and expand its presence both throughout Japan and internationally. Osamu proudly states, “our team possesses both the technical expertise and strong convictions needed to create groundbreaking and exciting outcomes.” As the company grows, it also aims to leverage its cutting edge offering to solve more social issues. With a particular focus on smart glasses and other extended reality products as tools for accessibility and inclusivity. Its expertise is key to advancing technology’s usability among those who are currently out of the loop, empowering those who need technology most with solutions they can use. USEYA is an example of true technological innovation. Between its broad offering, visionary leadership, and a clear vision for the future, the company is set to revolutionise the way consumers see and interact with technology. With forward-thinking teams like Osamu’s, the future shines that much brighter, which is why he was the obvious choice for Most Influential CEO 2024 – Japan (Smart Glasses). B Contact: Osamu Oji Company: USEYA Corporation Web Address: Email: [email protected] Telephone: +81-6-6577-8444