CEO Monthly Issue 11 2018
12 CEO MONTHLY / ISSUE 11 2018 , Environcom is the largest independent WEEE recycling company in the UK. In October, Cris Stephenson, Environcom’s CEO, was named in CEOMonthly’s 2018 Global CEO Excellence Awards programme with the title of Electronics Recycling CEO of the Year in the UK. We spoke to Cris to find out more about Environcom’s crucial role in driving sustainability in the UK. Striving for Success in the Recycling Sector Sustainability is on the rise and environmental considerations are, for the moment at least, in vogue. As companies the world over adapt to a growing demand for a ‘green culture’ and make considerable efforts to reduce their carbon footprint, the UK’s recycling industry remains fraught with poor practices and an unenviable reputation when it comes to health and safety standards. Established in December of 2003, Environcom was originally created to recycle Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), but – since Cris has taken the reigns- they’ve grown beyond that framework to be the primary drivers of innovation in a sector so in need of disruption and change. Cris Stephenson joined Environcom in late 2015 tasked with the duty of reviving a company on the cusp of failure, with the prospect of facing challenges on multiple fronts: “The recycling industry, and the WEEE industry in particular, is one of the most heavily regulated industries in Europe. The task facing me was multifaceted in terms of, not only turning the business around economically, but also changing the culture of the employees, all under increasing scrutiny from the regulators after years of failing to comply blamed on the lack of money in a very dangerous industry.” By all regards, dramatic transformations were needed, swiftly. Cris continues, taking a moment to detail his approach to revitalising Environcom from the ground up: “The turnaround of the business has taken 2 years, with the business posting positive results for 2017, achieving the highest accreditation from the British Safety Council for its operating sites (5 stars) and gained the BSC international safety award – the only recycling business in 2017 to do so. We’ve also received a clean bill of health from UK regulatory authorities. Ultimately, this has been achieved by introducing a new pricing scheme that insulates Environcom from the huge vagaries within the commodity market. Equally, changing the culture of the business into a safety-first approach with the mantra “everyone goes home safely” and the ethos to “do it right first time” is so much better than taking short cuts that eventually lead to more costs and customer issues later on, be that related to sales, operations, maintenance, health and safety and administration. ” Today the firm’s mission is to capitalise on their new position as pace-setters in the WEEE industry. “Environcom have a mission to do the right thing with WEEE so it doesn’t cost the earth, and doing the right thing, at the end of the day, goes beyond simple recycling – our commitment to reduce the amount of WEEE being recycled means we adopt the waste hierarchy across all of our operations.” “Our first priority it to re-use items that are fit for purpose. We have an amazing team of engineers who test and approve products for re-distribution into the market. This includes fridges, washing machines, televisions, tumble dryers, dishwashers and freezers etc., and involves harvesting for parts, or using those spares to repair other machines. This is virtually unique within the WEEE recycling industry. When it comes to reducing waste, we strive to divert 100% of waste received from landfill by re- using and recycling. Finally, in regard to recycling, we have two fridge plants that ensure all the dangerous gases and oils are removed correctly along with other recycling machinery. At the end of the day, Environcom offers a reliable, fully compliant and cost-effective service to suit any requirements, whether it be for the collection of one item, an articulated vehicle load or regular collections/deliveries into one of our sites.” Finally, the conversation turns to the future of the waste industry as Cris shares his thoughts on the challenges – and opportunities- facing the sector. “The waste GCE18050 industry as a whole faces a great future as environmental considerations take centre-stage, both publicly and politically. Where the fastest growing waste stream is WEEE. Most WEEE waste streams are classified as hazardous waste and contain many different and dangerous metals and chemicals. These need to be dealt with in environmentally sound plants, and not left to be carelessly recycled by large African waste sites, causing harm on a huge scale and poisoning local inhabitants. The waste industry is still comparatively young, and I believe there are plenty of businesses in need of measured professional leadership, because as so often is the case with new industries, they are started by well-meaning and enthusiastic people who may be lacking the required skills to develop their businesses into solid reliable companies.” Contact: Cris Stephenson, CEO Address: Spittlegate Level, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 7UH, United Kingdom Website: Telephone: 01476 564942
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