Issue 12 2021

CEO MONTHLY / ISSUE 12 2021 11 , Oct21127 The Historical Organisation Teaching Modern Business its New Tricks Roffey Park Institute, a UK based educational charity that provides a blend of digital and face- to-face learning underpinned by 75 years of research and practice, provides business education for individuals, teams, and organisations, focused on developing sustainable, healthy work cultures. From leadership and management development, organisational development and HR, executive team coaching, change and resilience, and organisational learning, Roffey Park Institute has continued to work with and enable its clients during a huge international crisis. After all, during its founding, the world was handling the tail end of World War 2. Fundamentally, this saw its first few years being focused on working with returning war veterans and civilian factory workers and had to assimilate themselves once again into a normal, peaceful working world. Roffey Park became the centre of excellence in helping these people manage and overcome PTSD and stress, enabling them to lead successful, active working lives, emboldened by the constant support of Roffey Park Institute and its outstanding staff. The empathy, sensitivity, and client-first mentality that was developed in those early years has remained central to the values of the organisation and Led by the ‘CEO of the Year, 2021’ – Dr Robert Coles – Roffey Park Institute benefits fromhis huge width and breadth of experience, as well as his ability to create a plan, fine-tune it with the input of the community, and commit fully to it. Having been the CEO that is pulling the Institute through the tumult of Covid-19, he has proven his diligence and professional acumen inmeeting the challenges presented to himand is excited to welcome more clients in through the Institute’s doors in the future to continue providing expert business education. in the 1980s, it used this beating heart to fuel its transition into a management school that develops leaders, managers, teams, and organisations to find better ways of working together in a changing, dynamic world. It accomplishes this through its suite of executive education offering, including short courses, tailored programmes, and post-graduate mid-career post- graduate qualifications, as well as OD consulting services. Moreover, being an educational charity, it is one of the last WW2 executive skills schools that still remains entirely independent, working with clients from the UK, Europe, and Asia, as well as the wider Asia-Pacific region. With offices in Ireland and Singapore, it takes pride in being able to respond to client needs and priorities quickly and effectively, whether working virtually, digitally or in person at its beautiful international campus both close to London and in beautiful rural peace. With clients across a myriad of sectors and scales, its programmes have aided individual students, corporations, mid-size organisations, charities, and social organisations to change and grow. Attracting students from all over the world to its varied and incredibly well- designed curriculum, Roffey Park Institute is often a client or learner’s stepping-stone towards reaching their next big milestone. Describing itself as the Institute that educates and develops the 98% of leaders and managers that business school don’t cater for, it has a learning approach that priorities impact, results, and best practice. Over 75 years, Roffey Park has grown and developed as an organisation with the help of its loyal clients and dedicated staff alike; each of them have responded well to the transformation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, coming out the other side with hugely enhanced collaboration skills, curiosity, and flexibility. Because of this commitment to change, and despite the higher education sector being one of the worst hit by the pandemic, it was able to successfully pivot rapidly to a virtual classrooms approach, building new learning for the new world of work that everyone was facing. Dedicated to continuing to lean into this digital revolution and embrace the world’s movement towards digital transformation with all its opportunities, it is led by exemplary CEO Dr Robert Coles and the love of teamwork that he has fostered throughout his ‘portfolio career’. In the past, Coles has worked in theatre, retail, insurance, consulting, audit & accounting, executive education, and OD, and led organisations big and small in order to curate his depth and breadth of knowledge in organisational health. He seeks to encourage a everyone’s commitment to their personal and professional growth and to the growth of their organisations, working with pride to keep Roffey Park Institute’s illustrious past as part of the core of the modern institute. Facing the new world of work and work skills, ‘the world needs an independent voice,’ Coles told us, ‘a personal, sustainable approach to executive education. We want to be that choice.’ Company: Roffey Park Institute Contact: Janice McBrown Website: Roffey Park Institute