Issue 12 2022

CEO MONTHLY / ISSUE 12 2022 27 Winners’ Listings Education Services CEO of the Year 2022 - West Midlands Brian Cape Sips Education Ltd Education Administration ProgramCEO of the Year 2022 - UK Reece Turner The Speakup Challenge Reece Turner is the Founder and CEO of The SPEAKup Challenge, an education company that provides remarkable learning experiences to professional coaches across Europe. CEO of the Year, 2022 - Dhaka, Bangladesh Rabeth Khan MACOMM CEO of the Year, 2022 - Wiltshire, the United Kingdom Tom Weston In-House Research Ltd CEO of the Year, 2022 - Melbourne, Australia Kyriakos Gold Just Gold Digital Agency CEO of the Year, 2022 - Madrid, Spain Alberto Rodriguez Driza Alberto co-founded Driza in 2020 and led the company to triple-digitgrowth two years in a row. Driza specializes in digital consultancy with a focus on data analytics and growth. Apart from his job leading Driza, Alberto also invests and acts as an advisor in a bunch of startups in the tech and leisure fields. CEO of the Year 2022 - Goiás, Brazil Fabricio Faria Pontta Tecnologia Sistema de Gestão especializado no segmento de móveis. CEO of the Year 2022 - Bahia, Brazil Eduardo Fiuza Lobo QRPoint