CEO Monthly Issue 4 2018
CEO MONTHLY / ISSUE 4 2018 5 , On the 4th April, the DAS Group of Com- panies, a division of Omnicom Group Inc., announced the strengthening of its highly spe- cialised marketing services of- fering through its Specialty Mar- keting Group. This new Practice Area addresses both the growing demand for highly specialised marketing services and the need to integrate those services seam- lessly into clients’ marketing ef- forts around the world. Building upon Omnicom’s core strategies for growth, Omnicom Specialty Marketing Group is fo- cused on strengthening new busi- ness development efforts, ensur- ing our client teams consist of the best talent to address our client’s needs, creating more career op- portunities for our people, sharing expertise across management teams and better targeting inter- nal investments. Stacey Hightow- er, who as CEO is responsible for the overall growth of the group, will lead the Practice Area. Omnicom Specialty Marketing Group encompasses a portfolio of industry-leading companies in field marketing, sales support, merchandising and point of sale, consulting for not-for-profit or- ganisations and other specialised marketing and custom communi- cations services. All agencies will continue to operate as independ- ent brands and businesses within the Practice Area. “Since joining DAS, Stacey has demonstrated strong strategic and operational leadership,” said Dale Adams, CEO, DAS Group of Companies. “While working with a group of agencies with different capabilities, Stacey has been able to connect client demand with dis- tinct customised service offerings, driving growth for our clients and our businesses. I have every confidence that he will continue to do the same in his new role.” Hightower joined DAS in Septem- ber 2014 as Chief Operating Of- ficer of Group E. Hightower was instrumental in the creation of ONE HUNDRED, the first multi-discipli- nary, integrated marketing solutions agency for purpose-driven corpora- tions and non-profit organisations. “While the agencies have different capabilities, we share a common desire to become trusted advisors who are continually providing dy- namic business solutions to our clients in a rapidly evolving mar- ketplace,” said Hightower. “In that regard, our uniqueness and our diverse capabilities represent our true strength and differentiation. That’s what makes me excited about the opportunity to serve as CEO of Omnicom Specialty Mar- keting Group.” Securitize, a cloud based platform that enables clients to is- sue security tokens, announced on the 4th April 2018 that, after suc- cessfully concluding the first clos- ing of tokenized ICO fund SPiCE VC using the Securitize platform, Carlos Domingo, will become the first CEO of Securitize. In his new role, Domingo will continue to promote Securitize’s capabilities with respect to providing services related to Security Token Offering (STO), so that companies, asset holders, or funds (hedge, venture capital or private equity) can ben- efit from democratised access to raising funds and capital. Carlos will also remain as GP and mem- ber of the investment committee of SPiCE VC. Securitize offers a flexible and robust back-end platform that seeks to facilitate investments in STOs by various types of poten- tial investors and is of the view that STOs have the potential to enable greater liquidity and scale of the offering for an issuer. “Digitised securities are a para- digm shift in economics because it impacts nearly every type of ownership – we believe it is a multi-trillion dollar market,” said Domingo. “It’s a tremendous opportunity to lead an amazing Securitize team through this fast-moving and incredibly dy- namic business environment. It’s now my sole focus to ensure the Securitize team has what they need to disrupt, redefine and democratise access to capital.” “Security tokens are rapidly transforming equity and the capital markets, because they afford the owner the most direct and liquid economic interest in a company. They also expedite the delivery of proceeds for inves- tors,” said Jamie Finn, president of Securitize. “Securitize has taken off very quickly since we launched earlier this year. We be- lieve that the Securitize platform has facilitated more STOs than anyone providing similar servic- es, which necessitates dedicated leadership and Carlos’ full focus. We are honoured to have Carlos step into the CEO role.” DAS Group Forms Specialty Marketing Practice Area, Stacey Hightower Named CEO In this new role, Domingo, will lead the company strategic vision and a fast-growing team of 20 people. He also is active in the following companies and organisations: • Founder and managing partner of SPiCE VC, which developed Securitize and was the platform’s first cus- tomer • Investor and board member of Albora Technologies, a start-up developing next-generation navigation technologies for autonomous vehicles, UAVs and drones • Entrepreneur-in-residence for Techstars, a consortium of experts, mentors, alumni, investors, community lead- ers, and corporate partners • Founding member of Dubai Angel Investors • Founder, Sling Ventures, his personal angel-investment vehicle for start-ups in Spain • Venture Partner, Telegraph Hill Capital (THCAP), a VC firm backing technology entrepreneurs primarily in the U.S., Canada and Europe A serial technology entrepreneur, Domingo has held various C-lev- el positions at companies includ- ing, du, Etihad Etisalat (Mobily), Telefonica R&D, Telefonica Digital, TokBox, Wayra, and Celartem Inc. (and its divisions Extensis and LizardTech). Domingo holds a master’s in computer science from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, a bach- elor’s and PhD in computer sci- ence from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona and executive studies from Stanford University’s School of Business. TheDASGroupof Companies, a division ofOmnicomGroup Inc., announced the strengthening of its highly specialised marketing services offering through its SpecialtyMarketingGroup.
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