CEO Monthly Issue 6 2018

CEO MONTHLY / ISSUE 6 2018 11 A Visionary in the Field of Pharmaceuticals g as breatherite™, a revolutionary smartphone app that uses augmented reality and 3D facial mapping technology to address errors in inhaler use among Asthma sufferers. Driving public-private sector collaboration is also major priority for us. For example, I believe the problem of infectious diseases that we have will not go away. Southeast Asia is a hotbed for these viruses because there are almost 600 million people and the effects of rapid urbanization is the proximity to animals and deforestation. To address this, a multi- pronged approach is required. Philanthropic, civil societies, academics, government should all work together. There must be a common agenda. National objectives and private sector incentives must align. Unlocking the private sector will be transformational in fighting infectious diseases. I’m particularly proud of our new BETADINE ® R&D and manufacturing facility that we’ve built in Singapore, which will officially open later in 2018. It will be highly automated – one of the most technologically advanced facilities of its kind in the world. Two-thirds of the world’s population live in the emerging world and a large proportion of that is in Asia. We wanted to have a hub close to the market that would need it the most. If you look at pandemics, epidemic or infectious diseases in the last 15 years, most of them were either born in, or imported to the emerging world. Being in Singapore gives us an amazing opportunity to be closer to the people who need the medication the most, and to help develop treatments that are relevant to them. To find out more: