Issue 8 2024

CEO MONTHLY / ISSUE 8 2023 12 A perfect storm is brewing in the cybersecurity sector where an increase in cyber threats is compounded by a major skills shortage and lack of women representation. Cyberattacks can shut down infrastructure, close businesses, drain bank accounts, and more. Protecting systems and data from sophisticated hackers has never been so important, and the value of the global cybersecurity market is predicted to reach an eyepopping £340 billion in 2030. Despite the industry’s apparent wealth, a worrying dearth of cybersecurity professionals, especially women, currently exists. A mere 24% of the global cybersecurity workforce are women. From recruitment challenges to the gender pay gap, cybersecurity services provider, ramsac, is exploring reasons for the glaring absence of women in cybersecurity, and why solving this problem could go a long way to plugging the skills gap and improving diversity. Gender Bias Towards Men Discrimination against women – both conscious and unconscious – appears rife in the cybersecurity industry in 2024. Studies have found that 51% of females who work in cybersecurity have experienced some form of gender discrimination compared to just 15% of men. These figures further prove how deep-rooted discrimination towards women is in cybersecurity, and why it’s likely to be off-putting for females considering a career in the industry. Gender Pay Differences Alongside the cybersecurity skills gaps is a significant gender pay gap where male cybersecurity workers are paid more than their female counterparts. In fact, the latest figures reveal that in the technology and cybersecurity industry, a staggering 91.1% of companies with 250 or more employees pay their male workers more than their female staff for performing the same job. This makes the tech industry one of the worst offenders when it comes to delivering equal pay, with the gender pay gap standing at 16%, much higher than the UK national average of 11.6%. Absence of Female Role Models The apparent lack of women in cybersecurity perpetuates the general view of it being a maledominated sector and a bit of a ‘boys’ club.’ With just onein-four cybersecurity workers being female, opportunities for women in this growing tech space have been limited – despite the continued growth of the global digital landscape. With only a small number of female figureheads to aspire to in cybersecurity, the perception of it being an industry mostly for men will continue until attitudes change. Recruitment Challenges Recruitment teams have been guilty of taking a narrow view when it comes to filling roles in cybersecurity. What does this mean? That recruiters only look for male candidates whose skills and technical experience exactly match those of the current workforce. This myopic approach and reluctance to hire women who require training – despite the general cybersecurity skills shortage – denies women the opportunity to learn new skills and launch a career in the field. How Can the Cybersecurity Industry Encourage More Women to Join? Develop More Cybersecurity Apprenticeships Apprenticeships are a great way to bolster an industry’s workforce, and the same is true of women in cybersecurity. Schemes like the UK Government’s cybersecurity qualification offer a significant starting wage that rises when candidates secure a permanent job. Not only do apprenticeships help to create a diverse pool of talent within the sector, but they also give women greater opportunities to gain practical experience within a working environment and learn the essential skills they’ll need for a future in cybersecurity. Deliver Equal Pay for Women As mentioned, the tech industry is notorious for paying women employees less than males. However, a recent survey of UK cybersecurity workers revealed that salaries for females in technology are increasing and that the gender pay gap is slowly narrowing. This suggests tech employers are working hard to bridge the gender pay gap by introducing standards for determining salary structures based on experience, relevant skills, and performance across all roles. Work Closely with Schools The UK Government is determined to engage with schools and support girls considering a career in cybersecurity. For example, more than 12,500 girls across the UK recently entered the National Cyber Security Centre’s 2023/24 CyberFirst Girls Competition which aims to encourage those aged 12-13 years to pursue an interest in technology and cybersecurity. An incredible 3,608 teams from more than 750 schools across England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland were involved, and the competition continues to grow each year. As you can see, the gender skills gap remains a serious problem in the tech and cybersecurity industry, with a lack of female workers and pay inequality among two of the biggest challenges facing employers. However, governments and cybersecurity companies realise they are missing a trick by excluding women from the cybersecurity workforce, and that female tech employees can provide an obvious solution for filling the skills shortages while making cybersecurity an inclusive space for everyone. Thoughts on this matter. Commenting on this, Rob May, the Executive Chair of ramsac – the secure choice, said “In the face of a burgeoning cybersecurity crisis, the underrepresentation of women in this sector is not just a missed opportunity—it’s a pressing challenge we must address. We are working in an era where cybersecurity threats loom larger and more complex, it’s clear that diversifying our talent pool is more than a matter of fairness—it’s a strategic imperative. By actively recruiting, retaining, and promoting women within the cybersecurity field, we’re not just closing the gender gap; we’re opening a gateway to enhanced innovation, perspective, and resilience in protecting our digital worlds. Diversity by every measure will result in diversity of thought and that is a brilliant tool for any of us in the cybersecurity industry. As industry leaders we all need to champion change and create a cybersecurity workforce that is as diverse as the challenges we face.” Breaking Barriers: Bridging the Cybersecurity Gender Skill Gap