Leading With Kindness Is Better For Business - Featured Image | CEO Monthly

Leading With Kindness Is Better For Business

Nice guys always finish last. Not true, says Joanna Knight OBE, Group CEO of Moneypenny, the UK’s leading provider of outsourced communications, a company consistently recognized as a Great Place to Work.

This statement applies to business, love, life, sport, so many things. Just because it is a well-known saying; does it actually mean that it is true? For me, it isn’t, especially in the business world.

Some would say that as a leader, you can’t always be nice, sometimes you have tough decisions to make and sometimes you are not going to be liked. They don’t have to like you; they have to respect you. Rubbish. Nice leaders do exist. And nice leaders can finish first.

Sometimes you need to be the good guy and sometimes you need to be the bad guy. However, you can always lead with kindness. In a short-term, Wolf of Wall Street world those who are not concerned with anyone else will win. They will get there quicker through cheating, manipulation and using people because they won’t need them again. And, because people are generally nice themselves, they will probably get away with it. In the short-term.

In the long-term, however, you need reputation, relationships and trust. And if you want people to trust you, you need to treat them well. It’s not a short-term strategy but it is an extremely powerful one and it is a sustainable one.

Leadership takes on many forms and definitions but there is always room for the nice guy. It doesn’t mean that you are a pushover, and it is not a weakness. Here are some traits a kind leader express:


Nice guys think about how their people want to work, what motivates them and what inspires them. They focus on who the individual is and how they can help them to become the best that they can be. They acknowledge that people have a life outside of the office, other responsibilities and embrace them as a whole. They create a safe environment for their people to excel. And when they see that you care for them, they will go the extra mile for you.

Happy people make the world go round. And in focusing on people, you are showing that you understand them, that you empathise with them and that you value them. Compassion is a key trait for any leader. Productivity will fluctuate and things will go wrong. (Sometimes the best lessons are learned from mistakes.) But instead of pointing the finger of blame, find out why and ask how you can help. It is about empowering your people and taking a step back, creating a sense of responsibility and trust. It is about looking after your people physically and mentally, making work a place people actually want to go.

Open and authentic

No one is perfect. Holding your hands up and owning a mistake is just as important as the communicating and congratulating your people for their successes. In doing so you are being authentic and open, you are demonstrating strength, courage, and respect.

Nice guys lead with openness and authenticity. They do not know everything. That is why they employ awesome people. They understand, listen, and hear. They praise a good job and give credit where credit is due. And in doing so they show that they value their people and give them more confidence and connection to the role that they own.

Being open and honest in any organisation is important.  As a leader you should be able to share how you are feeling and how things are going clearly and without fear. It is about being clear about what you know, what you are planning and what it means for people, in a way that your audience will understand.

Walk the talk

Do what you say you are going to do. Don’t say one thing and do another. Or have one rule for one and another one for everyone else. Nice guys lead with purpose, they live and breathe the talk and in doing so, their people respect them, and trust them more. There is always room to be kind. It does not have to replace anything in your leadership toolbox, simply add value to what you already have there.

Nice guys don’t finish last. By leading with kindness, they elevate their team, establishing a robust and sustainable business model ready to tackle the challenges of a constantly changing business environment.

Joanna Knight
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