Marketing Resume – Best Practices For Your Company - Featured Image | CEO Monthly

Marketing Resume – Best Practices For Your Company

Marketing is a large and exciting field that has been evolving and growing a lot these days. Whether you are in digital marketing, brand marketing, copywriting, or any other marketing career, you are constantly engaged with many new and emerging trends in marketing. Marketing skills are the skills that will enable any marketing professional to excel in his or her field.

As we all know, a resume is the most important thing in every field. But when it comes to marketing, your resume is not just the first point of contact with your employer; it is typically your first work sample that has been presented to your employer. Because when you are applying for any job opportunity, you are marketing yourself. So, if you want to land a marketing job, make sure your resume immediately stands out to the hiring manager. Moving ahead, in this article, we will be explaining to you how you can write an impressive marketing resume with some marketing skills that should be part of your resume too.

How to Write a Marketing Resume

So, if you are a marketing professional and are looking for some up-gradations in your role, you can apply for new jobs. And for applying for new jobs, you need to update your resume, so below are some tips that have been shared by the hiring managers only to create an impressive marketing resume:

To make things easy to understand for the hiring manager and let him view only your highlights, make sure to use a resume maker. Proper use of colour and font makes it stand out of the box.

You should know your target audience because you know who is going to read your resume and what is important to them. So, that makes it quite easier for you to enhance and shape your resume accordingly.

Mention some of the unique characteristics, skills, and experience in the resume that can make you different from the rest of the marketing professionals.

Most importantly, your resume should have a skill sets section, where you can highlight the marketing skills you possess. So, before applying for the job, do check out the marketing skills they need.

Many companies these days have been using automated keyword filtering to go through resumes quickly. So while applying for any job, go through the job description properly and look for some relevant keywords, then use the same in your resume.

Do not complicate the statements or experiences shared in your resume, because a confused mind will always say “No.” Unless you are applying for a senior position, make sure your resume stands out within just 1 or 2 pages.

Your resume is never going to tell the whole story about you, so make sure you write a cover letter for your resume.

Make sure you add statistics and figures in your resume because many hiring managers are looking for hard evidence of your strong performance in previous organizations. So, look back at the work you have done in the past and use that to quantify your success in your resume.

When it comes to your education section, just keep it simple, because 95% of the hiring managers do not care about your academics. They just want to know about your experience in real-life working scenarios.

List of marketing skills

By reading the above, you would be thinking about what marketing skills should be mentioned in your resume. So below are some hard and soft skills that should be incorporated into your resume to make you succeed:

Soft skills

  • Communication
  • Creative thinking
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Time management
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Creativity
  • Public speaking
  • Storytelling
  • Critical thinking
  • Email marketing skills

Hard skills

  • Mobile advertising
  • Data Analytics
  • Designing and Layout
  • Advertising on social media
  • Data Science
  • Coding skills
  • Content management systems
  • Search engine optimization
  • Audio and video content


You already have that inbuilt talent inside you for good communication and a solid understanding of what people need to hear or read or what they will just buy. So the best part is that you just need to apply this same knowledge when creating your resume so that you can easily stand out from the other marketing professionals. Along with the above-mentioned tips, you will be able to write an enhanced marketing resume to get confirmed high-paying jobs.

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