Most Influential CEO, 2021 – the USA - Featured Image | CEO Monthly

Most Influential CEO, 2021 – the USA

Alpha-G is fusing generation Alpha and artificial intelligence to form exemplary AI and augmented reality products. Lead by an ambitious and tenacious guiding hand in CEO Sergio Emanuel Cusmai, this company is quickly and efficiently blazing its own trail to the top.

A company specialising in ‘turning virtual into real’, Alpha-G is a company working in augmented and virtual reality solutions with realistic looks for a variety of industries. With clients across a wide cross-section of sectors, its work can be found in telemedicine, education, culture, tourism, and more, and its AI solutions go way beyond chatbots. Furthermore, its telecommunications and teleworking have revolutionised the ‘innovation culture’ of its client’s companies in a world that is becoming increasingly digital. Headed up by leading mind Sergio Emanuel Cusmai, Alpha-G has been the result of years of learning how to lead effectively, and the time and effort he has invested in these skills shows in Alpha-G’s operation from the bottom to the top.

When Sergio first started his career in leadership, he found delegation difficult. For many in leadership positions this is something they can empathise with; when one cares about something deeply, they find it hard to let it go. However, it was a skill that required his attention, and so he honed it carefully, to make Alpha-G a company that works by people being able to delegate work as required, getting the right eyes on the right tasks. Sergio tried many different formulas when crafting the correct one for Alpha-G to use, working with experts and a huge team of developers, setting goals and rewards for good work, and taking feedback in order to adapt to criticism – all of this has resulted in the excellent company that now exists. Sergio champions the idea that to succeed, a person must be given the opportunity to fail and grow from that failure.

Since its humble beginnings in 2019, Alpha-G has come a long way; and still has many more goals that it yet wishes to accomplish under the leadership of Sergio. However, its achievements up to this point should also be celebrated. Working with augmented reality, virtual reality, natural language processing, and ambient data, it developed its Augmented Presence product, its third and most distinctive landmark breakthrough. This is a streaming service that is facilitated by AR – it allows a projection of an individual to be streamed as though they were standing in the room with a client, such as a salesperson, perhaps with a product the client is interested in. This product was successfully tested when a rock band used it to ‘visit’ two lucky fans who won a competition.

It wishes to be an effective business tool to share what it knows, and to help this technology become far more widely accessible, believing that it has numerous and broad applications that have yet to be realised. This begins with its clients. Alpha-G’s clientele are global leaders and often come to it prompted by word of mouth referrals. Due to this, it is currently upgrading its marketing, all staff working tirelessly to push Alpha-G to greater success. With an open culture and holding the principle of curiosity at its heart, the internal environment is exemplary; this allows them to do the best work, even in the crucible of challenge that was Covid-19.

Its staff facilitated Alpha-G’s elegant pivot to telemedicine, taking it to a new level by applying its augmented reality services to the solutions it provided with this pivot, and dedicated to being the company to help companies recover their bottom line by use of its technologies. Sergio is honoured to be surrounded by people who are so motivated and continually prove their work with each project. Moving forward into the rest of the decade, Alpha-G cannot disclose its upcoming work at this time, but Sergio will be working hard to keep his finger on the pulse of his market’s needs to adapt accordingly.

For more information, please contact Sergio Emanuel or visit

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