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Power to the People!

Established by female entrepreneur, Arjodita Mustali, Vigàn Group (Vigàn) represents a group of outsourcing companies based in Albania. We speak to Arjodita to find out more about her passion for her country and empowering the people who live there, as she is named in the CEO of the Year Awards 2022.

Arjodita Mustali has created several platforms for the emancipation of the Albanian youth and society in order to develop the national capacities of the state. The services offered by Arjodita to improve this situation are multifaceted, but what can be considered as a breakthrough innovation is the promotion of young people towards technological initiatives, start-ups, and orientation towards the BPO industry in Albania.

One of these platforms is Vigàn Group – a fast-growing consulting business development company headquartered in Tirana, which provides strategic giving for complex projects through cultural innovation and social innovation.

Established as result of all the intensive hard work and collected experience from talented and passionate people, the group has launched several businesses in and outside the country of Albania, creating jobs and equal opportunities for all people.

Vigàn Group aims to promote the country at a national and international level by including Albania in the most prestigious world business circles. It has its primary activity operating in Albania, with subsidiaries in Balkan Region Kosovo and branches in the USA, Switzerland, Africa, and Tanzania.

“Vigàn Group has changed the business mentality and mindset in Albania, by being forward thinking and innovative and applying the best worldwide business models,” explains Arjodita, the firm’s CEO and Co-Founder. “Our secret is trusting and nurturing the human potential while acknowledging it as our most treasured talent paves the road to a healthy company mindset. Persisting on our core values, such as resilience, innovation, customer loyalty, and integrity supports the growth of this mentality from company-centred to culturally accepted.”

Vigàn’s primary competence is strategic giving that helps its partners design and implement complex projects with impact. Through cultural innovation and social innovation, two different approaches mixed together, Vigàn Group consults the process of design and implementation of the projects or programmes that its partners are looking for.

“Vigàn thinks in the future and designs with results in mind,” continues Arjodita. “The word “vigàn” was chosen based on the idea of ​​being big and powerful, like a giant. We aim to make any partner feel like a part of the group.”

As well as establishing and running Vigàn Group, Arjodita is one of the first entrepreneurs who has a concrete impact on the growth of new start-up business initiatives, new technologies, and the development of the BPO industry in Albania.

As a serial entrepreneur, business coach and developer, start-up mentor, public speaker, and co-author, Arjodita has mostly mentored young people in a continuous professional cycle in the fields of sales, management, brokering, and leadership, enabling the successful realisation of the 23 start-ups developing their business in Albania and abroad.

“My motto is that success comes as a result of passion and determination to stay true to one’s beliefs and dreams,” she elaborates. “As a company, we follow the idea that we want to make any partner feel like a part of us. We like to consider our clients as our extended family.”

Elaborating on the role that she plays, at Vigàn Group in particular, Arjodita tells us that she is a huge advocate of empowering entrepreneurs, women, and youth in making more self-conscious choices that not only benefit them professionally, but also the industry, the economy, and the country, leading by example.

Arjodita is the author of the “The Female Leaders of Tomorrow” a biographical piece, which conveys a message to youth about personal growth and motivation to achieve set goals. She is also in the process of publishing a series of books in business development and entrepreneurship.

This is in addition to being the CEO and Co-Founder of Vigàn Investment, a holding company that invests in businesses and start-ups, providing services and solutions in the business services industry. Since 2020, Arjodita is the President of ABLS Albania, representing Albanian businesses that operate in BPO, R&D, ITO, and Shared Services, and has been contributing to the business services industry for more than 14 years, focusing mostly on technology and innovation.

As a company that is constantly in the process of improving itself and the services it provides, Vigàn Group is always looking for the latest innovative strategies to apply, and continues evolving and growing to bring the best for the team and the clients. This is something which is reflected in Arjodita’s approach to personal growth and development, too.

“I am in constant need to change and develop myself, as well as my environment and my business, workplace, the environment that surrounds me, and my team,” she enthuses. “I strongly believe that creating a healthy and happy place for all will make an enormous impact on the outcome results for our partners and clients as well.”

Obviously, the world changed a lot during the Covid-19 pandemic and, of course, it affected businesses all over the world, as well. Arjodita comments on how it changed her mindset on how to collaborate and build the future.

“At that time, we realised that our society is so fragile but, at the same time, we came out stronger as we defeated that world crisis,” she says, passionately. “It made me deeply understand that human interaction is irreplaceable and the job trend is changing, fast going towards digitisation in every business field.”

Recently, as recognition for her commitment, dedication, and hard work, Arjodita was named CEO of the Year 2022 – Tirana, Albania in the CEO of the Year Awards. She is extremely grateful and humbled to have received such a prestigious accolade.

Looking to a post-Covid future, Arjodita has great plans ahead which she wishes to execute.

“My real passion is to be a motivational speaker and a business coach,” she shares. “I find an immense pleasure when I help people in many aspects to find their way, to achieve their personal and professional goals, to understand themselves and what they would like to do with their future. Of course my field is specialised in business coaching but life is so much more that they can effectuate each other.”

For business enquiries, contact Arjodita Mustali from Vigan Group on their website – https://vigangroup.com/

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