Loop Juices Inc.
Best Sustainable Food Manufacturer CEO 2020: Julie Poitras-Saulnier
Award for Excellence in Food Waster Reduction 2020
Award for Excellence in Food Waster Reduction 2020
<p>LOOP Mission is a circular economy company that aims to reduce food waste by repurposing the outcasts of the food industry. We save discarded perfectly imperfect fruits and veggies and transform them into awesome cold-pressed juices and smoothies. We also reuse our own waste, which is fiber and pulp from juicing to make vegan dog treats and pizza crusts. We also have a line of beers made with day-old bread from bakeries, soaps recycling oil from a vegan fast food waste and gin that upcycles potato cuttings from a potato chips company. That&#8217;s right, what we offer is more than unique and clean-label products, it&#8217;s a way to transform trash into treasure.</p>