ThinkingNode Life Science, Inc.

Khai Minh Pham

Most Influential CEO 2023 - California (Drug R&D)
Award logo for winner - Most Influential CEO Awards
About ThinkingNode Life Science, Inc.
Dr. Pham, MD & PhD (AI) - Magna Cum Laude at Sorbonne, has been in the AI field for 25+ years. Few have worked on unifying AI approaches integrating Machine Learning, Reasoning AI, and Distributed AI. His 1st AI gen has been used in his 1st AI company that has been acquired for $637M. Now, (TNL), his 2nd AI company uses his 2nd AI gen (Generative Distributed Reasoning AI) for drug R&D to generate digital human cell clones. TNL exec team was involved in $10+B total exits.

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