
Lea Esterhuizen

Most Influential CEO 2024 - Netherlands (Supply Chain Solutions)
Dr. Lea Esterhuizen, founder and CEO of &Wider, has been recognised as an influential CEO for her groundbreaking work in human rights along supply chains. With 30 years of experience, she established &Wider in 2014. &Wider’s data platform now monitors human rights impacts across 67 countries and 13 sectors. They have worked with over 650 companies and intend to work with many others, given the new legislative requirements coming into effect across the EU. &Wider’s innovative approach combines direct data from workers, offering brands actionable insights to improve working conditions for the most vulnerable. Under her leadership, &Wider has become a pivotal force in enhancing transparency and accountability in global supply chains, ensuring producers, farmers, and brands can drive real, material improvements in workers' lives. The company’s broader vision of improving lives starting with better data, will also shortly be extended into other domains beyond global supply chains, so watch this space.