Writing a Good Business Management Thesis for Future Career - Featured Image | CEO Monthly

Writing a Good Business Management Thesis for Future Career

A thesis on business management is the final work of a bachelor’s or master’s student. It reflects the author’s ability to develop theoretical/practical solutions to business management problems and improve existing business mechanisms in various directions.

The essence of business management is the timely identification of problems in managing socio-economic systems and organizations. The researcher’s task is to conduct a deep, objective analysis of the content of the problem and identify ways to solve it. If they don’t know how to do it right, it is better to turn to the thesis writing service – fast and quality help is guaranteed. A professional writer who works there can help you write any part of a thesis.

Goals and objectives of the thesis in business management

A thesis in business management demonstrates a graduate’s professional training level and their ability to conduct independent scientific research and competently solve assigned problems. What is required from a student when writing a thesis in business management?

  • Conducting theoretical research on a reasoned substantiation of an existing scientific idea and the essence of the process/phenomenon being studied.
  • A comprehensive analysis of the origin of the control mechanism and its functional characteristics.
  • Justification of the chosen research methodology in the context of the characteristics of the research subject, as well as typical trends associated with the pattern of development based on the available data.
  • Development of reasoned and workable theoretical proposals to improve/eliminate a pressing problem in the field of business management.

How to choose an object and subject for a business management thesis

To simplify the definition of the object/subject of business management research, you should familiarize yourself with their main examples.

Options for research objects

Any object in business management is a type of self-developing system that quickly responds to changes in the external environment’s structure. Such a reaction leads to the system dramatically changing its thinking strategy, the behavior of working personnel, the set goals, and the structure of divisions.

Note. The effectiveness of external factors’ influence is directly affected by the degree of sophistication of the working business management mechanisms, the system’s susceptibility to rapid changes (its openness), and the state of the internal environment.

What can become the object of research?

  1. Associations of organizations (trade unions, associations, concerns, industrial and financial groups) and their work/functioning patterns.
  2. Study of the organizational and legal forms of different organizations or their divisions (including personnel).

Subject of study

In a scientific thesis on business management, the subject of research is the solution of emerging problems of business management relations in the functioning and development of selected systems.

How to write a thesis in business management: a step-by-step guide

Writing a thesis in business management comes down to 6 main steps:

  • Selection of a relevant research topic in accordance with the approved list
  • Appointment of a scientific supervisor
  • Drawing up a work plan for the thesis research
  • Formatting the structure of the future document
  • Submitting a thesis for review
  • Preparation for defense of a thesis in business management.

Choosing a topic for a thesis in business management

A graduate has the right to independently choose the topic of their thesis in business management based on the list of topics approved by the graduating department. In some cases, a student can submit their version of a topic not related to the list for approval. The main requirements for such topics are compliance with the author’s specialty and belonging to the list of priority department research areas. List of examples of relevant topics that allow you to write a high-quality paper quickly:

  1. Company competitiveness and social business responsibility
  2. Basics of business modeling for sustainable growth of the selected enterprise
  3. Analysis of consumers of the selected trade segment
  4. Business planning in the development of management systems in the industry
  5. Description of international factors influencing personnel management (company name).

Choosing a scientific supervisor

The scientific supervisor of a graduate in the specialty “Business Management” can be a specialist from an educational organization with an academic degree of “PhD,” “Doctor of Science,” and practical experience in the process of writing theses. Scientific consultations on issues related to writing a thesis in business management begin no later than two calendar weeks from the date of appointment of a supervisor for the project.

Drawing up and organizing a plan for further work on the thesis

The student, together with the project supervisor, draws up a plan for working on the thesis. What will the process of working on the paper look like?

  • The author of the work is obliged to visit the supervisor several times a month and inform them about the progress of the work done.
  • The student, paired with a supervisor, undertakes to prepare a recommended list of literary sources relevant to the topic of the thesis in business management, a template for the future structure of the document, the purpose/objectives of the upcoming work, a description of the theoretical, methodological and empirical basis of the research.
  • The final result of work on the thesis is presented for review. A special commission checks the document, after which a verdict is announced on the advisability of issuing admission to further defense of the work.

Preparing and formatting the structure of a thesis

A thesis in business management consists of seven main structural elements: title page, content (table of contents), introduction, main part (with chapters, sections, subsections, paragraphs), conclusion, bibliography, and appendices (if necessary).

Submitting your work for review

Reviewing a thesis in business management is a prerequisite for obtaining admission to defense. The document is sent to a third-party specialist for review no later than ten days before the official defense procedure.

Preparing to defend a thesis

Before the date of the defense of the thesis in business management, the author of the work presents to the management of the department copies of the thesis research, prepares a report with a speech for the defense, and prints out visual materials on the topic.

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